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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I saw that movie. Never seen so much product placement in a movie ( except for that other Hanks movie Cast away )! May Mehran RIP.
  2. Perhaps the other 15 million have good seawalls or coastal protection.
  3. Does anyone else think that perhaps those cars had too much profit built into the price?
  4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Magnus He is an advocate of community policing and of sanctuary cities and states. LOL. What a surprise, NOT.
  5. IMO it's that people on one side hate the other side so much they don't care what the truth is. America is divided, perhaps irreparably. Look at the electoral map, and see that the middle of America is red, only the populous coastal areas blue.
  6. I got it from Al Jazeera. Are you aware of what "my understanding" means? Unlike some posters on "your" side, if I state something as fact, I try to give a link.
  7. Given that the Russian military haven't been involved in a major conflict since they pulled out of Afghanistan I'm not surprised. I was in the military during and after the Vietnam war, and soon as the veterans got out the service went downhill fast to the point I had to leave it. Taken over by incompetents, bullies and blowhards.
  8. Perhaps they use it for things other than politics.
  9. Agree, but not just Trump. Apparently abortion got the young voters to vote by mail in very large numbers.
  10. The Dems and GOP Trump haters may have been able to destroy Trump, but they'll never destroy the message trump used to become POTUS. DeSantis for 47.
  11. IMO such would be sad, as it probably would be the end of "democracy" as we know it. It may be a rotten system, but it's better than all the rest ( as a wise man once said ).
  12. In a rare moment, I agree that Trump is now the biggest danger to the GOP, but only if they let him divide them. As for Trump and the reason he was elected, the Dems and those GOP that hated him united to destroy him. They did a good job on that, and the reason he was elected has been, apparently, forgotten. I'm sorry he was unable to "drain the swamp", but I fear the swamp has become too powerful to be eliminated. Eisenhower should have included a reference to that along with his warning about the military industrial complex.
  13. The longer the ( pathetic ) vote counting continues, the more despondent I become, as it seems like the house may yet revert to Democrat control, in what would be the biggest political shock of my lifetime. The GOP should have had the house on election day, and that they don't will keep the analysts in jobs for a long time to come. Speaking as an outsider, seems to me that the GOP have done so badly for two reasons 1/ young Americans so want to kill the unborn that they will vote against the party that they identify ( mistakenly IMO ) as being anti abortion. That abortion is apparently more important than contraception horrifies me, though I am for abortion as a last resort. While the SCOTUS did the right thing- returned abortion policy to the states where it belongs- they didn't do the GOP any favours by doing so. 2/ The Democrats have been able to make Trump toxic. Cleverly done to use his defects to over ride the reason he became popular in the first place- as a protest against the Washington establishment. As a threat to their place at the taxpayer funded trough power, he had to be, not just removed from contention as 47, but destroyed as a warning to any others that might seek to attack the establishment. They seem to have achieved that objective. IMO Trump is now not just yesterday's man, but yesterdays toast, and will follow the Tea Party into political oblivion. If he remains, he will, IMO, be the Democrats best hope of keeping the POTUS in 24. The GOP have two years to recover from what is a political disaster ( they should have had a red wave that destroyed Biden ), so hopefully they will not squabble over what went wrong, but will unite to win in 24.
  14. Nothing will, IMO, change because the swamp dwellers politicians are only concerned about keeping their place at the trough power, and all the bad stuff only happens to the ordinary people that don't get huge wages from the long suffering population. Seems people have forgotten the reason Trump was elected in the first place- as a protest against the swamp dwellers political establishment of BOTH sides in Washington.
  15. It only looks bad for the UK till one realises it's only 0.6% below Germany.
  16. most sensible people realised that you couldn't have the benefits of belonging to the world's biggest trading bloc without the accompanying insanity. The EU did what the cabal controlling it dictated UK governments have not been very good at anything for a long while. A plan? Does the government actually know what a "plan" is? NB. All the above should be regarded as my opinion.
  17. Thanks for that VDO. Best idol VDO I've seen. Usually have them far away on a stage or not very good VDOs ( ? bootleg ) I think this one is really great because the girls are so obviously enjoying themselves. So nice to see smiles in this gloomy time. Sometimes the girls are just going through the motions and the smile is fake. Has to be hard not to be bored though, doing the same routine dozens of times. Just watching it cheers me up ???? That DJ has a great job. I'd like to be him.
  18. LOL. That says it all about people that use <deleted><deleted> sites like twitthing. Go on a social media web site to be told which way to vote
  19. I obviously don't know, but IMO he may be so PO about having to buy it he may just not care if it goes under. He's so rich it might be a tax write off.
  20. I needed my AC in Lamphun in the hot season, and I REALLY need my heater in NZ. In winter it's on 24/7 unless I go out.
  21. My understanding is that mail voting convinced young voters to vote in large numbers and apparently they consider abortion to be birth control, rather than a last resort, so single issue voters. In the past, apparently young people didn't vote much in mid terms. IMO a bit sad that young people want to kill foetuses rather than use birth control.
  22. I visited the Saudi solar research project many years ago. They had to cool the solar panels as they got too hot in the Saudi temperatures. Re Biden, it just doesn't look good if one day he's saying Zero Carbon and the next he's asking Saudi to pump more oil. Terrible optics. What happens if the entire renewable energy project stops for any one of a dozen reasons? Is he then going to say "sorry, we got it wrong, keep driving petrol cars"?
  23. You have to ask 5555555555555.
  24. Does your solar run your AC? I'd like to go solar, but I could never run a heater off it, so not economical.
  25. Given inflation and prices are rising everywhere, there is IMO no advantage financially to move elsewhere. IMO the reason is otherwise and I'm not going to say it on here.
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