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Posts posted by JAG

  1. 37 minutes ago, mogandave said:


    I’m sorry, I thought you implied that the expanding Thai economy was benefiting the monied while leaving the poor behind, and that the article supported that.

    I did not realize it was just your opinion without any basis in fact.


    I think any reasonable person reading this exchange will realise what I said.


    You can spin and twist it as much as you like...

    • Like 1
  2. 57 minutes ago, mogandave said:


    Yes, attack anyone that disagrees as uncaring. Just because people do not believe leftist programs really help the poor does not mean they don’t care.

    It is interesting that you treat as fact an article that is based on a “survey”, even though none of the details of the survey were included in the article. Why is that?


    First, I was "attacking" no one, not was I suggesting a "leftist program", or that anyone was being uncaring. I was suggesting that the criteria by which some have claimed that the economy is doing well are criteria which simply leave out or do not consider what is probably the majority of the population. I don't think that is a particularly left wing view, although your sensitivity to the idea is revealing.


    Secondly, I was expressing an opinion, rather than quoting or attempting to disprove facts. Rather as you have throughout this debate.

    • Haha 1
  3. 3 hours ago, YetAnother said:

    o c'mon, surely germany has thinking people in their judicial system; this case is purely a legal one, nothing to do with politics; taken to the extreme, germany would be overrun with foreign criminals if asylum is granted so cavalierly

    Perhaps they do.


    Perhaps they are thinking: here is country run by a junta which  installed itself by a military coup. This junta is now going after the leading lights of a significant faction of the very influential religious establishment. One of those leading lights has asked us for asylum. 


    Perhaps they are thinking: is this purely a legal case, as you suggest, or should we find out if there is more to it, and then decide accordingly?


    Perhaps they are thinking: why did the junta's police chief, and 12 of his mates, arrive so precipitously and demand he be handed over right now? If it is such a simple legal case.

    • Like 1
  4. 55 minutes ago, impulse said:

    Most people understandably confuse "the economy" with my personal finances, especially debt. 


    Even if the economy is booming, personal debt can be pretty oppressive when wages don't keep up with inflation and expectations.  Especially when over 100% of the growth in GDP is going to a small minority of the population.


    If debt is unsustainable, leaves no money for consumer spending, and growth and increased income is concentrated in the hands of a very small, already very rich (sufficiently so?) section of the population is that not going to affect the economy? 


    With the usual caveat that I am no financial expert...

    • Like 1
  5. 6 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    They don't seem to have learnt from past mistakes like the Bomb detectors,Fire Engines,

    The Blimp, the Water treatment plant,the only Aircraft Carrier without planes,to name a few.

    lots of money wasted,that could have been put to good use.and here we go again !

    The items which you list were all very successful - from the point of view of those who benefitted from various umh, informal financial arrangements associated with the purchases.

    No doubt this proposal will be extremely successful, from that point of view.

    • Like 1
  6. 7 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:

    Do give over. Suspicious deaths, disappearances and extra judicial killings are not something the current Junta started. Sadly always been around and a problem throughout the developing world and even some so called developed countries.


    How many cases since 2014 can you name?


    Well two spring to mind - the fortune teller fellow and the chap who "hung himself with his socks".

    I agree that it is not a phenomenon unique to Thailand, or it's current government. However it does exist.

    5 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:

    They have to follow the provisions and procedures of their extradition treaty with Germany. Period

    I seem to remember reading somewhere (here maybe) that Thailand doesn't have an extradition treaty with Germany. I'm sure that a properly presented case would succeed. I don't think the National Police Chief rocking up with his mates (but no lawyer) constitutes a case!

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