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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I don't know that "frivolous" is the right word, but the opposition to Trump is not going to give up any time soon and are using any and all options to try and stop him becoming POTUS. It would be more productive to look at WHY Trump even became POTUS the first time and set their own house in order, then put up a better candidate than a geriatric that talks to dead people.
  2. Al Jazeera has been an excellent source of news on Ukraine in the past, and are not a Russian supporter, so your post is mere deflection. Also, you omitted to inform us as to a better and impartial major network from which to obtain information on Ukraine, and you fail to prove that there is an active war situation in Ukraine involving a counter attack by Ukraine. Next.
  3. He wasn't a candidate for precedent.
  4. LOL, you missed who "everyone else" applies to.
  5. He's a politician, ergo.............................
  6. If one looks at when the UN was created one can understand why it was set up as it is. That time has passed long ago. Allowing one country to hold other countries hostage is an abomination and a continuation, IMO, of colonialism by less direct means. The security council is no longer fit for purpose and the UN no longer prevents conflicts as proven all around the world. IMO it's a sham that is used by certain ex colonial powers to maintain their control over the once colonised countries. Some functions of the UN are worthwhile and should be kept, others are not and should be ended. A better way needs to be found.
  7. Obviously any further hostage release has ended. As heard on Al Jazeera. Hamas is not going to release even non israeli hostages, which it had offered to do, and the terms for further releases has been increased. The israelis protesting for the release of their relatives are apparently outraged and increasing their demonstrations. Must be galling to have come so close to getting them back only to see that chance becoming even less likely.
  8. There you go again. Trying ( and failing ) to make the case that opposing israeli activities in the conflict is the same as supporting " Raping innocent women? Killing children? Taking grandmothers and kids hostage?" If killing about a thousand israelis is an atrocity, what is killing over 11 thousand Palestinians, mostly women and children that were not in the attack on October 7? source https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/interactive/2023/gaza-rising-death-toll-civilians/
  9. I saw testimonies on Al Jazeera from foreign foreign staff that worked at the hospital that said they had not seen any Hamas activity in the hospital. It was a while back now, so I don't remember their names, but they are on the record.
  10. It's not Palestinians fault that israeli settlers invade their land ( in the West Bank ) attack Palestinians, and arrest children for posting on social media..... it is the israeli settlers with israeli military support. If you are looking to apportion blame for the atrocities committed, then you need look no further than the land theft and oppression by israelis.
  11. If they had accepted a two state solution back in 1948, Hamas likely would never have happened.
  12. Have they found that Hamas "command center" under the hospital yet, 55555555.
  13. You are wasting your time. Many times I've asked for such but never receive a reply.
  14. Is it significant that the only stories coming out of Ukraine on Al Jazeera are of the human interest variety, and nothing about the 'counter attack" or any villages being captured etc. Seems Zelensky may be looking for a friendly country to retire to in due course.
  15. Zelensky should have read up on a bit of British history before trusting a word that came out of Boris's mouth. Things might have been so different with a lot less dead to bury.
  16. If only everyone on the forum abided by that principle I might not have needed to put so many on ignore. Alas, they don't.
  17. It was always inevitable, but the only thing that matters is the verdict, and it may be some time before that occurs, perhaps as far away as after next November.
  18. In a rare moment I agree with you. If Congress is not bound by the rules it sets for everyone else, they can do anything.
  19. Simple explanation is bad men with all the guns like to be in charge as it gives them more money and the better looking women. IMO it's usually about money and sex.
  20. and IMO before Nobel got very rich making a better munition to kill people the center of invention on the planet was Britain, and wherever British people migrated. However, look at Britain now and wonder how that <deleted> could have ruled half the planet, let alone invent good stuff. Stuff happens, and things change- such is life.
  21. As always what I write is IMO, unless a link is provided. I even included IMO in the post that you quoted. One could, IMO, say that there are good and bad bar girls till they marry a sucker, when they all become bad, but given I obviously don't know every Thai farang union in the country I may be wrong on that. I just know that an awful lot of failed marriages are discussed on this forum, and they all started out as love and happiness. My own wife was truly wonderful till she wasn't, and then she became the harpy from hell. Was she always a hidden harpy, or did something after marriage change her? On that I'll never know.
  22. I live in a country that IMO proves that sheeple can be raised anywhere. The Thais just do it differently. As for the 1 %, they are everywhere in every country. Nothing unique to Thailand re the 1 %.
  23. Any human with a functioning conscience knows what is right and wrong. I used to read the Bible, till I realised that only the four gospels tell the truth and the rest is either a history book or IMO irrelevant. It might be interesting to read of the Damascus moment, but it's not necessary to read of it to experience it.
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