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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Must be millions and millions of bored bigots out there then. His show was very popular.
  2. and yet you apparently just had to watch the show. Are you aware that you can change the channel?
  3. One wonders just how much opposition the US has to get before it wakes up and realises that just about all the world is against them on this situation. Seems that they are willing to go down with the SS Israel as it sinks in a sea of opprobrium. I half way feel sorry for the American on the Security Council as she vetoes yet another resolution, as she must know the disdain the other members ( less their poodle Britain ) have for her. Only half way though as she could decline to be spokesperson.
  4. As long as you fail to post any proof it's all just your opinion. You post as though the sole source of CO2 is from human activity which is a nonsense. The planet has had climate change for almost it's entire existence without any human input, yet now it's all about us, LOL IMO humans are just a passing species anyway. Whether we depart a millennia sooner or later is of little significance on a cosmic level.
  5. No bias in evidence then? IMO it's normally the left wing that seeks to control every aspect of life, and the right wing that emphasises individual rights.
  6. It's called deflecting. Look at this here while I mess up your lives over there.
  7. Let's be clear about it, it's killing an unborn human being, not disposing of a tumour, no matter how they term it. Not that I'm opposed to it at all. I see no difference in killing an unborn human being as against sending them to die in war after they grow up a bit, I just don't like the attempt to describe an unborn human as disposable waste tissue.
  8. I wasn't aware that Top Gear post Clarkson was successful. It certainly wasn't the same show and was dire. The BBC apparently lost millions of viewers after they sacked him- self inflicted injury. https://www.theguardian.com/media/2015/mar/16/bbc-top-gear-jeremy-clarkson-suspension BBC loses 4m viewers after Jeremy Clarkson's suspension from Top Gear
  9. Thanks for the explanation. We didn't have such terms in NZ when I was young as pretty much everyone in NZ was "working class" as almost everyone did a real job. I went to boarding school myself, but most pupils were sons of farmers.
  10. I read the OP and didn't see any mention of the one sided assault on Gaza with the resulting thousands of Palestinian deaths. It's like the antisemitism just happened out of nowhere, for no reason. I'm at a loss to find the words to describe such IMO deliberate misreporting.
  11. Sooooo, Trump who never started a war for American boys to die in is worse than warmonger Johnson, warmonger Nixon and warmonger Bush the younger, not forgetting Biden who is colluding in and enabling the thousands of deaths in Gaza. I must have been wrong thinking war is bad or that it's good for American boys, and innocent Gazans to die in wars so American weapons manufacturers can mint it.
  12. There are actually real people that get paid a living wage for doing that? WOW, it sure beats working in a real job. I sure went down the wrong path in life when I could have done that instead of doing hard work all my working life.
  13. Trump really does live in your head, doesn't he. I think much the same about your hero, Biden, but I don't need to use infantile descriptions about him. It's like something kindy kids would write. Carry on.
  14. Biden is no hero of mine. Thanks for the clarification about Biden. Old news now, but the US should have gone in, destroyed the Taliban and left. I guess US officials were not strong on history, which would have informed them of the inevitable failure of their mission to convert the Afghani's to US style capitalism ( sarcasm alert ).
  15. While it is wrong on any level, by any side, such happens in every war ( which is not excusing it ), and I'm sure it happens on both sides, though western media is unlikely to report on such on the Ukrainian side.
  16. Rhetorical question? I'm guessing, but likely to be less than one.
  17. I'm not saying that it will happen, but if Israel did cease to exist the Jews would be able to move to America as immigrants, while the legal occupants of lands seized in war by israel are only able to be refugees in places like Jordan and Lebanon.
  18. With the latest israeli attacks deep into Lebanon, and the Houthis attacking British as well as American ships, the conflict is already becoming a regional conflict. It's not too late to end the impending all out war, but that depends on the US forcing israel to stop attacking Gaza, and I see zero chance of that happening. It's like one of those nightmares where one sees the truck running into one in slow motion and is unable to move.
  19. I disagree. Once they release all the hostages they have nothing to stop the israelis resuming the slaughter. They need at least a permanent ceasefire and a peacekeeping force not controlled by israel or America in Gaza, plus an end to the blockade. They would be foolish to accept the word of netanyahu or trust the US. The US just vetoed the latest Security Council resolution calling for a ceasefire- the only country to do so. Even the UK has seen the writing on the wall and abstained https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/20/us-vetoes-un-resolution-ceasefire-israel-gaza US vetoes Arab-backed UN resolution demanding ceasefire in Gaza Vote in 15-member security council was 13-1 with UK abstaining, making it the US’s third veto of such a resolution
  20. Not since the Romans expelled the Jews. Since then it's been occupied by different peoples. On the basis that if a certain people occupied the land 2,000 years ago they still own it now, the English should give their land back to the Celts.
  21. You need to provide some proof of that, as I have no knowledge of that since the end of the European Dark ages. There weren't any left to colonise by that time, but even though they officially left and granted many countries "independence" they still interfered in those countries. One only has to look at France and it's interference in it's former African colonies to see that. Imperialist ambitions You need to provide some examples of that, as I am not aware of such. They wanted Britain out of their countries though eg Egypt. the gap of the interwar period is not sufficient to placate your argument that European imperialism was somehow worse than Arab imperialism. You must be confusing me with some other poster as I doubt I said anything like that.
  22. Perhaps Oswald liked flying a private jet. He was, after all, the best shot on the planet, so flying a jet should have been a piece of cake for him.
  23. Al Gore says he believes in man made global warming, but he uses a polluting machine to get around. Perhaps he doesn't actually believe it himself or he would stop polluting.
  24. Water vapour. Oceans warming produce more water vapour.
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