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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. some of us know, but are reluctant to post the reason on here.
  2. If one reads my posts prior to the election, the senate was always a toss up for the winner, but the real important one was always the house. They have the committees and the money. IMO the senate would have been good for the GOP to prevent Biden putting in SCOTUS members, but IMO it's unlikely any will need to be replaced in the next two years, so while goody for the Dems, in real terms not that big a deal. If the Dems do take the house, as they may do, that will be a problem for those of us that think Biden's agenda has to be stopped.
  3. Should not the third candidate have decided where to put his 15 votes? Deciding by a coin toss IMO is disrespectful to those voters, OR have a run off election between the two front runners, as they do elsewhere.
  4. The dairy industry does not constitute the entirety of the primary industry sector. If she really wanted to reduce NZ's pollution levels, a good start would be bulldozing all of Auckland into the harbour and planting trees on it.
  5. Not being subject to Brussels is worth it.
  6. What happened to the wave power that they were going to build some years back? It often isn't sunny in Britain but the waves never stop.
  7. When you no longer make much, there's not much to fall back on. The UK don't even make their own planes to put on those aircraft carriers. Considering they used to have an military aviation industry as good as the best in the world that is a rather large indictment of Britain, IMO.
  8. At least that's something I can say that I did accomplish, having nursed thousands of patients during my time in that job. Know lots of other nurses too. Unless, of course, helping people get better isn't worthwhile. I think farmers accomplish something, feeding people, and I know lots of them. IMO those that accomplish the least are lawyers and politicians followed by bureaucrats. Even second hand car salesmen provide a service people need.
  9. So you still tip even if it's poor service? Strange thing to do, but I guess that's the US for you.
  10. Don't like woke- Thailand is the cheese. Don't like PC- ditto Like pretty girls that don't think femininity is showing their boobs- ditto Like feminine women- ditto Like to look at girls without being accused of being scum- ditto Like women that don't have huge back sides, giant boobs and Coopers droop- ditto Don't expect the "Government" to look after your every need- ditto Don't need the "government" to tell you how to live- ditto Believe in being responsible for yourself- ditto Like being able to afford to stay on a nice beach right beside the sand- ditto Like to be able to afford to stay in a mountain resort- ditto Like a culture/ religion that is hundreds of years old and is observed by most- ditto Like decent land based intercity public transport options- ditto Like being able to be accepted even if you ain't really rich- ditto Like being able to wear shorts, t shirt and flip flops all year around and anywhere- ditto Like having a convenience store nearby if in a town- ditto Like having a variety of restaurants that are affordable- ditto Like movie theatres that are like those from the 60s in western countries- ditto I could go on, but I'm sure you have got the idea by now. Thailand IS the place to live- PERIOD.
  11. Perhaps rich Manhattanites feel ashamed that they live a privileged life when there are so many poor people that live <deleted> lives in the streets below them. Despite the attempts of the woke to make all white men feel guilty for being born white, not only do I not feel guilty, but I scorn them, and the white people that do feel guilty.
  12. What could possibly go wrong with that? LOL.
  13. I don't see anything by him as he's on ignore. I was pointing out that Biden is trying to support two opposed policies. Perhaps he shouldn't make statements about "zero carbon" if he going to grovel to the Saudis to increase oil production. I don't remember if I was complaining about him doing nothing to reduce inflation, but I don't think I did. Perhaps you can quote me on that. I mostly comment about him talking to dead people and falling over.
  14. Excellent news. I know someone that is probably laughing fit to bust about that.
  15. If you look up the history of AKB48 it does have some meaning as started with 48. It just got so popular that it expanded over the years. It's even got branches in other countries. Clever guy that saw the potential of idols to cater to the Otaku who never had a chance of a real girlfriend. Idol groups are HUGE in Japan and make multi millions of $. Perhaps the most "unusual" are the Love LIve concerts which are based on an anime about idol groups, which was based on real idol groups. Hugely popular and play to an audience of thousands all waving glow sticks. Plenty on U tube about them.
  16. Shame they didn't take off in LOS. What's not to like? Closest in LOS are coyotes, but not nearly as good.
  17. Some explanation is in order. What you wrote means nothing to to me.
  18. I already pointed that out on a different thread. So, it'd be really, really great if posters didn't keep ranting about him.
  19. He said "A fat thai blob-like animal(dressed as a girl)" which I take to be a katoey.
  20. They are chips in England, not silly French fries. I hated the way takeaways cooked a load of food and let it get cold before selling it. Only got hot chips if came in after they just cooked them. Proper takeaways are cooked while you wait.
  21. and you know that because?
  22. Any conscript sent there deserved anything they could get. Shameful episode in US history IMO.
  23. Cars are always flawless till they are not.
  24. I didn't realise the motor industry had gone so barking. Probably because it's cheaper. If the battery fails while the park brake is on, does it stay on, or go off?
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