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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I refuse to believe that the US is serious about a two state solution. They have had over 30 years to make it happen, and done sod all to force the israelis to accept it. I just can't see that changing. IMO it'll just be lip service, while Palestinian territory in the West Bank is stolen, till nothing at all is left. To make it happen, all the Americans have to do is not use the veto in the UN.
  2. On that I agree 100%. Israel will continue to oppress Palestinians and steal their land, and Palestinians will continue to fight back ( this is nothing new- the Irish resisted the English occupiers for 300 years or so ). Is that what the israelis really want? To live in fear for generations to come? Don't forget that millions of Palestinians live outside the borders of israel, where the IDF can't touch them. They will not forget.
  3. I was all agog to see what you wrote, but you deleted it, aww. Did you know that you can delete the quote box, which would save posters the trouble of looking?
  4. Seems like a reasonable prediction to me. I'll only believe he isn't scamming if he's off to the fire soon, and even then I'd like a DNA test done to prove the corpse is his.
  5. As long as the best refers to departing up a chimney, I agree. So far the plan is working well. One can only hope he's off to the fire before he manages to do any more damage to Thailand than done already.
  6. LOL. The point of being woke is that only woke people are right and everyone else is wrong.
  7. Every human ( except a few hermaphrodites ) is born with either male or female genitals, ergo every human is either male or female. PERIOD. If an adult wishes to live as a person of the opposite gender, that's OK by me, but they will never actually BE a person of the opposite gender. IMO no child should be allowed to have any permanent physical alterations done as children don't know anything, let alone what they want to be when they grow up.
  8. I did a lot of somethings in my life; certainly more than most. The only something I missed out on was going to war ( I was on my way to Vietnam and NZ ended it's participation there ), and in hindsight that was probably a good thing. There does come a time when doing something is satisfied by having a long lie down, reading a good book, watching an enjoyable movie or looking at a lovely sunset though.
  9. You are planning on leaving AN then? Just couldn't resist.
  10. Why is the guy on the right side of the picture spending time looking at some stupid vdo when he could be having a good time for real? He must be a loser.
  11. Why is the guy on the right side of the picture spending time looking at some stupid vdo when he could be having a good time for real? He must be a loser.
  12. Honestly, I came on here thinking it was about more than a drive through the back country roads. BTW your wife is sensible. Putting her on a small bike to do that is just nasty. I had a dream of living in Thailand till I passed away while in bed with at least 3 lovely Thai maidens. At least I am able to still dream about it.
  13. Tell that to the people that died of Polio. In which countries is Polio endemic? Hint, it's not the ones that use Polio vaccinations. Did smallpox just vanish of it's own accord? I agree that using vaccinations for mumps and measles isn't necessary, as I had them as a child which made me immune, but I'm glad that I wasn't born to a mother with Rubella, or to a father that had mumps as an adult.
  14. I agree with you. IMO the Dems are using the judicial system for political purposes and it's backfiring on them as every case only makes Trump more popular. Nobody likes being played for a fool, and that IMO is what the Dems are doing. It's not working though.
  15. Thanks for the thumbs up ( on subjects other than Trump ) Why do I support Trump? I don't support Trump the man, I support Trump the symbol of resistance to Washington. I am with Americans that have had enough of the Washington elites, and don't want to take it anymore. Hillary and Biden are as Washington elite as it's possible to be and it's not advisable to say what I really think about them on here. So, when the Dems put up the very pinnacles of Washington elitism, why on earth would I support them? As with many things in life, if it's a choice between two very bad options, one has to choose the least bad option, and Trump didn't start any wars, which for me is a huge plus. I'd vote for him on that basis alone. Anyway, Biden hasn't done a great job, has he? The country is more divided than when he started, the Middle East is a complete disaster and gets worse by the day, The Afghanistan withdrawal was a farce, Ukraine looks like ending badly for the west, and the US southern border is chaos. Just what has Biden done that makes him a good choice for another 4 years?
  16. If, for the sake of argument, we assume that you are correct about Trump, are you so blinded by TDS that you ignore WHY he's even considered as the next POTUS? WHY is America so broken that millions look to him to save them from Washington? WHY does a man like that win in primaries against establishment types like Haley? If you ignore the fundamental reasons for Trump's rise, you will never understand why he became POTUS and may do so again.
  17. Yes to the below Or is it so, that Americans are so tired of the FINPOL elite, that has ruled this country for over 200 years, that they vote for anyone, as long he is not part of the established FINPOL elite?
  18. You said it yourself, HE'S OLD!!!!! Of course that's not his "fault", but in which rational universe would an old man like him be put in charge of the free world? Seems that TDS makes some willing to overlook that he's OLD, just to stop Trump.
  19. I don't overlook anything about Trump. I have often said I don't want him to be POTUS again, but if he is the only one that can stop Biden/ Harris then I'll take him as POTUS. Unfortunately, I haven't seen any better candidates willing to try for POTUS on the GOP side, other than DeSantis, and he took himself out of contention. When politics becomes toxic, well you know what rises to the top as well as I do. That applies to the Dems as well. I don't know why you keep saying I'm "buying" anything about Trump, but when your side put up someone like Biden, why on earth would I support a man like that? He's a failure on things that matter, like Ukraine and peace in the Middle East, and do you remember how he claimed he was going to "unite" Americans LOL? When you have to resort to juvenile insults about magnets and caped crusaders, you lose my respect.
  20. Agreed. If loads of people thought low interest rates would last forever, it only goes to prove how bad education is today that they actually think that. Any reading of recent history that includes the 1930s would have warned people of what actually happens in the real world. If they think that any political party controls such they are IMO just ignorant.
  21. Jews and Arabs are descended from the same original bloodlines so both are Semites, but seems that Jews have co opted the word to mean only Jews. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semitic_people Semitic people or Semites is an obsolete term for an ethnic, cultural or racial group[2][3][4][5] associated with people of the Middle East, including Arabs, Jews, Akkadians, and Phoenicians.
  22. Oh they do like to insult, don't they, but it just shows them for what they are. Pity they don't have anything to say about the actual subject of the thread. Meanwhile back on the front lines, this news will be encouraging the Russian troops and the opposite on the Ukrainian side.
  23. Oh my my my, that's a tricky one for Biden! Despite all his kowtowing to netanyahu, it's still not enough, LOL. It'll be interesting to see which man the israeli lobby in the US supports now. If Biden loses that, is his goose cooked?
  24. I don't know why you bother replying to an obviously baiting post. IMO they don't have anything to paint the israelis in a good light with, so they resort to personal attacks on posters that don't support the israelis.
  25. Sooooo, you are claiming that if Hamas surrendered en mass, and was no longer in evidence, the nice israelis will let the Gazans have an independent country with no blockade, and are able to rule themselves? I am sure that most of us know how likely that is, so I don't need to comment further.
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