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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. You're not just a pretty face then. If you were doing that in almost any western country you'd be a celebrity, but the Thais are so artistic that you are just a star in LOS. Have you thought of making wedding cakes for those western people that want to have a ceremony in Thailand. You'd mint it if you could get into that market.
  2. I said that you had not provided any proof so what you said was not true. Shall I put it in simpler English?
  3. If you think that about her it's obviously pointless continuing a discussion with someone that is so blind to her faults. I've never claimed that Trump was capable, smart, sophisticated , successful, and well educated, but I'd prefer him over Bumbler Biden and a million % over Harris. Question: If she is so great why did she get wiped in her primary?
  4. LOL. I suspected that would be your reply. So no proof and it's not true then.
  5. When you find out what big boys and girls get up to you should get back to me on that. If you are living in Thailand you could educate yourself by a trip to a Gogo, but wear your big boy pants when you do.
  6. They support him because the Dems keep putting up horrible people as candidates for president, and no matter how bad he is he's better than HRC or Biden/ Harris, IMO.
  7. Still with the kindy insults, I see. Anything to say that doesn't involve juvenile insults? Next.
  8. Perhaps you are going blind, but I did mention that he did it with consenting women. Had he not, do you think he'd still have become POTUS? You might want to stop posting the same tired old not proven rants over and over. Next.
  9. As usual you omit to provide any proof and i sure don't trust anything in the rants you post to be the truth. Next.
  10. Not when it's a very young girl, and if you'd paid attention at the time, Trump was doing it with consenting adults. Just because he might have done something not acceptable in your circles doesn't mean it's a crime.
  11. Apparently some posters think if they keep telling porkies we'll eventually come to believe them.
  12. Using language better suited to a kindy than a forum for grown ups says a lot about you.
  13. You got that right for sure.
  14. Look at what humans do in reality, and ask yourself if AI will be used for the benefit of all, or the 1%.
  15. AI is going to have consequences more far reaching than the use of steam for machinery, the internal combustion engine and the transistor. It has the ability to replace every occupation currently held by humans, including inventing AI, when married with robots. Basically it will be a brain that knows everything currently known by humans, but able to calculate far more quickly than humans can ever hope to. A machine that can look at millions of options in seconds, and choose one that may not be to the benefit of humans.
  16. Have you watched Biden any time recently? Doesn't seem like it or you are wearing the wrong glasses. I never said he'd die. Don't have to die to resign. How can anyone think Harris would make a good POTUS? She was a complete and utter failure when she was given the southern border- proof- it's worse now than before she was put in charge of it. If she can't fix that then she is probably useless at everything. She got nowhere in the primaries so even Dems don't want her.
  17. Bolton probably hates Trump because he got booted.
  18. Given your hero Biden's gaffes, it'll be between two gaffe machines then, won't it. You seem to be losing your edge recently. Have you realised that your hero is losing it every time he is let out in public?
  19. I'd rather a leader that gets laughed at and doesn't start wars for boys to die in than a warmonger, even if it's only wars other countries have to fight, like your hero Bumblin' Biden.
  20. Why don't you remind us of which war your hero Biden served in?
  21. It goes to show how little they have when they stoop so low as to invent BS about him wearing diapers, without any proof, of course. Pathetic. Next thing they'll be saying he colluded with Putin to win his election.
  22. and clearly you don't understand how much you don't understand. Question: Do YOU think a few rioters could have overthrown the government of the USA on Jan 6? Remembering that most in the congress building were not attacking anyone and were just wandering around. A small minority were attacking police and trying to break through doors.
  23. Nutters wet dreams are highly unlikely to amend the constitution. Of course I have underestimated humanity's proclivity for shooting itself in the foot before, so I won't say never.
  24. It's not a question of Biden "making it through" another 4 years, but if he'd be mentally capable of leading the country. From his current appearances I doubt it. If Biden wins for sure IMO we will see president Harris. Then we are all screwed. I don't think I've seen any poster on here support Harris as a potential POTUS. Seems she is universally disliked.
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