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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Soapies on Walking Street???????? Do tell us where they are, as I never saw any there. As for the mayor, if he could remove the eyesores at the end of Walking Street he might achieve something worthwhile, and how about stopping the beach washing away?
  2. As usual from "auntie BBC" a simplistic solution which is IMO never going to happen. Even if we stopped using fossil fuel tomorrow ( which isn't going to happen ) it would likely take many decades to make even a slight difference in the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. However, keep believing the propaganda if one wishes to do so.
  3. Yes, it's a tragedy for the present generation, but the article is too pessimistic. It's erroneous to say they depend on sea ice to breed. If the land comes within reach they can breed on land. They get no food on the sea ice. One partner keeps the chick warm while the other goes to feed in the ocean. After they return they regurgitate the food they ate into the chick's mouth. Adelies breed on land and I have visited the rookery at Cape Royds. Something I was struck by was how many dead chicks there were. Only the strongest survive. Also, skuas like to eat penguin chicks, and feast well during the breeding season.
  4. Difference is that he was talking about people, and something can be done about them. Even if I believed that climate change was caused primarily by humans, I don't believe for a millisecond that we can do anything to change it to something else with what we are doing, which is sod all other than taxes which will IMO make zero difference.
  5. That woman was never indicted, never had to get a mug shot etc. Do I have to wonder why he has been indicted so many times right at the start of the election cycle? I hope all this comes back to bite the haters and he wins. I didn't use to want him to stand again, but this is so outrageous that I now hope he wins and deals to a few people after.
  6. The OP doesn't give much info about himself which makes me suspicious. 30s and living in LOS? Is he a teacher with little money and no prospects of a long term relationship or..........................? How long has he lived in LOS? Had any long term relationships with a female before? I need more info before I take this seriously.
  7. Just ate a hot dog for a late breakfast- yummy. bread, meat, tomatoes ( in the sauce ), so that's all the needed food groups covered.
  8. Sure it's only Brits in Pattaya, 55555555555555. Did you miss all those Indians trying to pick up girls along Beach Road at night?
  9. Did you read the paragraph at the start of the subforum? Do you comprehend that this sub forum is about THAILAND, not other countries? I'll quote it just for you- my bolding. Thailand is legendary for its entertainment, both traditional and modern. Discuss night life, restaurants, bars, music, movies, concerts, expat life, fun, or just a chat about anything not covered by other sub-forums. (No Politics). You might want to be careful when writing such as your second sentence. BTW, there is a whole section of the forum just for other countries, if you didn't know.
  10. So what? If you don't like it don't go there to be offended. Is prostitution banned in your home country?
  11. What country are you talking about? Do they make laws in Thailand based on English language definitions?
  12. Human bodies are designed to be multivores, not exclusively carnivores. How do you think the cavemen survived without being able to eat wild plants/ roots/ berries etc? Do you think they had tigers or mammoths for breakfast every day?
  13. How did a thread about breakfast devolve into yet another rant about so called "healthy" food? I ate massive amounts of unhealthy food all my adult life and it only affected me after I'm too old to care. You guys can keep your "healthy" options and I'll carry on with tasty junk food till I go up the chimney.
  14. Agree 100%. Since Nixon made the biggest mistake of all and made communist China acceptable to the west, our governments have colluded in exporting our jobs to that blighted country. I am happy that I probably won't be around to see the end result of such infamy.
  15. The tried and successful solution to unrest among the peasants has been to start a war ( eg Thatcher and the Falklands ), so we are all at risk as long as the party rules, IMO. As I understand it, rare earths are not rare, but are so polluting to refine that probably only a country like China is willing to do so.
  16. Oh so true. My parents generation ( after the war ) had the best of our civilisation, and my generation benefited from that. Sadly my generation exploited it too much and now the gravy train is over. IMO never again will so many have so much freedom to live their lives as they wished. AI and dictatorship hiding behind the curtain are well on the way to 1984.
  17. I suspected that the fix was in before he decided to return. Why else would he do so?
  18. This was common knowledge back during the Mueller investigation. Not sufficiently common to actually do anything about it, apparently. relevant words in your quotes: potentially significant clue a suspected Russian intelligence asset The U.S. Treasury Department says- did they offer any proof or convict anyone of anything over that? How many years ago was that? Did Trump get banged up for it? Does anyone even care about that failed investigation now? Meanwhile, Trump continues to profit off every indictment, raising more money and becoming more popular as more and more people see the legal assault on him just as the election season starts for what it probably is. Going to be hugely ironic if Trump wins BECAUSE of the legal assault on him.
  19. What I meant is would I like to end up where I am in preference to an unknown and possibly worse end. I could avoid a lot of problems and have a better life by following the same path, or I could take a leap into the unknown and possibly regret doing so. My current life isn't so bad that I'd want to take the risk. Boffing a certain someone that I passed on 30 years ago would be enjoyable, but not life changing.
  20. Changing things like having kids would change the future. If I went back and didn't have the same western partner, do the same job, would I end up with a worse life?
  21. The only decision I'd have a problem with is how far back to go. For sure the good bits would be even better, and avoiding the bad bits could only be beneficial.
  22. Go back" Of course, but only if I could avoid all the mistakes I made, like trusting/ loving a couple of women enough to be partners with. I wouldn't be a nurse, but I'd still serve in the military, which was my best ever decision. Many women in Nana I'd have had fun with that I passed at the time. I'd never have bothered with any western women- just straight to LOS soon as able.

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