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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. That will be their problem, once the GOP stop funding Biden's proxy war in Ukraine. Should never have started as it's a Russia/ Ukraine dispute, and didn't threaten America or the EU/ Britain.
  2. Read the rules at the beginning of this subforum. It is YOU that has to provide a link, not us.
  3. Dead hostages are worth nothing. Alive they are worth 100 Palestinians or perhaps more in a prisoner swap.
  4. and then he'll be back with his hard luck story of how those Thais ripped him off and stole "his" land, and isn't Thailand just such a "bad place". I've heard it all before so many times. Farangs arrive with a big pot full of money wearing the saffron glasses and walk away with only an empty pot to show for their time. I even got caught myself after decades of experience, though I only blame myself for being stupid.
  5. That should really make you sweat. The prospect of a Trump second presidency obviously fills you with fear as you post so much about him. If Haley doesn't win something soon she is likely to lose her financial backers as no one supports a loser.
  6. You should take up comedy as a career. You'd be a huge hit.
  7. Why would the GOP fund more Patrol staff to let more illegals cross the border? Hamas is not at the southern border, so try to stay on topic. If it stops anyone that walked 1000 miles to illegally enter a country they have no right to enter that is what it was intended to do. Had Biden not cancelled it, less people would be walking 1000 miles, and does anyone actually believe that they "walked" 1000 miles, 5555555555555
  8. Do you believe that the West should not try to help the oppressed smaller countries? Tibet Myanmar tribal areas Uighurs Royhingers Kurds in Syria ( attacked by Turkey ) Palestine Why are they of less importance than white people in Europe?
  9. Rubbish comparison. America only went to war against Germany because Hitler declared war against America on 11 December 1941 after the Japanese attacked America. The UK went to war against Germany as it had treaty obligations to Poland, others went to war as part of the British Commonwealth. In the Ukraine conflict, Russia has not attacked any other country, and has not declared war on any other country. Ukraine has no treaties with America, UK or the EU requiring them to assist it.
  10. For the benefit of the 2 posters that were "confused" I'm quoting CNN- perhaps that will lessen the confusion in some minds. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/01/23/middleeast/gaza-israeli-soldiers-deaths-intl-hnk/index.html Jerusalem CNN — Twenty-four Israeli soldiers were killed during fighting in Gaza on Monday, the military said, in the deadliest day for its troops inside the battered enclave since the war with Hamas began.
  11. You are using RT as a reputable source, LOL. Was that the only site you could find with that "information"? Try again with something a bit more reliable if you want me to believe it.
  12. No need for camps. Trump isn't going to make the border patrol cut the wire, and no body gets through that stuff if it isn't cut.
  13. PS, I AM a health professional. We don't stop being qualified just because we haven't been doing it for a while.
  14. You must have been reading the western biased media to come to that conclusion. All he has to do is hold on to what he has till the west gives up supporting a lost cause, which looks like happening in the not too distant future, like in November.
  15. Did I say "personal health issues"? No I didn't. I had training and experience in the subject because I was a health professional, with decades of experience, and the documents to prove it. You will have to try harder next time.
  16. The military had ( ? have ) a policy of banning any discussion of politics and religion when I joined up. IMO it's a good rule when talking to friends as well, as both are liable to make enemies of friends.
  17. God is "everything" in the entire universe, down to the last electron. Unfortunately, God isn't going to give me the winning Lotto numbers.
  18. I assume you meant Sugar has not killed me yet. It may not kill you. I hasn't killed me despite keeping the sugar industry in profit most of my life, but it lost my mother's leg and eventually killed her, it makes billions diabetic and fat and gives them bad teeth and heart defects. While I love sugar in all it's myriad forms, we'd all be healthier if it didn't exist.
  19. IMO nature doesn't care about survival of a species. If nature did nature would not have let humans destroy so many other species. Nature gave us the genetic imperative to reproduce, and left us and all species to get on with it. IMO humans were a mistake, and Gaia is working, albeit slowly, to rid the planet of us. Doesn't matter though as what are a few millennia in the cosmic sense. No matter how much destruction we have inflicted on the planet, once we are gone the plants will take over and remove the evidence of our existence.
  20. He's right! We foolish humans think that because we have "free will" we are special, LOL. Tell that to a hurricane or an earthquake if you dare. What some of us have is "luck". Some of us were born at a time the world wasn't infested with too many destructive humans destroying everything they touch, we were born into families that wanted us, and had enough money to give us stuff, send us to good schools etc, but it's only "luck" and can be taken away in an instant. Drive at the wrong time and in the wrong place and a drunk moron will take it all away, walk down the wrong street and a mugger will end it for you, get conscripted and gets your guts blown out, or end up limbless- I bet you get the picture. As for the rest of humanity that wasn't born lucky, well, talk to the 2.something Gazans getting blown up because they were born there. They had it right in the military when they said "life is s**t and then you die". As for rights, what rights? When I got married I thought I had a "right" for sex- was I ever wrong about that! Do I have a right to good housing- no, do I have right to a decent pension- no, do I have a right to be treated kindly, no, do I actually have a "right" to anything at all- no I don't. The only right I have is to be lied to at election time and vote for people that don't care about me. Despite the obvious conclusion that I'm bitter, I'm no more bitter than anyone that got handed the dirty end of the stick. I spent the first third of my life thinking I was inferior to everyone else, the middle third I did amazing things, and the last third I wasted on the wrong woman, but so what, no matter how bad I had it I was lucky, no matter that my dreams turned to dust, I was lucky, no matter that I'm just filling in time till the last great adventure, I'm lucky, as it could all have been so much worse. The sunset should be amazing tonight.
  21. Why is there no response to this thread? Is anyone there? Does anyone care? Where is the "support" in the support subforum?
  22. As usual, Trump's opponents concentrate on Trump the man and ignore why such an unsuitable man became POTUS and is looking a viable candidate for the upcoming election. If it wasn't Trump, it'll be someone that dislikes Washington as much, and till Washington reforms itself the anti establishment will keep voting for anti Washington politicians.
  23. We do have a point. Four years without a war being started has to be some sort of record for the US. Biden almost equaled that, till October 7. Now it seems he starting a real humdinger Middle East melt down.
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