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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Anywhere is better than what Phuket became. Pity, as it used to be great.
  2. Even being single I'd buy a 3 bedroom house if able. One for a bedroom, one for a guest room and one for a study. Which is exactly what my ( single now ) sister has.
  3. That's lucky for Thailand then. I once took my Thai girlfriend on a trip to Kanchanaburi and on the return private bus trip a couple of Oz matrons were so chilly towards me that the bus didn't need the AC turned on. I used to love flaunting my young and beautiful Thai girlfriend in front of middle aged western women.
  4. Seems a few missed "in Thailand" in the OP.
  5. I did the 5 * hotel with included light and sound show on the bridge. The 5 * hotel was a big disappointment, but the show was pretty good.
  6. I had so many that I couldn't possibly pick one over the rest.
  7. You just ruined my day! During my maternity training we sometimes had women in pre natal that were so fat I wondered how the man managed to find it to make them pregnant. The only women that ever seemed attracted to me were inevitably the ones I didn't want anywhere near me.
  8. No. It was probably the worst kept secret that massage parlours had sex for sale and the cops didn't bother them. No need to hide away. Since then NZ legalised prostitution in brothels, so I assume that is why massage parlours are no longer in evidence. BTW, some absolutely gorgeous women worked in them, and they were very nice people as well. Not all, of course.
  9. She probably preferred if you had a toss instead of bothering her about it. Back in the day I never had a BG that did oral. IMO it's a younger person's thing and a 50 year old woman isn't into young people's sex stuff. IMO the older one gets the less tolerant for other people one becomes, so older women are not a good option.
  10. If you don't know, you haven't been trying very hard if at all. Thailand is far more interesting than back home, and all for a lot less money.
  11. I didn't need to spend anything to have an interesting life in LOS. If someone needs to be entertained they'll be bored anywhere without money. If someone is self sufficient they don't need money to be entertained. Obviously we all need enough money to pay for a basic life- accommodation, food, medical etc, but it doesn't need us to be affluent.
  12. In my lifetime I read many books about "how to live a better life" but the practical result was that I had less money and learned nothing that common sense didn't tell me. The only book that was worth it was Allan Pease's body language book. Really worth while knowledge that is useful in any situation with other people.
  13. Rather like the only people getting rich in a gold rush are the ones selling the pans and shovels.
  14. A crazy old man with 91 felony charges that is currently more popular than Biden. That says a lot about Biden, as a decent POTUS would be waaaaay ahead of Trump at this stage.
  15. Making it up as usual. Will you ever get it right? I want the GOP to win the POTUS, and a large majority in both houses, but I don't care if Trump wins or not, as long as the Democrats lose. BTW, the only poll I take seriously is the election, and I've said many times I don't take polls seriously, so one wonders how you manage to get it wrong so often?
  16. Pull the other one, LOL. All I could hear was some shouting and lots of bleeping out of what was said, and of course we don't know what was said from that. In any event it was one or two cars involved and not thousands of people. Hardly "evidence" of wide spread anti semitism.
  17. That would need the iceberg not to melt while crossing the equator.
  18. That would take a great deal of melting ice shelf ( NOT sea ice ), and to my knowledge, it would require more than currently melted. If the Greenland ice cap melted that would do it though. Depends on how much the sea level needed to rise to free it of course, as sea level rise has apparently been in millimeters so far.
  19. Small landlocked states need to be at least aligned with a larger state if they want to be viable. Thailand would be the best option.
  20. and Biden is a doddery old man that should be in a retirement home, not running the US.
  21. I, for one hope he sticks it out to the bitter end, as IMO he is the GOP's best hope to win the POTUS, whoever the actual candidate may be.
  22. Has there ever been a situation in which government intervention in the economy has worked to benefit the average citizens? I know of none.
  23. I'm also not in favour of reducing benefits as that affects people that actually need them. However, cut all benefits for the able bodied that are able to work, but choose to live on benefits instead. Benefits are supposed to be for those that need them, not to allow the lazy to have a lifestyle they choose.
  24. Some of us also know how Israel operates, so that goes both ways.
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