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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. While he says that BOTH parties are trampling on international law, only one is refusing to ceasefire. That would be referring to the party that has the planes and the bombs and is denying aid. Does he actually believe that the israelis will withdraw from the occupied West Bank to allow such a possibility? I don't know why he is repeating something IMO nobody with any sense thinks is possible any more.
  2. Does anyone believe that the hostages will be saved by continuing? IMO it's far more likely they will die, killed in the bombing, by disease ( as disease is apparently spreading among the Gazan population ), their own existing diseases ( medicine has only just been allowed to reach them ), or by being killed if their rescue looks likely. IMO the only way they will survive is through negotiation, and Hamas looks unlikely to agree to negotiations without a ceasefire. They have not so far and look prepared to see thousands more Gazans die without giving up. Perhaps they believe that it's better to die than live under israeli oppression.
  3. Perhaps I'm unusual but I never had any illegal drugs except a bit of weed in 1977 which did absolutely nothing for me. Never bothered after that.
  4. Alas you can't find "anything" on U Tube, especially the clips I want to watch. I'm an AKB48 fan, but it's hard to find anything that's very good of them. Lots of clips but mostly rubbish, and they are pants on anime.
  5. Sexy lingerie. None of the gogos I went to featured that. BTW, re your photos, nobody does cosplay better than the Japanese, or sexy, for that matter. Just too expensive for me. Talking about ideal jobs in LOS, I'd have loved being a travel photographer. Get to see the country and get paid for it- bliss.
  6. Perhaps not. It was a big hit for Orbison, but not Shepard, though I prefer her version- much more gutsy. If you can watch Ally McBeal it's in episode 11 of season 2
  7. and on that I agree 100%. Having experienced many inexplicable events, the very idea that everything can be explained scientifically is a nonsense.
  8. Hmmmmm. Last time I had with a relationship like that was in 1969. The only time in my life when I made friends easily was from 1969 to 1978, but that was so different from my present life it could have been in an alternate universe. If God almighty came in my door and asked me when I'd like to live forever ( think groundhog day ) it would be that decade of my life. It's a bit sad that all my best days were so long ago.
  9. I dare not as if it got onto social media the ladies would be throwing their underwear at me ( think Tom Jones x 100 ) wherever I go, and I can't be responsible for the stores running out.
  10. I'd have given you 50 thumbs up, but alas I'm restricted to one.
  11. I used to every Saturday night, when there was an old tyme dance. But that was way back before the world went mad and started saying there was more than one gender and it's OK to be a cat. A simpler and a better world, at least for us western people.
  12. The question for that would be why would we want to? It's not like there is a shortage of us.
  13. I agree to that and always have thought that. I also think if people can't do it the way I always did, legally, they don't have any right to do so. The criminal thing, other than making money transporting them, has always been a red herring IMO. As for the racist implication you use, they happen to be brown, so of course it's about brown people. In Europe they happen to apparently be mainly black and the ones trying to go to Australia were mainly Asian. Just their colour doesn't make it right to illegally enter a country looking for a better life, when they did nothing to improve the place they ran away from.
  14. With 90+ court cases that would be a sure bet. The real question is will he be convicted of anything that would stop him being elected POTUS? Given by the increasing shrillness of the Trump opposition, they must think he actually has a chance of winning. If they didn't, they wouldn't be spending so much time dissing him.
  15. Do you think Biden can ride a bike without falling off?
  16. I like reading the posters you quoted for the comedy.
  17. Given you don't have a working crystal ball, let's wait till November on that, shall we?
  18. So, what are you waiting for- go change it!
  19. and before that Trump won. Is there any point to your post?
  20. You should have taken up comedy. Did you forget the British and French nukes? BTW, when was the last time Russia "invaded" Europe ( not counting Ukraine )? Perhaps you refer to WW2 when they defeated Germany all the way to Berlin and beyond. If Ukraine depends on the US it is doomed anyway, IMO. Just look at history since the Korean war. I'm a big fan of the US staying out of European conflicts, or conflicts anywhere in the world. Since WW2 they usually end up badly for the country the US was "saving".
  21. No wall in history has ever worked without men to back it up. Good luck getting the thousands wending their way to north Mexico onto planes.
  22. Ah, would those be the frequencies most of us can't hear? I loved the music on the records, not the records. I still have my large collection, safely in a few boxes, along with the means to play them, but only use CD now, and can't tell the difference ( and that includes when I was decades younger ). For the rare times I can't find a CD version, I have a vinyl to digital record player. It makes a faithful reproduction including all the hisses and pops.
  23. That's disappointing. I used them many times and never had a problem.
  24. I agree with the first two, and disagree with the last. There are too many people on the planet and we need to get back to a few billion less. Why was there not already a crackdown on drug gangs? Is France soft on criminals?
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