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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Not habits, genes designed to ensure the survival of the species. They want an Alpha guy to impregnate them and a Beta guy to take care of them. I wonder how many Beta guys brought up bad guys children thinking they were their own?
  2. What about Cuba before the revolution? I heard that it was a safe place for the American Mafia. If You can't see that western "civilisation" is rotten to the core, that's up to you. IMO it's all circuses for the mob now, just like Rome before it fell.
  3. Thanks for the meaningless reply. I've never heard of "peace talks" being held without both parties being present. Sounds like BS to me.
  4. When Singapore became independent there was massive racial strife between the main races- Indian, Chinese and Malays. Lee Kwan Yew started with a firm hand and all that rubbish stopped and Singapore became prosperous. I disagree 100% with the communist regime in China, for Tibet and the Uighers, but if they don't rule with an iron hand it probably becomes chaos. I'd prefer the Singapore model though.
  5. They can only waste that much money for a while. Eventually the peasants will rebel. Even sheeple will rebel if the masters go too far.
  6. I get enough insults on this forum so I don't think I'll bother doing that.
  7. Crikey, I'd almost finished writing a long response to that and it just vanished! Not going to write it again, so sorry about that.
  8. It's not an actual gutter ( just a figure of speech ), and it's enjoyable. I liked Pattaya, which could be regarded as a gutter city, I liked the bar girls etc. It's too lonely up there in the stratosphere.
  9. I was responding to your question "Did Trump close the border when he was President?" and you deflect ( as is usual for you ) with a load of garbage. You are very entertaining- keep it up.
  10. I suppose you have to post slurs against Trump because your hero, the bumbler, hasn't got anything worth talking about. As long as Biden/ Harris are his opponents he has a very good chance of winning because they are just too awful to vote for. Against a decent candidate, not Biden/ Harris, he probably wouldn't have any chance of winning.
  11. People with nothing worth saying often resort to insulting other people. It's arrogant and makes people not bother reading what you posted. I'll bet you wouldn't insult me to my face.
  12. I'm not going to do your job for you. If you don't want to do as the forum rules say don't claim to post facts- is that too simple for you? The Mueller Report . Load of old tosh IMO.
  13. While I can agree with that, I've no personal problem living in the gutter along with most of humanity, most of the time.
  14. Not familiar with Gogos then? Your opinion on that bears no relationship to reality. The Thais are far more civilized than western nightclubs that demand a cover charge to enter their <deleted> establishment.
  15. Not funny at all. I never had a problem with the owner ( I assume Marc, but I never knew his name ) and he ran a great club. What he got up to outside the club didn't affect me at all.
  16. OK dice not cards- it was a very long time ago. He must be really ancient now as he wasn't exactly young when I was hanging out in there. I liked that the music wasn't too loud to talk. If I could loop my life it'd be the 90s decade, which was when LOS was the best for me. Beaches were not concreted and encroached, the girls were nicer, and they played proper music in Gogos. It all went downhill after Taksin got elected.
  17. It's all about survival of the species. Women wanted a bad guy to impregnate them as the child more likely to survive the wild world than the offspring of a woose quiet guy. 50,000 years on they are still ruled by their genes.
  18. I've often wondered about that. I've seen two young women sitting together, basically the same build, hair, facial characteristics etc, yet I was attracted to one and not the other, and that's looking from too far away for smell to play a part. One of life's mysteries.
  19. When the usual suspects work out how to divert sufficient funds to the wrong pockets.
  20. Sooooo, just what would be sufficient "evidence", for you? God speaking from a burning bush perhaps? Science is too primitive to cure cancer so how could it even begin to prove the existence or non existence of the creator of the universe? Let me know when a scientist can explain how all the matter in the universe came into existence from nothing.
  21. Sooooo, what is "me"? What exactly is there about "me " to believe in? How did "me" come to be? What was necessary for "me" to exist? Where did "me" come from? Did Harry Potter wave his wand and everything came into existence ( wouldn't that make H P God )? Need I go on?
  22. Why don't you come up with some proof that God doesn't exist then. Should be as easy as falling off a chair for you. Speaking for myself I don't need to prove anything as I'm not the one jumping up and down about the existence of God. Actually I don't care if anyone else believes in God or not, but if they are going to tell me that God doesn't exist they better be able to prove it.
  23. Don't mess with the cops in LOS. Tell the wife to deal with it.
  24. Sorry, but I'm not taking that bait. The first one looks like a katoey The blond likewise The black haired one has tats The last 3 look so far up themselves that it's a wonder they can see sunshine. I had more than 5 myself ( I'm not posting pictures of real people ), and most of them looked more pleasant than that lot. Were they heavenly? Not telling.
  25. Apparently all you have to do to have the adulation of the masses and to get politicians hanging on every word one utters is to be born blond and pretty with a good singing voice. That's the problem with being born with a penis but without riches- no one gives a toss what we say.
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