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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I'm the most interesting person I know, so why wouldn't I talk about myself? That's actually true, as I had a far more interesting life than anyone I know.
  2. That's fine if you have loadsacash, but for the rest of us, dentists cost, drs cost, rent costs, food costs etc. If we had a guaranteed get out painlessly pill I'd probably head back to LOS and finish up by exiting through the chimney, but I don't have one of them, so I'll continue to hoard the cash.
  3. Having been acquainted with farm animals for many years ( most of my life ) I defy anyone to claim that a sheep or a cow could be or become intelligent. It's irrelevant anyway, as our bodies are animal and designed as multivores. If we were not supposed to eat meat, we would not have canines. Jesus, and he should know, had no problem with eating meat or fish etc that we know of.
  4. The basic assumption is why I don't believe in his teachings.
  5. The way Clinton did after his escapade with cigars in strange places and co operated with the GOP.
  6. The way Clinton did after his escapade with cigars in strange places and co operated with the GOP.
  7. You are asking for my personal opinion of Mr Biden, but given I might be banned for that I decline to answer. As for what he has done that has riled me, stopping the wall construction soon as taking office for one, cancelling the Keystone XL for another, but mostly for having Harris as his VP which means that she has a good shot at being president. BTW, when you say " a lifetime in politics", that's as good a reason to dislike him as any. IMO a country I know is being ruined by a government of people that never had a real job or lived like ordinary people- I suppose it's the same in any country with drones for politicians, which is why I'd like to see a three term limit on ANY elected politician ( two terms if they are over 4 years ).
  8. Originally I was referring to Nixon allowing China to join the world financial "club". I'd prefer it had China been left to rot. At least we might be making stuff ourselves if China hadn't been cheaper.
  9. and yet, by the time of the financial crisis of 2007 we had the spectacle of CEOs of auto companies turning up on their private jets to beg for a bail out. So, some people were doing just fine in the US auto industry. Memory isn't that great now, but I'm pretty sure that did happen. Tell me if I'm wrong.
  10. Doesn't surprise me if it was Reagan. Just another thing he did that wasn't a good idea. I have no idea why people think he was so great. IMO he was a rotten actor too.
  11. WHAT!!!!!! Thailand would be worse off without those workers from Burma doing jobs Thais don't want to do. Contrary to urban myth, IMO elderly farangs don't contribute much to the Thai economy, though I agree the immigration could be a lot friendlier to them than at present. They used to be to NZ citizens waaaaay back, till NZ government made it harder for Thais to visit NZ, and they retaliated by removing the right to 90 day visa exempt visits for NZ citizens.
  12. IMO one doesn't have to be a Trump supporter to believe that Biden isn't very good at his job. Hows it going on that "unite the US" thing he was talking about?
  13. I blame Nixon for letting China take over the west's manufacturing which is what has led IMO to the present western economic crisis. Not enough proper jobs any more IMO. Great for shareholders of companies that exported the jobs to China, not great for everyone else.
  14. I suspect something else is at play. Last time I was in Britain, the tourist numbers were horrendous, and I wasn't even there at peak season. Also, the British seem to have an aversion to public toilets- most of them were closed in central London, requiring a paying visit to McDonalds to use a loo. Not a good way to attract tourists.
  15. It always amazes me as to how many anti Trumpers on this subforum are able to psychically diagnose mental conditions despite not a/ being qualified to do so, and not b/ having actually examined him in person. Far as I know, both a and b are required to give a medical diagnosis.
  16. LOL. There isn't any money to be made from stopping water vapour or clouds. The OP isn't going to make any difference to the "we must drive electric cars to save the world" clique. IMO science is always settled as long as it supports what some people want to believe.
  17. I have no idea what they may be, the search box gives no reply, and I can't find any "points" indicated on my profile, though I'm sure I've acquired a few during my time. What are they, where are they, and what are they for? I'm pretty sure it's not to award me with a prize for my likes number.
  18. and how long before the West can no longer do so? Doesn't look like the war is going to end any time soon.
  19. The case was settled, so not found guilty in a court of law of a crime. Ergo, never found guilty of a crime.
  20. and of those 56 cases, how many has he been convicted for? They have had enough time to try him for at least some of them since he left office.
  21. Are you are claiming the hundreds of times involves different companies? If so he must have been rather busy running them all! Would it not be more realistic to say that he left managers to run them?
  22. Dislike of the other side is strong enough to make me support him, despite his obvious flaws. Do you not think a POTUS should have integrity, honesty and standards? Yes, which is why it's a shame that the US has had the presidents it had since I can't remember the last one that had all those qualities. IMO the best was Kennedy, and apparently he left Trump in the dust in his quest to bed women not his wife. Since then, war mongers, outright criminals, liars etc.
  23. Just occurred to me that given ladyboys often work in the sex industry to earn enough for the big cut, any guy taking one on as a "girlfriend" will have to make up the shortfall in income if she has to work in an ordinary job- hairdressers don't earn a lot. Even if they already had the cut, they may still be paying it off.

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