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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Safe havens in GAZA??????????????? Have you not heard that there is NO SAFE HAVEN IN GAZA? There isn't much left to go back to in the north after the israelis blew a lot of it up. Do you expect them to live in little caves in the rubble? However, I'm prepared to wait and see if they do allow them back, so unless netanyahu phones you up for a chat every night you might want to wait and see what actually happens.
  2. I can hear the bleating of the sheeple from here.
  3. I'd expect nothing less from politicians, as hypocrisy is what they are good at ( along with lying ), but charles has been a big disappointment for me since insisting on not abdicating in favour of his son. I thought he was a better person than that. Call me sadly disillusioned.
  4. The chief prosecutor of the ICC just visited israel, which is NOT a part of the ICC, and apparently refused to visit Gaza. He is IMO not to be trusted when it comes to israel and has apparently refused to bring any cases against israel, despite many violations of humanitarian law under the illegal occupation of the West Bank.
  5. Do you believe everything the israelis say?
  6. Prove that or it's a filthy lie. One guy claiming to have seen it is not a credible source. You need to link an article by a reputable source like the Red Cross or such like. Definitely not an israeli source.
  7. In case you hadn't noticed, the israelis haven't kept to the 1948 borders, and they have almost entirely divided the West Bank into apartheid type bantustans ( like the white South Africans did ) where the Palestinians are attacked by settlers backed up by the army.
  8. When the OP says Finance is a bit short one can assume visa runs to Vietnam are not an option.
  9. If finance is short forget a nice beach. Pattaya is probably the OP's best bet. Plenty of really cheap accommodation options there. Just have to look and in a Thai residential area.
  10. What else is blowing up as much infrastructure as possible and destroying as many homes as possible, cutting off food and water and medical supplies, if it's not ethnic cleansing? Try looking at what is really going on- there's plenty of actual footage available.
  11. If that's all you have to offer, I see no point in replying to anything you post again. Some of us are trying to have a serious conversation, not post stupid deflections about nonsense.
  12. Alas Adams has been cancelled, apparently in an attack by the wokies. Dilbert will only be available by subscription.
  13. Dilbert is great, isn't he. The author must be a genius. I used to read it every day when I read newspapers, then I got it off the internet, but something happened a few years ago and I think I wasn't able to get it on line any more. If I remember I'll check after this.
  14. If one can't refuse to pay out on such, one must be a very weak willed person. The food is included, if you read the OP, water is free at meals, and drip dry means one can wash one's clothes in the basin. My father used a bucket for his laundry when he lived on his yacht for years ( unfortunately it sank in a storm, or I might be living in it now ).
  15. Living in a room 90% of the time is the same whether on a ship or on land. I'd never do it as a passenger while I was working, but as retired person with poor health I'd rather be breathing sea air than traffic fumes.
  16. I once thought of becoming a health worker on a cruise ship, but then I discovered Thailand and it became all about Thailand after that.
  17. I could do it as my life would be better than it is now. Life as a pensioner sucks, and I probably spend more on surviving, as I have to have a car, which is a large expense. On board a ship no need of transport. As my life is not much more than on the internet and movies, it wouldn't even be different, and my diet would be better. There will be a gym on the ship to stay fit, and I presume doctors and dentists.
  18. IQ is IMO of no importance at all, not even a little bit. The human world survives quite nicely without most even knowing what their is. Anyway, you have it wrong, IMO. The Thais are far better off than Hong Kong Chinese, which means that higher IQ is an indicator of a worse life, not a better one.
  19. Don't be so mean. Use a private hospital where she can sleep on the couch like I did when my wife was in hospital. Anyway, unless you are a proponent of suttee, you are the only one to be experiencing death.
  20. It only survives because humans are unable to destroy it all so far, but they are doing it as fast as they can. After all, Americans need their hamburgers so much more than the planet needs trees, don't they?
  21. Soooo. lets keep polluting then...................... Given I consider the increase in CO2 only partially due to human activity, I don't actually care about CO2 levels, but I do care that humans destroy so much of nature, and pollute the oceans with plastic ( which kills aquatic life ) and toxins, when there is no excuse for doing so. There is a plague on the planet and it's name is humanity.
  22. Worth mentioning that if fossil fuel was banned tomorrow, many more millions would starve as fossil fuel is used to grow the food and transport it throughout the world. There is now and any time soon no alternative to using fossil fuel for farming and transport.
  23. It's worth mentioning that the countries in question can bring in laws for their own lands, but import food from countries that do not modify their farming practices.
  24. Insects are nutritious and can be processed to look less unattractive for western eyes.
  25. Not so good for the Americans that had their jobs exported to China so the 1% could exploit Chinese workers to get richer.
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