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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I assume the Bible is the basis of Judaism/ Christianity religion, and as I'm not religious I regard it as only a history book of the Jews ( old Testament ) and a history book of the rise of Christianity as a religion ( new Testament ). Far as intelligent design is concerned, unless anyone can come up with some definitive, acceptable to all proof that God does not exist, it has to be accepted that God is possible. Given faith, it's not necessary to prove that God exists, and that's completely on topic ( -do-you-believe-in-god- ). As for the why, I have posted my actual beliefs as to why I believe many times before, I won't be repeating them now. Given my belief is about faith, I have no problem accepting that God exists ( but not as most anti God posters on here claim God to be ).
  2. The old testament was written by people that probably had no concept of the universe ( thought the sun went around the earth etc ). I doubt they could conceive of the creator unless like a human. Have you considered that evolution was designed, rather than some sort of accidental occurrence?
  3. Indeed. Not for nothing did they warn against greed millennia ago. Far as I'm concerned the society in which I live is consumed by greed and appearances, and has consigned any that are not wealthy to oblivion. IMO it's not going to end well for anyone. However, when the brown stuff hits the rotating blades I'm sure a lot of those that don't believe will discover religion.
  4. Did you miss the bit where I said "I DON"T CARE if others believe or not in God"? It's not up to me to convince anyone. I'm only learning from those posters that contribute something worth consideration, and passing on my own opinion/ experiences.
  5. God is commonly described as the force that created the universe with it's uncountable trillions of stars, planets etc, so why ascribe human conditions to God? No human is capable of even creating something that has "life", let alone a solar system, so why does anyone think God is like humans? Hmmmm, I may yet start posting on this thread again, though I shall attempt to ignore the obvious trolls or repeat what I've posted many many times before. If anyone cares about my opinions they are welcome to read all my 1000 + posts.
  6. One would probably have to go back a few hundred pages to find a poster that is telling you to believe anything. The conversation moved on from that dogmatic attitude long ago, but somehow it seems that some posters are still beating the same old drum. I said it before, but personally I don't care if anyone believes in God or not, and I came on this thread long ago to learn and contribute my point of view, but not to convince anyone that I have the "correct" opinion, as it's obvious that none of us know everything about the full situation, though some of us are prepared to educate themselves to try and understand it as much as is possible. If anyone is honest, they won't claim that science actually has proof of anything to do with faith, as faith is above and beyond science.
  7. I guess you didn't actually read all the 14,195 posts or you would have seen plenty of "evidence" that there is more to life and the universe than can be explained by mere chance or a cosmic accident. However, coming to this thread with a preset opinion is not conducive to exploring the possibility that science doesn't have all the answers. Reading the posts since this thread resurrected itself it's clear to me that many currently posting haven't a clue as to what had been posted over the past years as they are saying the same things as were said at the beginning. While everyone has the right to post whatever they like within the rules, don't expect me to repeat what I said many, many times before to refute their opinion. However, I will be following the thread in case something new comes up to engage my interest in responding. Have a nice day.
  8. I haven't gone anywhere, as I still look in on TVF or whatever it's called now, but I just got tired of the abuse from the usual suspects, so don't post much anymore. I'll post if it's something non controversial ( so probably nothing on the resurrected World News ) that seems worthy of a comment. In this case I thought it worth mentioning that some advance notice would have been helpful. So, sorry if you thought I was back in previous posting mode as it's unlikely to happen.
  9. Thanks. I tried to thank you a while ago, but my internet is intermittent for reasons beyond my control and it apparently didn't post before I lost the internet.
  10. Thanks. I guess my 44 thousand plus posts qualifies me to go there.
  11. Found the forum support desk right down the bottom where I never look, but I was trying to find "the lounge" and had no luck with that.
  12. Why? If it wasn't broken, why change it? Would have been helpful if some notice had been given that it was changing for a while BEFORE changing it. It's not even obvious that it is the same as the Pub but with a different name, and I only found it because one of the posts was on the right hand side of the screen to link through. I was looking for the subforum where posters can look for info about the forum, but that seems to have vanished, or hidden. Perhaps it's still there and I just missed it.
  13. Good for them saying it like it is and putting the blame where it belongs- on Heathrow management.
  14. No, can't say I have, but I did fly out of Dammam airport ( Saudi ) in 93 which was basically a big shed, and the old Athens airport which IMO was diabolical. Heathrow is especially bad because they must make enough money out of it to do better, and it is the gateway to a ( supposedly ) world class city. Unfortunate then that they have stuffed it up so badly.
  15. When even the ( IMO ) disastrous Bkk airport ( Swampy ) was better than Heathrow, it says something. At the least Bkk airport had trolleys for passengers' carry on bags, and more toilets. I always hated having to fly out of Heathrow on Thai Airways, as they were always at the farthest end of the very long passageways, and those walkways were devoid of any decoration, which Swampy does have. Even the waiting area was vile, and at some stage was reduced in size so they could put in more duty free shops. Heathrow was horrible, from the endless underground tunnels linking Underground and Terminal, the unfriendly staff, the incompetent security checking staff, the atrocious design, the congestion and the overpriced "restaurants" to the looooooong boring passageways to the boarding lounge. I can't think of a single "pleasant" experience I had despite flying to Thailand from that <deleted> <deleted> at least twice a year for 10 years. I suppose that if there was one thing that would have made it worse would have been flying British Airways, but at least I was spared that ultimate attrocity.
  16. They are always good till they are not. None of the people getting divorced got married with intention of getting divorced. My ex wife was perfect till she wasn't.
  17. I believe that after being apart for two years one can apply to a Thai family court for a divorce based on abandonment. No need for ex partner's participation. Worth checking out if that applies in your case.
  18. I hope that 1,000 baht for lady at the amphur wasn't for the government official. Giving them a "tip" might lead them to expect a "gratuity" from every farang that comes after. I guess I was lucky in that I didn't have to bribe my wife to sign the divorce papers. She got more than enough from me over the marriage anyway. I can't believe that any wife soon to be an ex wife will take instructions on what to say from the soon to be ex husband.
  19. I wasn't asked. No reason to do so as any religious ceremony is nothing to do with being legally married in Thailand. Only the amphur is relevant to being legally married.
  20. That's the one that doesn't work, as I have found out myself.
  21. Perhaps a mod can close this thread as problem solved.
  22. Oops. When I was using computer memory to log in it was directing me to the confirm page every time. Hopefully problem solved.
  23. If one doesn't trust the wife to be, should one even be marrying her?
  24. ?????????????? I never had a ceremony before or after the legal part. It's not necessary. Perhaps that ampur was making up their own rules.
  25. I agreed to them days ago, so why do I have to "read and confirm" every time I try to log on?
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