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Posts posted by JAG

  1. 6 minutes ago, Artisi said:

    Now that would be a German speaking lawyer, naturally with a good background in German law and the necessary skills to handle and apply the law?

    Well I would rather have thought a Thai lawyer, who could liaise with his German counterparts and explain legal issues to assorted senior rozzers. German language is admittedly unlikely, English would probably suffice as a "lingua Franca"

  2. 21 minutes ago, nahkit said:

    So they're not allowed to ask for him back then?

    Of course they can ask for him back. Given the circumstances I have outlined no one should be surprised if they are refused. Turning up mob handed to demand he is handed over, within 3 days, but forgetting (or not bothering) to bring a lawyer, well that is just beyond silly, it's pathetic.

    • Like 1
  3. 15 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

    . In terms of the economic fundamentals, THB is pretty much where it deserves to be, I fully expect it to strengthen to under 40 against GBP inside a few years and to 35 inside 10 years.

    An interesting prediction. Have you taken into account the very likely political upheavals over the next 10 years.

    I'm no financial expert (goodness knows) but if your prediction predicates the current political status quo continuing for the next decade, then I think you may be overoptimistic. The likely widespread discontent amongst much of the population if that is the case will make the country extremely unattractive to investment and business, I would suggest.

  4. 25 minutes ago, Cadbury said:

    Yes indeed; like a lot of others my comments are certainly driven by my dislike for this junta military government and it's self appointed leader. No debate about that.

    I am rewarded that I have touched a nerve and that your sensitivity causes you respond to such criticism. ?. I call that a win.

    I urge all junta lovers to try to accept some reality of what is happening to the people outside the big metropolis of Bangkok. 


    There are people outside of Bangkok?

    Gracious me, whatever do they do?


  5. 2 minutes ago, The Deerhunter said:

    Ah yes.  The brainwashed member speaks.  Please do not speculate on my preferences.  

    If you don't want people to speculate on your preferences, then perhaps you should avoid putting forward controversial opinions?  

    We still, on this forum, have a significant degree of freedom of speech. Does that irk you?


    Incidentally, "brainwashed member" is intended as irony...

    • Like 1
  6. 10 hours ago, bluesofa said:

    Rather an unfortunate choice of words there by the headline writer.


    A long time ago, in a distant galaxy I had an old BMW 1602.

    When it went, well, phew, it went like nothing on earth.

    I did have to push it quite often though!

    Happy days...

  7. 13 hours ago, webfact said:

    According to Charas, when relevant parties can provide good schools in all provinces of Thailand, “tea-money problems” in the educational sector will automatically end.


    It is widely known that some parents have tried to offer “tea money” to Thailand’s top schools in a bid to have their children enrolled there


    In a bid! It is the only way. My daughter has just started in M1. Although quite satisfied with the fee paying RC school she was at, I looked at the two prestigious government secondary schools. Well resourced, well equipped, plenty of foreign teachers, large classes (35+) and it was made quite clear that north of 30 K would be needed to get her in. That was before all the extras for English programs and so on.

    She is staying where she is, where she is happy, the classes are around 30, and the fees are ThB8 K a semester.


    A friend of mine has a brother who is the principal of a secondary school. She tells me that he reckons that the first month of the me academic year is worth ThB 180 K to him...


    Untill this is stopped (it won't be of course) government education is going nowhere.

    • Like 1
  8. 29 minutes ago, Nice Boyd said:

    Do you really think they are going to spend money on education, lol and educate that low paid labor pool in Isaan, please

    Off topic I know (although there again it is a topic about government spending money) there is plenty of money allocated to education. It's just that most of it is soaked up by a massive micromanaging beaurocracy (or openly embezzled) before it gets anywhere near the schools.


    Come to think of it, buying satellites...

  9. 56 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

    Must be shedding tears due to the extremely poor turnout of only a few hundreds. Even less than the student activists turnout and less than half of the FFP party attendees. Expecting this party of lizards to be crushed in the election. 

    If it looks likely that an election result will be unfavorable to him and his party he has a long list of tried and tested antics to stop the election 

    After all it worked last time...

    • Like 2
  10. 18 minutes ago, baboon said:

    ...sitting in his hollowed out volcano, stroking a purring white cat with a diamond collar...


    19 minutes ago, baboon said:

    ...sitting in his hollowed out volcano, stroking a purring white cat with a diamond collar...

    Why should he be wearing a diamond collar, I mean I know he is a snappy dresser, and the photos which I have seen do suggest that his taste in interior decor leans towards the vulgar, but I really can't see him in a diamond collar! His sister with a diamond necklace perhaps, but not him...

  11. 9 hours ago, KhunFred said:

    They are not above kidnapping to achieve their ends. I assume the Shins have adequate security.


    1 hour ago, davehowden said:

    How would the UK government know where she lives, the UK does not use ID Cards, TM30's or 90 Day Reports do they ?

    I should imagine that the UK authorities know where she is, and keep a fairly close eye on her. One can never discount an attempt to "bring her back", although the mind boggles at how they might try to do so...

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