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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Which is why I always insisted on using the meter and refusing to get in if the driver wanted to negotiate. It's a common scam. They thought they were saving money and found out that they were not in Aus any more.
  2. God didn't say that, because it was said by men. I have no idea why you think because it's in a book that it was said by God, but don't you think that it's a bit silly to believe that? If I wrote a book and told you it was written by God, would you believe me? If you do, I have a bridge for sale.
  3. I suppose I must have worded my post badly. I don't need any proof to know what I experienced. That was for the benefit of those that actually believe that present day science is correct on everything ( it's not ).
  4. Who is to decide if someone is a troll deserving of banning? If it were I, a certain segment of posters might find itself gone, and I'm sure that given the opportunity they would see me gone.
  5. That is a deflection. This is about israel's conduct in Gaza.
  6. Language suspiciously similar to that used in a certain European country in the 1930s.
  7. IMO they expected israel to respond in the way they have, and succeeded. Before October 7 the western world ignored israel's crimes in the west bank and the blockade of Gaza. Nobody is ignoring israel's war crimes now. Israels default position is force and oppression, and that is being exposed to the world like never before. America is also being reviled for it's blind support of israeli war crimes and supplying the bombs to carry out those war crimes. The UN general assembly has called for a ceasefire by an overwhelming majority, and if israel does not stop murdering children ( over 7,000 dead so far ) they will find out what the world can do- think apartheid and Sth Africa.
  8. The men you want him to kill are likely to be conscripts- just ordinary blokes that had lives and girlfriends and wives and children back home, just like many on here are or were. Yet you want them dead. Seems strange to me to hate people you never knew.
  9. That's why I hate war. It's just a bunch of blokes sent to fight a bunch of blokes they don't even know, by men that will never get closer to the front lines than a cushy place miles and miles and miles behind the lines ( to quote the song ). In Vietnam it was men from far far away sent to kill peasants that were defending their own country. Till the people ( including female politicians voting for war ) sending the men have to lead them from the front, wars will continue.
  10. Some things do not make sense logically eg we being logical creatures wonder where God came from, is there another God that made our God, and so on like reflecting mirrors for all eternity? However, to be human is to not know everything and to believe in a superior being without scientific proof is the essence of spirituality IMO.
  11. That is where we differ. I believe that God created the universe as something separate from God. If everything in the universe was part of God, there would be no need of the universe. However, how do I know that I am not part of God and just making up my own existence for some unknown reason- I might have made an entirely illusionary existence, along the lines of the Matrix? After all, most of the planet is unknown to me except what I see on tv. Some AI might be inventing the entire Gaza conflict and Palestine might not even exist, along with the entire world that I can not walk in. Jim Carry made a movie about a life like that, where he lived in a movie set not knowing that the edges of his existence kept the real world out.
  12. That would only require sanitary pads in men's toilets if female to male transgenders were serving and pretending to be men. A male pretending to be a female does not and never will menstruate. Can we assume that the ruling allows men pretending to be female to use the female bathrooms? As usual the lovies take the most complicated and troublesome option. Instead of having a separate bathroom for trans sexuals, they make trans people use the same bathroom as the one they are pretending to be. What could possibly go wrong with that? I'm all for equality, as long as it involves females being conscripted as cannon fodder if men are being conscripted for such. If that isn't going to happen then it's not equality.
  13. Is it not possible that atoms and electromagnetism were created to allow consciousness to have a mechanism to exist independently of God?
  14. Creating the universe from nothing is pretty powerful though. If God didn't create it, where do you suggest it originated from? Did Voldemort create it by magic? To those that believe in God without religion, God isn't a power, but a spiritual experience we have within ourselves..
  15. Would you prefer a burning bush? I'm not saying I believe he was actually chosen by God though, as I don't believe that God cares about humans any more than the Dodo ( and we know what happened to the Dodo ), given I don't ascribe human emotions to God. That's right, whether you live or die is IMO of zero consequence to God. Carry on.
  16. You should at least try and get your story straight. Bronze age ended hundreds of years before Jesus, and she didn't tell it to her travelling mate. She told him or he found out before they traveled as he married her to save her from scandal ( and perhaps getting stoned to death as a whore ) We don't know if he knew that she claimed to be impregnated by God. It's all written down. Christmas is a pagan festival co opted by early Christians, so what is the lie?
  17. Can he explain where atoms and electromagnetism originated? No, of course he can't. Non believers have to imagine it all just happened, by magic, out of nothing. It's not hard to pick holes in their reasoning.
  18. Americans IMO are sex mad, as they have a HUGE porn industry and a thriving pimp prostitution industry which is IMO why they equate sport with sex.
  19. We all have an opinion just busting to escape though. Would you deny us our purpose in even being on here in the first place?
  20. No, nature is being born like that and nurture is molding the child, IMO. Problem is "nurture" is IMO just lovie BS, and most parents allow nature to rule. Just sounds better saying they "nurture" their children, when they actually allow the sprogs to do whatever they like. I didn't vote for either option.
  21. Is a prestigious university one that charges more than one that does the same job?
  22. Isn't irony posting that one isn't going to post any more and then continuing to post? I could be wrong on that and that could be something else.
  23. Why was he screaming in English if they were Asian, and how did you know they were not Chinese?
  24. Who brings all previous boarding passes every time they enter? Irrelevant anyway, as previous entry must have been approved.
  25. If the lovies did some work on swoppable batteries, it's an easy job to take an ICE engine and transmission out, and install wheel hub motors. The swappable batteries would sit in the engine bay.
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