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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Some hard questions will be asked as to how the suppressed Gazans were able to carry out this operation. A MASSIVE failure of Israel's intelligence and military.
  2. Best explanation I heard was on Al Jazeera, and it's in case they have to evacuate American citizens in a hurry. An aircraft carrier would provide a platform for helicopters. If they actually start bombing Gaza ( I don't think they are that stupid though ) it's going to open a very large can of very angry worms.
  3. You claim there are people who know what they are doing in this situation. Sooooo, where have they been hiding the last 30 years while the situation gets progressively worse? Nowhere to be found is where.
  4. By their ACTIONS now the US has abandoned any pretense of being a peace broker between the Palestinians and Israel. Forget about the charade of the "Two state solution". From now on the Palestinians will know that they have nothing to lose anymore.
  5. I doubt Netanyahu and his far right cronies will resist the temptation to destroy Gaza ( it will be impossible to determine who is Hamas from those that are not ), but if they do so, they risk going down the same road as apartheid South Africa and western countries ( bar the US ) turning against them. How will Israelis feel if they are banned from visiting other countries like they are from Saudi? Even if countries don't ban them, they may find themselves being "unpopular" when visiting the country.
  6. Britain has enough back stabbing to be ashamed of. They promised independence to the Arabs if they helped defeat the Turks, and reneged on that promise after WW1. Had they done so this whole fiasco might never have happened.
  7. That may be an option as well. Either way they will IMO be dead if Israelis get too close to rescuing them without negotiations. Hamas will have nothing to lose by killing them if that is the case.
  8. To hear some of the language being used it seems some think they are subhuman. Hmmmm, I seem to recall that language being used last century. Am I wrong?
  9. Hmmmm. Do you actually think Hamas erected the wall around Gaza and is manning the checkpoints stopping them leaving?
  10. If that happens then IMO those hostages will be returning to Israel in body bags.
  11. Are you taking the mickey? You think that after the way Israel has treated them for decades they are going to start being friends with them? Never going to happen IMO. The Irish hated the English for hundreds of years, so that could happen here too, if nothing changes.
  12. They have no reason to love us seeing as all the so called freedom loving western countries left them to rot under Israeli occupation for decades. If some countries are supporting the Palestinians, it's because they see what has been going on and don't like it.
  13. Yes a serviced apartment gets cleaned for you. If I died in my room, the only way they'd know would be from the smell. My rent is direct debit, so management doesn't have to see me ever.
  14. but you can't see Biden or Harris for what they are. Why is it only Trump that deserves your dislike? Seems you have fallen for the propaganda that Biden is good.
  15. but you can't see Biden or Harris for what they are. Why is it only Trump that deserves your dislike? Seems you have fallen for the propaganda that Biden is good.
  16. It is a good thing but it's probably only educated women having less or none. The uneducated ones are having lots of them, which does not bode well for the future.
  17. You certainly come across as a Trump hater from what you write. Walls never work without humans to back them up. The vast majority of the horde currently invading the US would not be able to tunnel under or fly over it, but they can walk around it because biden stopped construction leaving gaps.
  18. I dated a few girls but never enjoyed it, so didn't any more. Seemed it was more about them getting free meals or movies than because they liked me. After a while had no regrets for not doing so. I still had platonic female friends, but never went further.
  19. It's unusual for me to agree with you, but this is the second time, so perhaps it's becoming a habit ????
  20. I think that if one has two divorces, one should have learned that getting married at all is a huge mistake and just not do it again.
  21. Nuclear powered submarines make hydrogen as a by product of producing O2 by electrolysis. I have no problem using nuclear energy to make hydrogen on land if renewables are not sufficient.
  22. I listened to it and I agree with him. Humanity is a disappointing species, and has wasted the gifts and opportunities we were given.
  23. Does having that rant make you feel better? He made a billion dollar wall, which hasn't stopped the daily illegals entering, How come you Trump haters always distort reality? You have to know that he didn't get to finish the wall and biden cancelled it, which left big gaps for the illegals to walk through.
  24. No, if you repent you get excused the bad things you did, just as long as it's real repentance.
  25. One divorce is unfortunate, 2 divorces are a mistake, 3 divorces IMO are refusal to learn from one's mistakes.
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