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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. and yet, nothing is done. The world's "leaders" mouth the right words and do nothing. Shame on them all.
  2. Other than Switzerland, I'd be keen to know what they are. I don't know of any guaranteed to work without causing a great deal of mess.
  3. I hearted that.
  4. Sounds lovely. Pity that one doesn't get to appreciate it, having paid and all.
  5. Given that topping yourself isn't a sure thing and one might survive but be worse off, I don't recommend it unless owning a shotgun and being prepared to use it.
  6. When I lived in Thailand I told my only family member that would be involved in the event of my death to refuse to do anything and let the Thai authorities deal with it. They were welcome to seize the money in my bank account to pay for it. Having been divorced I didn't care if my ex got anything at all ( I hadn't cancelled my will which gave any left to her ).
  7. Why are you surprised? The whole world has gone mad, IMO, so it's just to be expected that Bard will be neutered. Can't have any individual thoughts in the Brave New World of inanity. Can you hear the sheeple? baaaaaaaaaa. From google Definitions of inanity. total lack of meaning or ideas. synonyms: mindlessness, pointlessness, senselessness, vacuity.
  8. Marry the words with Durham's vocals and it's no wonder it was such a huge hit. I bought all their records after I started working, and still have them. I can't listen to that song without feeling melancholy though. It was a big part of a world that no longer exists, and I mourn that world's loss. IMO that era was the height of human endeavour- we explored the entire world, from the deepest depths to the highest peak, we went to the moon, and then we went to war in Vietnam and destroyed the whole thing. What insanity gripped us to do such a monstrous thing, and IMO that was the start of the rot that consumes us to this very day.
  9. It was perhaps the last decade before it became about production over the musicians. It's all electronically manufactured now, which is why I won't listen to any of it. With AI they won't even need human musicians any more. I listen to a radio channel which only plays music from the 50s, 60s and 70s. Bliss.
  10. I'm far too hard to please to ever be impressed by myself. I only ever learned one song before the guitar got smashed in a bar brawl ( and by a good American friend of mine to boot ), and I kept getting requests to learn another. I have no doubt they were all happy I was no longer the base guitarist.
  11. Ah yes, back when music was enjoyable and not just mindless noise. They along with all the rest were the soundtrack of my youth. One of my enduring childhood memories is of sitting on a bench at school and listening to The Seekers on a small transistor radio. The Carnival is over was a wonderful song, the Seekers were a wonderful group, Durham sang with the voice of angels and we will never see their like again in this awful modern world. The Mamas and the Papas were certainly up there in the music stratosphere.
  12. Errrr, I think you are getting your books confused. Childhood's End was when "overlords" oversaw the transformation of the children of the planet into the next phase of evolution, and they all left planet Earth on the space ships. I do not remember if we learned where they were heading. Childhood's end refers to the human species ending the "child phase" and growing up ( but not the adults left behind ). That's why your discussion with Sunmaster made me think of the book, as your discussion is certainly "evolved" from the usual banter on the thread.
  13. Speak for yourself. My "normal state" was zero sex, and I certainly never willingly reverted to that situation.
  14. I'm too busy to be trying to learn the guitar and in any event I have no audience to impress.
  15. If we can dream anything we want to, why am I never within cooee of an attractive friendly woman? I still dream of working in hospital, which is more of a nightmare than a dream. As I age, I find that it's getting hard sometimes to know if the things I remember actually happened, or if I dreamed them.
  16. You obviously don't live in NZ then. Just living together for 2 or 3 years is enough to be considered "legally married' and de facto have to hand over 50% of everything earned post marriage ( just like Thailand, if not mutually agreed, but in NZ that is not an option ). If children involved the wife normally gets the kids and the house till they grow up, after which the house has to be sold and proceeds split. I'm a great believer in renting for that reason.
  17. I see from your post count that you not speaking from your extensive knowledge of Thailand gleaned from decades of hard won experience, but must be making some sort of joke. 555
  18. Early 90s, when Thailand really was the land of smiles, and a fun place to hang out in.
  19. Some interesting stuff being discussed. Puts me in mind of "Childhood's End" and wondering how far you need to go to have the starships in orbit. Re the quote, perhaps you can explain that in simple words. Seems to me to make that happen we could really be in the Matrix, dreaming of an imaginary world while powering the lights for our computer overlords. If so, why can't I dream a much more friendly world than the one I live in?
  20. You just confirmed that it was over your head, if you think he was hoping for a crash.
  21. Just curious. Why would any Thai woman want to get involved with any farang man of any age unless they perceive some benefit from doing so? Are all Thai men so bad that an alien is preferable? I gave up on western women as they seem to have abandoned femininity and I have no interest in living with a "PC wanabe man" woman. I did try it, to my everlasting regret. I disagree about the language thing. IMO it's more that they know how other Thais will regard them if they do take up with a farang man. I've had personal experience of that with a Thai woman that was willing to go out with me, just as long as we didn't actually walk together in public.
  22. Your attitude towards Thai women is quite clear and extremely common. Do tell? I like Thai women, and preferred them to the western variety. I met many and almost all ( with some notable exceptions ) were very nice people. I had girlfriends for many years, though at that stage I was not interested in marriage and they usually found someone else to marry. It's an interesting concept that because a woman takes money for sex she is less than one that doesn't. I have never found that to be true. The worst woman in my life was a western never a prostitute, while many prostitutes I met, western and Thai were wonderful people. You are happy to have platonic relationships with Thai women- I had many such with western women. However, I think most men would want more out of a relationship with a female of any variety. Human men are a sexual animal- it's in our genes. I wouldn't say that any of the girls that I've met recently were particularly 'interested in meeting, and bonking a farang' as you state - more that they were interested in meeting a man. Which is exactly what I have been saying. Despite some poster's wet dreams, Thai women are not all up for rumpty with any farang that happens to meet them. Is there any point in continuing this discussion? That's up to you. It makes no difference to me if you do or don't. I have my opinions that I post, and if anyone wants to respond that's up to them.
  23. I'll agree that he worded it badly. I suspect what he said was over your head.
  24. Where? That makes a difference. What do you intend to do about sewage and showering etc? The sewage thing is why wild camping is not permitted in NZ. Too many people pooing all over the place- disgusting.
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