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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. You assume that Russia is going to advance on Kiev. IMO they will not and will simply dig in where they are till Ukraine negotiates. There is no strategic advantage that I can see in taking Kiev, and it would take massive losses to achieve. Having removed the salient into Russian held territory, and straightened the front line they will be a hard task to remove if Ukraine is considering it. Meanwhile, Russian troops will be cheered that they captured a formidable objective and Ukrainians face the humiliation of losing, not least losing so many of their comrades. Bad for morale, when they are already long past time for a rest and short of equipment and munitions. Unless something amazing happens, IMO this is the beginning of the end of the war, and Ukraine will not retake it, despite it having cost so many Ukrainian lives to keep.
  2. Truly amazing reply. What is the point of blathering on about how the situation came to be if no solutions are forthcoming? I assume you have none then. I used to think you were mildly amusing, despite thinking you knew more than the rest of us, but I have to wonder if you are even worth my time if that is what we can expect from you. Bye.
  3. I see the grammar police has arrived.
  4. LOL. If you think having a stumblin' bumblin' old man that talks to dead people as POTUS is an improvement over Trump, I think that is rather sad.
  5. Nah. He's entertaining, because he attracts so many that have lost their minds to TDS and spend hours on line ranting about him. Reading their posts has provided me with many hours of entertainment.
  6. Something strange happened there. The link on the post I quoted changed when I quoted it. It as something about victimhood and then it changed to the Eagles pop group.
  7. Whether I am a victim or not is irrelevant to what I was saying.
  8. Depends on what "salvation" may be. I have no idea of what it may be on a spiritual level.
  9. There is no moral of the story. People are, and some attempt to understand why they are, and most don't. Humans stand on the edge of extinction likely caused by themselves. After we are gone, another species will rise to prominence and all that we are will be as nothing. Perhaps like the walls in Sth America some trace will remain that the next dominant species will wonder about, or perhaps not. What will history say about us? Will we be a barbaric species that gloried in killing each other, or a species that strove for the stars and fell short. IMO the jury is out on that.
  10. Excellent response which attacks me by implication and completely avoids answering the question by deflection. Next.
  11. The Democrat members of the committee have a problem. Normally they'd give the person being interviewed a pass with easy questions, but in this case Hur didn't just give Biden an out from prosecution, but he also called Biden's mental fitness into question. It's going to be a very interesting session.
  12. and you guys are willfully overlooking the many reasons why Biden is not a good choice for 4 more years. You must be so terrified of Trump winning that you support Biden. Isn't there any better Democrat politician to support instead?
  13. Having a bad memory is not the same as senility, else a lot of us would be in residential care. Anything to say about Biden's apparent mental deterioration, other than "he's not Trump"?
  14. It's childlike to run around claiming that the world is warming without having a solution to it. What solution do 97% of scientists support to solve the problem? So far it's all Chicken Little, but no effective suggestions as how to stop the sky falling. I haven't read that any of them suggested the best way to make a difference which is less people on the planet.
  15. I agree, but perhaps you can inform us of what you would do to change it back to what it used to be. You seem to be somewhat short of solutions.
  16. IMO the biggest scam ever perpetrated on a gullible population is that we can actually modify climate change, but only if we make Elon Musk very rich and pay more taxes. Does anyone actually believe that windmills and electric cars will make ANY difference at all? Sod all else being done. No restrictions on the aviation or cruise liner industry, is there? No push to lower birth rates, no attempts to stop the destruction of rainforests worth the paper they are written on, no attempts to clean up ocean pollution that make a difference, no attempt to have climate conferences by VDO. All BS and hypocrisy IMO If humanity perishes it will be because government didn't do anything to actually make a difference, IMO.
  17. If it gets to that stage I can't see the USA continuing as a united country. IMO it will be the states not affected by immigration madness refusing to accept illegals being forced on them by Washington.
  18. Any interest rate above the less than 1% interest I got on my money would be a higher rate. I suppose I was lucky that they didn't make me pay to not give me much benefit at all.
  19. A smaller area with a large number of obnoxious farangs. Did you miss that the obnoxious farangs are the problem, not the distance from a city?
  20. I'm saying Zionists, and I don't mean Jews. Prove that I'm lying or retract that.
  21. As seen on Al Jazeera, massive demonstrations around the world in support of Palestine, including in Washington DC, and even a massive protest in Israel against Netanyahu. IMO israel has lost most international public support, and, like the international movement to end South African apartheid, protests are reaching a critical mass that the politicians that are currently supporting israel will be unable to ignore any longer. In particular Sunak should be worried about his survival, and Biden is surely unable to pretend all Americans support israeli actions in Gaza. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/13/march-on-washington-ceasefire-gaza Thousands march on Washington to demand ceasefire in Gaza This article is more than 1 month old Flyers indicate protesters came from as far as Florida, Minnesota, Texas and Wisconsin to protest war and US aid to Israel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUPkKMwY36I 6,694 views Feb 18, 2024 Hundreds of thousands of Pro-Palestine protesters marched in London, UK as part of a 'global day of action,' calling for an immediate halt to Israel's war on Gaza. Marches are expected in 100 cities across 45 countries to protest against the Rafah bombardment and to urge an immediate ceasefire.
  22. Also preventing enough food and medicine to be sent into Gaza.
  23. All they have is IDF propaganda released information. IMO it's becoming clear the IDF leadership is not primarily concerned with rescuing hostages alive, but is using them as an excuse to attack hospitals, which I understand is a war crime.
  24. We certainly do.
  25. Al Jazeera has just reported that Ukraine has given up Adviika to the Russians That "I told you so" moment is getting closer. If they gave up Adviika which they spent so many lives to protect, it indicates a far more fundamental problem for Zelinsky. Pity about all the lives lost and destruction on both sides, but IMO it never had to happen, and would not have happened if the US and Britain had kept their noses out of a problem which they didn't have to create. If, as seems likely, it ends in negotiations, it's going to end in a black eye for Biden and Sunak; Sunak because he's not doing well, and Biden as it's an election year. That was yesterday, but too soon to provide a link, which is now available, from an American source no less. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/17/world/europe/ukraine-avdiivka-withdraw-despair.html Avdiivka, Longtime Stronghold for Ukraine, Falls to Russians With Ukraine’s forces at risk of encirclement, the top military commander ordered a retreat. In startlingly candid accounts, soldiers described disarray and despair.
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