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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. The only British monarch I remember in my lifetime and she almost outlasted me.
  2. That photo's from the remake movie. I preferred the original, but no matter. It's a sad commentary on humanity that any group of humans in the same situation would likely degenerate in the same manner, and if a minority number of women were included the situation would likely degenerate even faster. While religion has many sins to answer for, it probably did keep humanity's worst impulses from dominating during the centuries before governmental authority was effective. BTW. Golding, who wrote the book the film is based on, wrote some amazing books. Well worth a read of.
  3. I read it, but It's all a storm in a teacup far as I'm concerned. I just don't understand why you would care though. This subforum is the "pub" ergo it's for "pub talk", which is not to be taken seriously ( though some topics on it may be serious ie this thread, though many of the thousands of replies were not serious ). Whenever I post anything on this forum, I bear in mind that whatever I write today will be forgotten tomorrow ( especially by me, given my age related forgetfulness ). It's certainly not worth jumping up and down about. As apparently you take it far more seriously than I, I apologise if my words offended you. Anyway, for reasons that I can't discuss ( as related to the rules on commenting on moderation ) I'll probably not bother about posting as much anymore. No doubt that will make certain persons on this forum happy, but life's too short ( certainly my remaining life ) to keep fighting a losing battle.
  4. Never heard of bridges high enough for ships to pass under?
  5. He's waited a very long time for his time on the throne. I hope he enjoys it for as long as he stays in the job, and that the press does not attack him as they have done for most of his life.
  6. LOL. Have you forgotten the monarch that abdicated for love, last century? Have you forgotten the "celebrity" princess? There is absolutely nothing to stop Charles abdicating in favour of William, and saving the country a bundle of money in the process. I understand quite enough about the British monarchy to not be attacking other posters about it. I have no wish to be disturbing the respectful vibe of this thread, so will not respond to any further attack.
  7. I've been hanging replies off quotes for years, and often partly, but not fully relevant to the quote, but that's the first time I've ever been attacked for doing so. The Thais have that wonderful response to those getting too excited- Jai yen, jai yen, meaning cool down, life is too short, enjoy more, stress less. I try to look at a situation from the point of view that if I knew I was going to die tomorrow, would it be important?
  8. Yes, but nothing to with topic. This isn't about biology per se though how the body was created would be.
  9. Why so serious? It's just a forum. Obviously you do care because you are making such a fuss. Does anyone else care if someone quotes them and isn't strictly replying to that post- I doubt it.
  10. I agree that many young people today are "lost souls" without purpose, hope, or goodness in them. I see them all over where I live.
  11. I have a problem with that too, as it would mean some souls choose to be born in bodies with major diseases, deformities, to horrible parents, to a brutish life etc.
  12. It's quite depressing that after many, many posts explaining that God created life the universe and everything, but left it up to evolution after that, a post like that comes on here. Could also have added "why did the creator give lambs testicles, when they are going to be castrated, or tails when they are going to be docked" and "why do cows belch greenhouse gas", etc.
  13. It's just a forum, not the word of God, Jai yen, jai yen. This is an opinion forum, and my opinion ( as long as not off topic ) is valid whatever I quote to hang it off.
  14. and if we scrutinise the previous midterm elections, we can be pretty sure that the house, if not the senate as well, will be GOP majority next year. Doesn't leave long for the Biden agenda to be passed, as it ain't got a snowball in hell's chance if they lose the house.
  15. Poor Charles, waited all his life for this, and now he may very well abdicate in favour of William. I guess we'll have to see if he actually has the ceremony or not. It would cost a lot of money for him to become king ( bank notes, stationary etc ) and would likely be only a few years. William is the better choice, and he's popular as well, but I always doubted it was going to change as long as she was alive.
  16. Seem to have vanished, but is that just my computer? Only alternative to the laugh one now is like and the cup one. Not going to give a like to a post I disagree with, and a laugh isn't always the best response. The puzzled one was appropriate in many cases.
  17. For a while I was convinced, by others, that our souls were born into humans to learn stuff while on Earth. I'm no longer convinced of that, but I'm open minded as to it's possibility.
  18. Very true. I had an epiphany about that many years ago, that what I disliked most in other people were the things I disliked about myself.
  19. Given the topic is about God, I can't see how mentioning faith is irrelevant to the discussion.
  20. I'm happy to see that you and I are on the same page when it comes to charging him- the sooner the better, but one should not assume he'll be convicted.
  21. I spent hundreds of hours in bar areas of Pattaya and never once was groped by anyone. The most was the usual mating call of "hansum man". I don't know where all this groping went on outside the bars, but I suspect it's more urban legend than reality.
  22. I spent many happy hours on walking Street, specifically on a stool at the front of Lucky Star number 2 bar, and I never once saw any man just sneak up and grope a female ( if that is what he did ). I suspect there is more to the story than we know, but given he has paid up it can be assumed he was in some way involved in inappropriate behaviour. However, the normal response would be more likely that several Thai men would assault the miscreant, than her going to the cops.
  23. Um, it would likely incorporate a bridge somewhere for ships to pass under, as in many such schemes around the world.
  24. Not suspicious at all. Install many boxes instead of the necessary number gives added opportunity for the usual reason.
  25. That's fine so long as you no longer want attractive female company in their 30s or less. IMO only really rich guys get that in western countries.

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