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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. One suspects they don't want the average pensioner in LOS, despite us collectively spending billions of baht on families, houses etc. One has to wonder why?
  2. That would be millions of people then! Isn't that OTT harsh?
  3. and yet he still became president! It always comes down to the choice between Trump and HRC, and IMO millions were voting against her, rather than for him. IMO he was a protest vote against the Washington establishment.
  4. It's not actually necessary to spend a lot of money to save the NHS. From my 10 years working in the NHS the biggest problem is too many un necessary mangers, and wasting money on fancy buildings and interior decoration etc. Getting rid of 70% of managers would IMO be of great help to make the NHS a better service. Going back to nurses training in hospitals instead of universities would also be of benefit to patients, and while they are about it, bring back enrolled nurses, which did an excellent job for less pay than a registered nurse. There is no need for most patients to be cared for by a university educated registered nurse, given most require basic care.
  5. All of which were very popular when they came to power. If not for WW2 they might have died in old age of natural causes, like Mao and Stalin ( don't think Franco came to a sticky end either ).
  6. I have amended my post so you can understand it.
  7. My political stance is nobody's business, but mine. My posts give my opinions. You are welcome to disagree with my opinions, as I am of yours, but my political beliefs are none of your concern. Anyway, enough of this sidebar.
  8. Given you know zero about my political affiliations, other than they are opposed to such as Biden or HRC ( I'd have voted for Jack Kennedy, Carter, Bernie and voted against Nixon, Ford, both Bush's and Obama ) that I do not consider to be for the common man, you might do well to leave the personal comments to some other forum. I would vote on the issues and policies and vote for any politician that comes closest to my druthers. I suppose I'm an independent voter, sadly lacking in people I respect enough to vote for. Fact of life is that no "party" has all the policies I like, and many policies I don't, but independent candidates have a hard road to get elected.
  9. Oh I'd say the US has a large active and purposeful slice of citizenry, but they ain't on Biden's side.
  10. Rather like they can do an hysterectomy with only a couple of puncture wounds instead of a big cut.
  11. Given that it's not unknown for vasectomies to fail, no way I'd agree to a "no cut" method. I had the ultimate vasectomy, when I had a radical prostatectomy. It works for sure, even though it's not what I'd have chosen. I never had the opportunity for a normal vasectomy given I never had children and in our insanely PC world they apparently won't do one till you have children, despite never wanting any. Madness!
  12. In my opinion you are putting faith and engineering in the same category and that just doesn't work for me. My faith is no doubt different to that of every other poster ever been on this thread, but it's still faith. When it comes to faith, there is IMO no one size fits all version. You have your version and if it works for you, that's good, for you, but don't expect me or all others to agree with you on everything. Mine works for me, and that is enough for me, but whether anyone else agrees with me or not is completely irrelevant to me. I really don't care whether anyone agrees with me or not, as that's not important. What is important is being open to other's viewpoints and giving them the respect they deserve ( unless they are trolls ). I'm open to such, and have learned much about faith on these many pages, but I only use what works for myself.
  13. Sadly, it doesn't usually end that way for them. Stalin and Mao ( 2 of the most evil men, IMO, to ever walk on this planet ) died ( far as we know ) of natural causes while still "in charge".
  14. So, perhaps in the real world they can charge Trump with one of the many crimes he has been accused of by certain posters on here, and prove it in a court of law. He either stole documents he should not have had, or he didn't. Doesn't take months to ascertain that. In the real world, people are often charged with a sample case, rather than delaying to charge them with multiple cases. Guilty is guilty, for one or for several crimes. Al Capone went to jail for tax evasion, not the many murders he apparently committed. Jail is jail, regardless of the reasons for being there.
  15. I seem to remember a certain poster claiming the agents were unarmed during the raid, though he didn't provide any proof of that ( that I saw ) when I asked him to. He's one of those that liked your post.
  16. Of course it's my opinion. Do you think I'd post using your opinion? But it is only your opinion and you are politically biased would apply to most if not all posters on this thread, would it not? It's a forum, so who is going to say what qualifies as independent? I agree with last sentence.
  17. Most????? Any stats to back that up? Clandestine???? Doesn't seem very clandestine to me- pretty much out in the open. Charge all those people and the justice system would implode IMO, as would take years for all the court cases. If "democracy" is so easily undermined, it can't be a very robust system. Anyway, I don't know of any western country other than Switzerland, that comes close to being a "real" democracy. Some have governments that were elected by a minority of voters.
  18. Bernie was the candidate that most closely aligned to the candidate I'd have wanted. However, seems socialism is not favoured in the US, even when it's not really socialism. At least Bernie said he'd go after Wall Street ( if I remember correctly ), though that is probably why he got the boot. Anyway, they chose the worst possible candidate instead, IMO, and Trump got in. Served them right for choosing her.
  19. IMO you are letting your opinion of prostitutes invent descriptions of them. They are civilians. From Google dictionary noun noun: civilian; plural noun: civilians a person not in the armed services or the police force.
  20. I'd try a visa agency first, but I doubt they can do the affirmation from the embassy for you, as you have to sign in front of a consular official. That was the hardest and most expensive part for me, so IMO if you have to do that, might as well do the rest yourself. Good luck.
  21. Which does not mean it won't be changed in the future. Apparently there never used to be an age of consent, till there was, and prostitution was apparently legal till it wasn't. I used to get unlimited back to back 90 days visa exempt entries, till they stopped that. Nothing, IMO, is guaranteed.
  22. In NZ she could claim half. Guys in LOS have it sweet.
  23. You are saying the BBC publishes fake news then? How about providing some evidence that Trump conspired.
  24. Possibly is not factual, It's a possibility or an opinion. It did find that it could not say that Trump was guilty of criminal conspiracy, ergo not guilty as not found guilty in a court of law. Presumption of innocence and all that.

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