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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Once androids are perfected, governments will be trying to stop women having babies.
  2. We need workers now because they haven't developed the android yet, but it's coming, and not far away IMO. Massive investment because once they come in no need for employers to worry about holidays, sick leave, pensions, strikes etc. Only sexbots for women will have one.
  3. I drive an automatic, but only because traffic jams are now a regular part of driving. Using a manual in a traffic jam would be a nightmare.
  4. Get the popcorn ready, it's going to be soooooo entertaining.
  5. Note the UNANIMOUSLY. I doubt they even wasted time discussing it. Had the SCOTUS let it stand, Biden would probably be banned from every GOP run state. It was always a stupid decision and shame on those involved that sought to void democracy to prevent a man that has not been convicted of the charges laid from running for POTUS. They must be terrified of Trump winning to try such an idiotic scheme.
  6. Not just soldiers but also tanks, armoured vehicles, ships, planes. He just lost what might be the last AWAC he had, but some apparently think he has the capability to invade Europe. LOL.
  7. I was going to post a reply to that, but I don't think I have anything to say to someone that apparently thinks Putin has the resources to attack Europe ( with NATO nukes to annihilate an invader ) that would be accepted.
  8. Some people apparently believe the fearmongering by the warmongers. Bit sad, IMO.
  9. Do you ever post anything that doesn't consist mainly of insults? I haven't seen any that don't, though I doubt I saw all of them. If you did post something that was devoid of hate speech, I might be prepared to read what you write, but I usually give up at the first hate filled rant.
  10. I don't believe anything on media unless verified by an alternate source.
  11. eradication of not just the Isreali State but also Judaism as a whole from the face of the planet. I assume you can provide some proof of that statement? If you can't it's not true.
  12. Nothing like a bit of fearmongering to support the "we are victims" messaging.
  13. That isn't the point being made. If a fundamentalist of either Judaism or Islam were to visit a stronghold of the opposition while in full fundamentalist regalia, would anyone be surprised if they got a bit of "agro"? If they want to dress up in costume in their own areas, that's up to them, but they should be safe enough. However, if they want to go out in the general public, it behooves them to try an blend in a bit. After all, it's only a costume and taking it off doesn't mean that they lost their religion.
  14. Since I grew up I've never been a fan of any organised religion. Smacks too much of being treated like kids- do this, don't do that- for my liking.
  15. On that I agree with you 100%. IMO a waste of space.
  16. I was referring to "Europe is in good hands", as I don't think it is. Could he take over Europe? Joking right? I very much doubt that Putin has the resources to do more than hold the line he now has with the capture of Adiviika. Lets be clear, MAD still exists and as long as it does, only a madman is going to invade Europe or Russia.
  17. I'd be extremely surprised if ukraine isn't up to its eyeballs in western "special forces". That is what they are for, after all. However, no matter how many there are , and no matter how many missiles they send over, there is no getting around that Russia stalemated the much vaunted and unsuccessful "offensive" that failed, and that Ukrainian troops are exhausted, demoralized and in short supply. Not being brainwashed by the MSM, I fail to see how it can continue another year.
  18. and I will be astonished, astonished I say, if it doesn't exonerate the israeli cowards that fired on starving people without any weapons, other than "looking threatening".
  19. If it was the other way around I'm certain you wouldn't be so accepting of it.
  20. I can think of a few posters that do what you just said and they ain't on the Palestinian side.
  21. We seem to be having a case of "victim blaming" where trucks were running over people for no apparent reason other than they are Palestinians.
  22. As you appear to consider yourself an authority on the Koran, perhaps you can quote the part that says a jihad is required against israel.
  23. I wouldn't bother with the UN. Their force in the north has been impotent to prevent the attacks from either side. However, wherever it is formed from, it should have no American involvement, as they have proven themselves to be biased to israel and not to be trusted as an impartial force.
  24. The problem with that is that the West Bank and Gaza land does not belong to israel. Didn't in 1947 and still doesn't. Israel illegally occupies stolen land, and there is no getting around that.
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