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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I did go to LOS for the women, and lived life as good as it gets for a western guy of modest means that wants to wake up with an attractive woman beside him occasionally. That life could have continued on till this day had I not fallen down the rabbit hole of stupidity and got married to one of them. That's what happens when one thinks it is possible to have cake and eat it too.
  2. Seriously? I'd rather be celibate my entire life than get involved with any of them, but then I require a certain degree of physical attractiveness to be interested.
  3. Health care in the UK is free to patients ( don't go on about paying taxes- many in the UK never work a day in their life, but still get free health care ), over 60 I got free public transport after 9 am, free prescriptions. Many old people live in council accommodation. If it comes down to it, pet food isn't expensive and people can live on it too. Those with a house can sell it and live off the profit, and those with sense move to Thailand where the money gives them a far better lifestyle for a lot longer.
  4. You think every man wants to get married or have a relationship? I envy those that choose to remain single. Had I done so I'd be happy, wealthy and living the life in LOS with rentals. My 2 long term relationships turned into emotional disasters that ruined me financially. I'd live in LOS if I could, even if I couldn't get a woman of any age. At the very least, pretty girls are everywhere to look at while a pretty girl here is a rarity. Somewhere along the line in this modern age, many western women abandoned femininity, and think being fat and unattractive is OK. It's even becoming a "crime" to say someone is fat. The best thing about LOS that I liked, was the ( mostly ) absence of the PC <deleted> that IMO has ruined western society. I'd trade a year in Thailand for all the years I have left to live not in Thailand, in a heartbeat.
  5. IMO marriage was invented waaaaay back when working class men worked long hours and didn't live long lives, and rich men marry for reasons other than love ( appearances, status, someone to pass the wealth on to etc ) and have totty on the side.
  6. No man willingly marries a horrible woman, but women change. I had that experience twice. A wonderful woman turned into someone I couldn't live with.
  7. A friend was once going to give me some LSD, but chickened out. Looking back now, I'm glad as I might have got hooked. Weed never did anything for me- never got high, and wasn't going to ever try the bad stuff. Any highs in my life have been done by nature and I'm happy with that.
  8. LOL. You can't see faith, touch it, smell it, breath it, hear it. It comes from within and no one else can give it to you.
  9. I read it was 7 people, but who's counting? It tasted vile and I took drinking water home from the hospital as it was specially treated.
  10. "Strangely, people haven't advanced enough to think for themselves yet. That's the mind boggling part." Sounds like society in general. People are always jumping on the latest fad, without thinking about it, eg climate change, more than 2 genders, etc.
  11. You won't find faith in a book.
  12. Did you get to fondle them like gogo dancers in LOS, or was it dances only?
  13. I always drove a decrepit car, didn't have a house after my first partner got it when we broke up, worked as a nurse so had little money and had ZERO offers from women looking to partner up. Yes, it's all about the money, given that ugly, unpleasant men with money never have a problem attracting women.
  14. Back then ordinary couples had to marry to get descendants to support them in old age, and the woman had to stay home to do all the things men didn't have time to do, like laundry by hand and cooking meals. The men had to work long hours and probably died quite young. Nobody has to have children anymore as the state looks after us if we get too decrepit, and machines do all the work, so no one has to stay at home ( and with the price of houses both have to work anyway ). IMO the reason to get married no longer exists and we live long enough for our partners to look old and unattractive. I'm not at all surprised that marriage is a failed construct and men with money look elsewhere. Sooner or later men will wise up and stop getting married at all.
  15. Given I believe the soul/ spirit lives forever, I have no problem believing that a soul can come to earth ( or to other planets ) more than once. I have enough problems trying to survive in this culture to be investigating Indian or any other culture that I'm not living in. I lived in Thailand a long time but wasn't interested in a religion that worships 3 headed elephants. Anyway, I'm far too materialistic to be trying to achieve life without material possessions. I love movies, driving a car etc, and would hate to give them up for spiritual reasons.
  16. According to the text in the OP they are lap dancers, not strippers. Lap dancers wear scanty clothing but far as I know do not get naked. Mind you, I wouldn't want to see any in that photo naked. Also, I never saw a stripper in Thailand. Plenty of naked dancers, but no striptease as done in western countries.
  17. I was once approached by a hooker at King's Cross Station in London. I wasn't interested as I was having holidays in LOS then, but I played along to find out how much it would cost. I can't give the amount as against forum rules to go into specifics, but when she told me it was XX quid for quickie it was all I could do not to laugh in her face.
  18. Given you started the post with a reference to the UK it behooves you to be clear on what currency you were talking about. None of us are mind readers. In baht that sounds reasonable, given the price of booze in a gogo, and I'd say a lot of two week millionaires in LOS would spend that much a night, but only on holiday. Have to be wealthy to do it every night if living in LOS. There is no comparison between the girlfriend experience P4P in LOS and a 1/2 hour quickie with some western hooker.
  19. A western woman I used to work with bragged to me about how she could go to a pub, get free drinks all night and walk out alone.
  20. I know where you are coming from. I'd give anything to be able to live in LOS the rest of my life ( in the style I was used to- I'm not talking about existing in a 2,000 baht a month hovel, eating rice every meal and not ever having a nice lady to sleep with ).
  21. You are comparing P4P in the UK with that in LOS? 5555555555555555 I don't know, and never knew anyone that could afford to spend 10,000 quid on a hooker, and I doubt they are common.
  22. Yeah, just as well most western men don't know there is a better world out there or they'd all be in LOS. As for the guy who spent $1000 on a woman he wasn't engaged to- is he desperate or what? BTW, I doubt anyone forced him to spend that sort of money on her. Caveat emptor.
  23. Yes, but in a different body. IMO the body is disposable, though the soul ( our consciousness ) carries on.
  24. I believe that our bodies are just a biological transport mechanism, and the soul after death on this plane has no need of such.
  25. Given that no living person knows what the other side ( heaven ) is like, I'd be boggled if anyone was able to describe it. IMO it's wishful thinking as how some would like heaven to be. I don't even know if I'll still be "me" after I pass over the great divide, or just go back into the pure consciousness from which, IMO, all life comes.
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