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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. You are deflecting. I answered that Hitler did some good things for the German people after the disaster the French imposed on them. If you can't differentiate between them and the terrible things the Nazis did, that is your problem.
  2. I've read some IMO weird stuff on this forum, but .................... For starters they don't "share it with Trump", they share it with American intelligence agencies. NATO IS America, regardless of any pretense that Euro nation's toy military s would actually win against Russia without America. Other than France and the UK they all depend on America for the MAD shield. America probably has the largest intelligence operation, so refusing to co operate with the US would only serve to cripple their own intelligence. BTW, if anyone thinks the Americans ( and the Russians ) don't have access to Euro nations "intelligence" already, I have a few bridges for sale, real cheap and barely used.
  3. I watched it live, so I don't need a biased doco by auntie to make up my mind. Was there mob violence? Yes, there was some, but most were peacefully wandering about the building. They didn't even try to hide their identity. Was there an insurrection attempt? Only in the minds of those that imagine a few unarmed men can overthrow the US government. They had no military support and no national movement waiting to arrest all government employees nationwide, ergo it would never succeed. Seems some believe any old propaganda given to them, and have zero idea what is required for a successful coup.
  4. There are a lot more criteria than debt to elect a politician on. I'd prefer it if they didn't waste taxpayer's money, but all we get these days are politicians that think it's their money to do as they like with. If you want to bring spending money they don't have into it, I'll support the man that won't give another cent to Ukraine, and insists that NATO countries pay their fair share.
  5. If you can't change it why complain about it? IMO that is the definition of moaning. By all means comment about it, but please stop whining about it. The popular vote is irrelevant in the US for a POTUS election.
  6. At last you said something I can agree with you about.
  7. Well, we'll see if he is after he wins, won't we! If they elect Biden they deserve Harris who will take over after Biden falls off his bike too many times.
  8. You never heard of the Inquisition? Did you not learn history in school?
  9. Nobody that isn't Canadian cares about Canada. Cold country run by an IMO moron.
  10. I'm guessing, but you don't know much German history after WW1. Trump is on record as sayng that 'Hitler did some good things for Germany'. That's true. Germany was a chaotic mess before he took over; he rescued the Germans from the repression of the French in the 1920s, and he made the trains run on time, apparently. He had many supporters in western countries before he decided to invade Poland ( so did Stalin, come to that ). That isn't to say that I agree with what he did after sorting the country out, or his methods, just that he did some good things for the Germans.
  11. Address that to Africans and Arabs then. They are the ones having big families, not western people.
  12. I never had injections for simple fillings, except for front teeth. Of course I had them for root canals. I just hated injections more than the fillings, and they never hurt very much. Can have topical anesthetic before the injections. Works well.
  13. Sometimes the normal injection sites don't work properly. I had to have an injection directly into the tooth nerve and that was extremely painful, but had to be done. Soon as it worked there was no pain, of course.
  14. It seems that way to me and me.
  15. How long did that last, or did she marry him?
  16. I actually had that experience. I was talking to a BG and she introduced me to her sister just arrived ( true- not a scam ). She didn't speak English so I got assurance from sister that she actually did the deed. Got her back to room and she wouldn't even take her clothes off. Shortest short time ever in history, and a quick trip back to the bar. That would have been an interesting conversation with her sister. BTW, I didn't have to pay her, and I didn't.
  17. Perhaps because they don't have anything else to offer. I sometimes wonder what it must be like to be a trophy wife, and only be with a rich guy because of their physical looks. IMO that's a sad life for sad women.
  18. Here's a thought. The only 2 atom bombs ever made were dropped in Japan, but that scared the leaders so much that they all got together and decided never to make another one, but to pretend that they were making thousands to frighten the peasants consumer units so that they could steal loads of tax payer money to have a good time on. I bet not a one of you has ever been on a test site to see if the ones they claimed to be testing ever happened. IMO the great game is BS that the 1% play to keep themselves amused and make megabucks. PS. I'm not claiming that my theory is fact- I'd just prefer it to actually blowing the planet up.
  19. You didn't post an option for I used to post on it because it had interesting threads, and now it's just a bad habit I can't break.
  20. Bob will get you for that. Check underneath your bed every night. Bob was one scary dude, that's for sure.
  21. That makes no sense. You claim that though two people do the same thing, one is worse because you personally don't like him. That's bias.
  22. Perhaps some of us have better things to do than spend all day on here. Even though I don't spend as much time on here as I used to I still spend too much time on the forum.
  23. When faced with a choice between two bad options I choose the least bad option. When faced with a choice between two good options I choose the better one. I'd have thought that was obvious.
  24. and there we have it. Give them more money! Are "they" upset because a woman's word is not always taken to be true, or is it that not enough men have been banged up?
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