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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Agreed. There is nothing to say that a transvestite wants to BE a woman or have sex with other men. They might just like wearing female clothes. It's ironic though, in a world where many women apparently want to dress in men's clothing ( pants ), that's regarded as "normal" but when a man wants to dress like a woman, he has to be labelled as being different.
  2. Apparently it's all the fault of those evil Hamas types, as israelis are all wonderful human beings, love peace and would never steal other people's land and oppress them. It must be Hamas that is blowing up all those houses with children in them.
  3. Agreed. IMO the only reason they haven't killed many thousands more is because the result of more hostage deaths would cause even more israeli demonstrations against netanyahu. If Hamas hands them over without a guaranteed ceasefire, the israelis will not hold back after. They have plenty of bombs thanks to Biden, the colluder in chief.
  4. The israeli apologists never, to my knowledge, admit that israel is illegally occupying land that isn't theirs, and oppress the lawful owners of the land, which is a main cause, IMO, of the Palestinian resistance to illegal occupation and collective punishment. Any sensible person knows that oppression begets resistance. If the israeli apologists want to know why Palestinians are attacking israelis, they only have to look at what israel is doing and has been doing since 1948.
  5. I think I saved a life when I got divorced and no longer lived with my wife, and that life wasn't mine. The opposite of love is said to be hate, and that is the truth.
  6. I found that if I thought about a problem I could never fix it by thinking about it, but if I talked to someone else I found a solution myself. There is something about sharing a problem that is invaluable. I'm willing to bet that every guy that went postal had no one to confide in.
  7. I hated being in Saudi so much that my last year I never went to bed- just lay on the couch and watched tv between work days. I also spent all my money getting out on holidays to Thailand, so I figured there was no point in being there, and I left. The only thing I missed was the huge pay cheque. It was easy to pick people that had been there too long- they picked fights with everyone, myself included. It was well known too, as they told us about it on orientation when we arrived first time.
  8. Yup, those solicitors didn't get their reputation by being honest. They probably have an office party after muggins gives them a whole heap of loot to evade the law. Top of my list of people not to trust would be lawyers/ solicitors, and second is Thai wives.
  9. I worry that it's a fad that won't pass. There is too much money in it for the 1% to let it go, so we will end up with an inferior product, rather like when VHS wiped out Beta, which is a better tape system.
  10. 555555555555555 Where I lived I could buy petrol from a shop with a 44 gallon drum and a hand operated pump. The truck that delivered the petrol to fill the 44 gallon drums didn't use electricity either.
  11. I don't call them "unsuspecting". I call them stupid. Spending megabucks and don't even do basic research; what else are they other than stupid? I've known for almost as long as I visited LOS that we can't own land- PERIOD.
  12. There are always crims trying to profit from the gullibility of fellow humans, and there are always idiots that think there are ways to work around Thai law regarding land ownership. I wonder how many are idiots that got conned by the little ( Thai ) woman to buy her a house as well as getting conned by the crims that prey on them.
  13. Haulage trucks have lots of space for batteries, but tractors do not, and most of the world's food is produced with the use of tractors. Likewise bulldozers and I'll hazard a guess but we will never see a battery powered MBT or armoured car.
  14. My last car was over 30 years old. A pox on car makers that can't make cars that last as long as that.
  15. IMO the Thai electrical infrastructure will not support a large number of EVs.
  16. Never say never. We have no idea what the next battery technology will look like. My antipathy to EVs isn't that they are electric, but because they are too expensive, the battery life means there will be no second hand market to provide cheap cars, they take to long to "refuel" when on a long road trip, there are no power points off road, and they are too polluting to make and break.
  17. Just wait till the big electricity shut down happens and all those with electric cars can't go anywhere.
  18. IMO wrong. Computerised cars, whether ICE or electric need a specialised diagnostic set up and that tells the mechanic what needs replacing. I doubt mechanics actually "fix" anything now, but are just part changers. The days of mechanics "diagnosing" defects, other than on non computerised parts eg brake pads, are going going ............ I asked the best mechanic I ever knew how he fixed a computerised car and his answer was "I don't". It just gets plugged into the diagnostic machine. The days of boys fixing their cars in the backyard are going if not gone. IMO it's a shame and just another reason why I hate modern life, that I can't even fix my own car anymore.
  19. Are you for real? Do you actually think a human male has a large enough penis to get into a mare? Whatever he was doing, it wasn't raping the horses.
  20. I see the TDS has arrived even on a thread about horse molesting. He really lives rent free in a lot of heads.
  21. Have you never seen a rampant bull? Even John Holmes couldn't beat one of them. Before anyone asks, I worked on a dairy farm for a couple of years. Re the OP, I assume the stables in question have very small horses ( miniatures perhaps ) or have ladders in convenient places
  22. No. I didn't think he was aggressive at all. In fact I thought he looked like a man that had been coached on how to project an illusion of strength, but IMO it was like being savaged by a very small wet poodle. Perhaps his memory is so bad he confused the instructions on how to project an illusion of strength with how to act the part of an annoying small dog from a school play he did as a boy.
  23. A man can desire to live as if he is a woman and visa versa, but s/he can't change their genes, and genes make a man or a woman. Ergo animals are the gender they were born as, with the exception of hermaphrodites. Makes no difference to me if a man gets it cut off and wears dresses, but soon as he stops taking the drugs he reverts to a male without a penis. It's easier for females as they ( I assume ) don't want to grow facial hair, so don't need drugs to play a man. I wonder why we don't have a problem with trans females to males joining men's teams so they can win at something.
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