The longer the ( pathetic ) vote counting continues, the more despondent I become, as it seems like the house may yet revert to Democrat control, in what would be the biggest political shock of my lifetime.
The GOP should have had the house on election day, and that they don't will keep the analysts in jobs for a long time to come.
Speaking as an outsider, seems to me that the GOP have done so badly for two reasons
1/ young Americans so want to kill the unborn that they will vote against the party that they identify ( mistakenly IMO ) as being anti abortion. That abortion is apparently more important than contraception horrifies me, though I am for abortion as a last resort.
While the SCOTUS did the right thing- returned abortion policy to the states where it belongs- they didn't do the GOP any favours by doing so.
2/ The Democrats have been able to make Trump toxic. Cleverly done to use his defects to over ride the reason he became popular in the first place- as a protest against the Washington establishment. As a threat to their place at the taxpayer funded trough power, he had to be, not just removed from contention as 47, but destroyed as a warning to any others that might seek to attack the establishment. They seem to have achieved that objective.
IMO Trump is now not just yesterday's man, but yesterdays toast, and will follow the Tea Party into political oblivion. If he remains, he will, IMO, be the Democrats best hope of keeping the POTUS in 24.
The GOP have two years to recover from what is a political disaster ( they should have had a red wave that destroyed Biden ), so hopefully they will not squabble over what went wrong, but will unite to win in 24.