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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I didn't ask you to have empathy or any other emotion for me, so go take a long hike with your faux complaints.
  2. Oh dear, another poster that has apparently learned nothing from history. No wall has ever worked on its own. Walls always need men to back them up. Even the Great Wall of China had garrisons to enforce it, and likewise Hadrian's wall, which had Roman garrisons along it.
  3. Oh gee wizz, hold the presses. The Donald is having marital problems, just like 50% of other western men ( western divorce rate is apparently about 50% ). However, according to you, he is unique in having marital problems. Who would have known that? ( sarcasm alert ).
  4. IMO "democracy" is in the final stages before vanishing into history, like every civilisation before it. Killed off by the rot within, like every civilisation before. IMO the day it was accepted that there are more than two genders was the beginning of the final descent into oblivion. The Roman empire took hundreds of years to end, but IMO ours will end in 150 to 200 years ( everything speeds up ) from the end of WW1, when most of the brains were killed off in trench warfare. Trump, IMO has nothing to do with it. He has always, IMO, been a result of the end times, not a cause, which happened in WW1. IMO, if we want "democracy" to survive, it needs to be destroyed in it's current iteration and replaced by a more robust version sans PC and wokeness. If Trump begins the destruction, bring it on. However, I think it's too late to save the beast.
  5. I seem to remember that Britain, once upon a time, long long ago, actually made things themselves, including missiles, but somewhere along the line someone decided to just buy them off the Americans, and Britain stopped making stuff itself. What a great idea, NOT.
  6. I imagine the reasoning goes along the lines of "if we make anti semitism ( referring only to Jews ) un acceptable and link Jew and Zionist as one, then people will be reluctant to criticise the zionists for their war crimes and crimes against humanity, leaving them to carry on the one sided assault against the Palestinians". Luckily many are ignoring that and criticising israel for its crimes in Gaza.
  7. Rubbish. A living egg is fertilised with a living sperm in a petri dish or whatever they use. They are not created in the dish.
  8. Why? An embryo is a child that has not been carried to the point of birth. Do you consider that life starts only with the first breath? America never fails to boggle me. On one hand it seems that most women want to abort their unborn children while some want to get pregnant at great expense.
  9. I hope Biden is the candidate, as he now is the best reason a GOP candidate will win. If the Dems had a candidate that could speak coherently and not talk to dead people they likely would win, but that doesn't include Harris. If she was the candidate the GOP should be a shoo in. However, I doubt even the Dems would be so foolish as to put her up as the candidate. IMO the plan is to let Biden win, then for him to hand it over to Harris.
  10. Indeed, but I won't say what he is gripping as it's a family forum.
  11. Posters are required to put proof on any post when they claim to be posting a fact. If they don't, I reserve the right to believe they are making it up. Seems some don't bother reading the rules as posted on the beginning of the sub forum.
  12. Pots and kettles and black come to mind.
  13. I gave you a thank you for that. However, to be correct, the only misfortune I suffered IN Thailand, was marrying the wrong woman and having to leave. Even though she turned out to be the wrong one, that was only after 5 years and the first 3 1/2 years were just peachy, for the most part. As for the rest of my many decades of visiting LOS they were for the most part delightful. Even the last year of my time in LOS, living alone in a very nice hotel near the night market in Chiang Mai was an extremely pleasant one, and I often wish I had been able to continue living there.
  14. You lost me there. Is she fat and sings perhaps?
  15. Gee wizz, I could have told them that, and I'd only have charged half as much as they spent to confirm what has been known for about 50,000 years.
  16. I don't know if the lines are sawdust or cocaine, but if that is all the prosecution's case relies on they might as well pack up and go home now. It's almost as though they wanted Hunter to get off- surely not?
  17. Perhaps their ideas were sound, but so was the poll tax, in theory, and that ended Thatcher. I don't know what Truss was like personally, but the impression I got at the time was that she was not a nice or popular person.
  18. Must be the first time I've agreed with anything from official China.
  19. I've been saying from the start that they won't win, so I'm not surprised the lights are finally coming on. If it does end up in a Russian victory ( the fat lady hasn't sung yet ) it's going to be sooooooo embarrassing for a lot of western leaders. I'm definitely going to be tuning in if Biden has to make a public statement to that effect.
  20. Here we go again with the propaganda machine in full on action. Hopefully this entirely, IMO, foreseeable defeat will not be the excuse the nutters in NATO are looking for to commit NATO troops to the front line. the urgent need for international intervention to address humanitarian concerns. and what possible "international intervention" could there possible be other than throwing more money away or sending NATO troops. Ukraine needs trained men by the thousands, and they apparently don't have them. End of. Comes a time in every war when continuing just ends up in a lot more dead boys and the same outcome. IMO this is the beginning of the end of the Ukrainian resistance, and sending more boys to die isn't going to change it..
  21. I worked at many hospitals in my career, and in none of them were nurses treated well. That is hospitals in NZ, Saudi, and London. I did agency in London so worked in dozens of London hospitals and most were bad for nursing. London hospitals needed agency nurses in vast numbers because they couldn't get nurses to be permanent staff as the wages were so bad for permanent staff. On one shift in a London hospital there was one permanent staff member and all the other staff were agency or poorly trained nursing assistants for 30 patients.
  22. IMO Drs, who actually run hospitals, like having handmaidens to follow them around waiting on their every word. I had an operation in a Thai hospital and all my actual care was done by non registered nurses. The only time I saw a registered nurse, she was following a Dr. Even my medication was given by a non registered nurse, and she did everything wrong when doing so.
  23. Perhaps, but my point about washing hands is valid.
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