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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. You need to provide proof of that or its not true. The so called "proof" in the big hospital was just pathetic and no one that actually knows what a command center looks like believed it.
  2. I suppose it's inevitable that israeli apologists choose to overlook the third front ( or is it the 4th given the attacks from Yemen? ) in the West Bank.
  3. I would consider it the precurser to WW3, which IMO is inevitable.
  4. Since you asked, if someone was shooting at me I'd try and shoot them. I wouldn't bomb 7,000 kids to death just because they got in the way. Would you?
  5. Given so many countries now "disagree" with israel massacres of innocent children and want to hurt it in return, it may become necessary for israel to expand it's navy and areas to patrol.
  6. That would include Jewish religious fanatics as well I presume?
  7. Do you even understand the history of israel since 1948? Doesn't seem like it.
  8. There are, but no one with any sense would go for that job with the media the way it is.
  9. You might have a case except it's Joe you are talking about- stumblin' bumblin' Joe that talks to dead people. People don't normally vote for politicians that look as though they should be in an old folks home.
  10. I lived under an "almost dictator" in Singapore while Lee Kwan Yu was in charge- basically a benevolent dictator. If there are any more like him around I'd happily live under someone like that. Everyone got looked after and bad people got dealt with properly. All good.
  11. More importantly he didn't start any wars. All good.
  12. Thank you for your enlightened post that advances all our intellects with it's well thought out and reasoned input. Keep 'em coming as we need more excellent posts like that.
  13. I think the US presidential system was designed for a different age and is no longer fit for purpose. Having one man with so much power is IMO an abomination. I'd like to see the whole <deleted> congress replaced by an AI, programmed to reject all outside influence and corruption.
  14. That's not going to happen, ever. If israel could be trusted to treat prisoners properly, they might, but we have been hearing all the horror stories about how israel treats Palestinians in their jails, and that's just Palestinian children held without trial, without access to a lawyer, without even a specific charge. When israel treats child prisoners so cruelly, Hamas knows that if they surrendered their treatment would be a thousand times worse, so for them it's a fight to the death, taking as many israelis with them as possible and so far managing more than a few of those.
  15. No sympathy for children being blown up then? Are they Hamas, do they have a choice?
  16. There are so many errors in that propaganda piece that it would take too long to respond them all individually, so I'll just say that I disagree with almost all of it.
  17. Sooner the better. Unfortunately I think western citizens will take action before their governments act, with such as boycotts of israeli products and unions refusing to load weapons bound for israel.
  18. Not just failed at that task, but failed abysmally. Allowing one country to veto any penalty for something most of the world's countries consider an atrocity is itself an atrocity, IMO. However, despite Russia's veto power, western countries still managed to penalise Russia over Ukraine, but their refusal to penalise israel for the ( IMO ) same crimes will come back to haunt them, IMO.
  19. Those countries are not sponsors and backers of israel and ( presumably ) did not vote for the creation of israel in 1948 by the UN. We do not know what they are doing behind closed doors, but I'm pretty sure it's not supporting israel's massacres in Gaza. In case you missed it, Egypt and Qatar obtained the pause in the massacres to allow some hostages to be released. If Arafat walked away he must have had a good reason to do so.
  20. You can print that in solid gold, frame it in pearls, and take it to the bank. She is probably wondering what she did wrong that he didn't call her or ask her on a follow up date.
  21. "Some English" is nowhere near enough to convey such emotional concepts. English is a useless language when it comes to emotions anyway, and trying to explain to a non English speaking person is a disaster in the making. The time to make it clear was directly after she asked him to go with her. It was then he should have declined ( the correct option ) or by explaining "NOT as a date"
  22. Of course. I imagine it just returns to God from whence it came. I have no way to know if it retains "I", or not. If it does, there will be a few "interesting" meetings with the souls of those I knew in this existence. Have you been dead to know what happens after? Of course not, so how can anyone say that they know there is no God? I'm not interested in discussing it with someone that would reject my "proof" out of hand. If you knew what I experienced and experienced it for yourself you wouldn't even ask that question. It's entirely subjective. Only till the universe dies when the last sun runs out of fuel. After that all life, of any sort, ends in this existence. However, all the souls of every living thing that ever existed will be with God in a different dimension.
  23. Without looking hard I saw several I have visited.
  24. You don't want to go to Maya or Phi Phi. You'd just be sad. C M is still pretty much the same <deleted> it was 40 years ago, except they don't sell US army surplus in the market by the moat any more. The traffic around the moat is still the same disaster.
  25. Not just China. I can think of a few that must be lovin' it.
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