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Posts posted by JAG

  1. 34 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

    Being negatively generalized about based on your race and national origin isn't much fun, is it? Don't like it? Stop doing it to others. Want to clean up the expat pool? Tend to your own end of the swamp and stop pointing fingers. Cuz if you want to know the truth, I think in many ways a guy from Lagos trying to better his life by teaching English without a work permit and who respects the culture and is making a contribution ought to be more welcome here than the dyspeptic, pot-bellied, chain smoking, alky, Thai-bashing, TB and VD spreading, lady boy chasing, skint, self-pitying woe-is-me-I've-been-marginalized economic refugee,  skinhead, football hooligan, I'm-God's-gift-to-Thai-tourism types so in evidence on this forum.

    Thank you for absolutely confirming the point which I made.


    Now, you offered me some gratuitous advice - well thank you. Perhaps I can, in turn, offer you some. Read posts when people comment on what you say. In that way, you may understand what they are saying, and not need to let rip with your rant (which says far more about you than it does about those who you attempt to describe).


    Incidentally, I have no objection to anyone from Lagos trying to better themselves. Nor have I ever expressed a view on the racial aspect (which undoubtedly exists) of the current police campaign. In fact my view is rather probably the opposite of what you seem to surmise..

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  2. 1 hour ago, Wilsonandson said:

    If they'd let them off with a warning it would be news for 1 day. But prosecuting them has now made it into international news. Great job junta! That's gunner help you lots on polling day next year.

    Dumb and dumber.

    If (and it's quite a big if) there is a polling day next year, then the result - like the law - will be what the Generals say it is.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Eligius said:

    The sad, sad thing is that never - or as good as never - are these coupsters held to account. None of them imprisoned for life - still less executed for high treason.


    I don't see that changing anytime soon. 

    Depends how they leave power. If it's a scramble for the airport not all will get away...

    • Thanks 1
  4. 3 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

    Here is a fact; that people of South East Asia are extremely lactose intolerance. Their metabolisms are different from Europeans. Too many dairy products could kill them. This is why we don`t see many Thai people drinking milk and eating yogurts and cheese.

    Since all primary grade schoolchildren now get milk every day, presumably "lactose intolerance" will be "bred out" over the next couple of generations?

    • Like 1
  5. 8 hours ago, baboon said:

    So what next? Cancel elections and double down on repression? Relax the ban on politics just a little more and open the floodgates of resentment? You are screwed either way... 

    Oh the former Baboon, almost definitely the former. They don't know anything else, but the one thing they do know is that they must hang on to power!

    There are plenty of excuses up their sleeves, funerals, coronations, chair of ASEAN; they all require the sort of "stability and order" that only they can provide.

    It will end in a mess...

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  6. 5 hours ago, stephenterry said:

    ...and then what? Clue: what would you see happening if the UK walks away?

    Oh it will be a  mess. My point is that any outcome of these negotiations is going to be a mess. Barnier and co seem determined to ensure that the UK's sovereignty and economy are damaged however we leave. I frankly see little point in continuing to dance to their tune, when the end result will probably be the same whatever we do.

  7. 18 minutes ago, bangrak said:

    I guess it will be interesting to see the reactions of PTP/UDD on this new FFP party, and of course these of their dedicated propagandists on TV. I do sincerely hope that my first 'gut feeling' about this FFP will be shown to be wrong...

    Since you usually equate believing that the Thai people have a right to choose their own government with being a propagandist for the Redshirts, I should imagine that you will have plenty of material!

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  8. 58 minutes ago, GarryP said:



    I don't believe it is as clear cut as that. That is the reason for strengthening certain battalions and increasing numbers in the same. 

    Certainly the units in more, umh, sensitive garrisons, have more regulars, recruited from certain regions and fewer conscripts. It is the boys from Issan and the North who end up down south, equipped with Toyota pick ups and 40 year old M16s. The Tavors and new APCs are kept in more central locations, where they are more needed as it were...

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