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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Sooooo, your much better solution is.......................?
  2. It's a fact of life so yes. Re the lights, I was there in Pattaya when they were erected and I never saw cars stop in Pattaya for the red lights. There was even a VDO of a cop car not stopping for the red light. Eventually they just turned the lights off.
  3. Reminds me of the time I went to a new place that I read about in the local rag, as it mentioned free tarter sauce and refills ( I like a decent tarter sauce with fried fish ). Place was run by a Brit that was cooking. I got the tartare sauce, but the guy was so unpleasant I never went back. The food was average, so nothing to miss.
  4. I tried many a Thai resto that offered fish and chips. They got the chips right, but the "fish" was always some tasteless soggy mush that didn't resemble any fish I had outside Thailand. Usually the batter was the best part. Gave up in the end. If nothing else about living outside LOS is good, at least I can get decent battered fish.
  5. As long as the above disincentives to families exist it makes families less likely in Pattaya, so bring on the katoeys, and the fake food if it keeps the sprogs away. All good.
  6. Kids don't need to stay IN Pattaya to go to those places. They can stay along the coast. Families not welcome in Pattaya- it's for big boys, not kids. They should be banned.
  7. Loads of Russians used to take their kids to Pattaya. I'd see them out and about on Walking Street.
  8. They did, with their left hand, which is why they eat with the right hand. The Bedouin probably still do. Oil and western money gave them many things like running water and cars, so they don't ride camels any more.
  9. More than once. There was a time in Sri Lanka that was so bad it can never be erased from my memory banks, actually 1 1/2 times as the second time I almost broke the door down in my haste to escape. If you want to rank sex from bad to good on a scale of 1 to 5, 1 being awful and 5 being elevated to the stars, almost all my sex was a 2 or 3. Few 1s thankfully, and no 5s, though I did achieve more than a few 4s with my wife to be, though that ended once she had the paper signed and it became 3s till even that ended.
  10. I laughed when you included the time honoured phrase " I never pay for sex"! We all pay in the end, one way or another, even if it's only the mental anguish of realising what we actually did it with- the horror, the horror.
  11. Well, was it good sex, or a fumble in the back of a small British car? I didn't lack for sex as long as massage parlours were there to subvert the law at that time, but a half hour quickie is vastly inferior to a long time of the Thai variety.
  12. Thanks for the support. I am envious of you and any western guy that managed to permanently escape the dead hand of western society. I did my best to, but sadly my best wasn't good enough.
  13. Thank you. It happens to loads of guys, but somehow, there are always loads more suckers out there for women to exploit. The power of the <deleted> is strong.
  14. That sperm was the chosen one.
  15. I respect nature because if we don't nature will <deleted> us up, as in idiots that build on flood plains, fire zones, coastal regions subject to erosion, and destroy the environment that they live in. Sadly, most people apparently think they are more powerful than nature, and then complain when they find out it ain't so.
  16. Hello and goodbye. Miss you? Not really- posters come and go, come back and leave again. Such is life on a forum. The Physical Universe As Idea Construction. Thinking about that, one might assume that the universe exists in the "mind" of God.
  17. Nothing wrong with believing nature is sacred ( I believe that nature is part of God, so if I subscribed to religion { I don't } I'd say it was sacred ). The problem is when one or more people put on silly hats and proclaim that they hold the attention of god(s), and for a price they will ask the god(s) to help out.
  18. What's wrong with calling surfer dudes surfer dudes? Chill man!
  19. Sounds like Penang. I loved it in the 70s, but in 2017 it was horrible. More people does not make places better. International mass tourism is not good for the favourite places, but hopefully it means that other places don't get destroyed.
  20. As good a reason to live in LOS as any. I suppose some on here don't like sex.
  21. I'm puzzled as how you claim to know such a lot about myself when you get it so wrong in that? If I failed in "my own culture" it was only in getting leg overs from willing women, and in truth I gave up even bothering with western women after my first disastrous relationship showed me how two faced they can be. Nice as pie till they get everything they can out of you willingly, and then suck on the corpse of the relationship for any remaining scraps of benefit for themselves. Far as work goes, I had three successful careers, so where was the 'failure" in that? Regarding Thailand, I fail to understand why I "see Thailand as something it might not be" when I spent many decades in that wonderful country, and saw both the good and bad of the place. I love Thailand, but am aware that it's not perfect by far, though I preferred it to any western culture, which may appear superficially superior, till one looks under the carpet, to see the hidden deficiencies. One thing I liked about Thailand was that it doesn't hide it's bad side- it's right out there in full view, unlike western countries that are just as corrupt, but manage to hide it enough to pretend it doesn't happen "as much" as in so called third world countries. If Thailand has a really unfortunate characteristic, it's that it has welcomed all the bad stuff from western culture, to it's own disadvantage. For just a couple of examples of that, many once beautiful beaches were destroyed to provide flashpacker accommodation for western tourists, and the plague of western fast food chains has been a disaster for Thai health. I never used to see an obese Thai when I first arrived in LOS, but now they are all over the place. As a last example of how little you know about me, I'd never have left Thailand if it had been my choice. Sometimes we don't get to do what we want.
  22. I wasn't aware that Trump started the Syrian war, so thank you for correcting me on that. Sarcasm alert for the easily offended.
  23. All I did was ask you a question as to why Trump is more popular than Biden in the polls that currently exist, but you didn't answer that question and chose to deflect instead. Seems that when you don't have an answer, you resort to personal comments instead, and it's not just at me. So, to repeat my question, if Biden is so great, why is the liar in chief, the great fraud, the bombastic fool, as your side like to call Trump doing better than Biden in the polls at this time?
  24. Never mind bars, how is the girl scene? Any comparison to Thailand?
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