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Posts posted by JAG

  1. 5 hours ago, tomta said:

    Point taken, Sjaak, but Act One of the Coup took place a long time earlier when the Pitak Siam demonstrations held just months after the accession took place and fizzled out. BUt maybe really when Prayuth and Suthep decided in 2011 to oust Yingluck. Or when the army not only stood over the police when they were trying to enforce the law against invasion and destruction of public property against Suthep' s thugs but even had their own operatives (Navy SEALs for instance) acting as bodyguards and muscle for SUthep.

    I rather suspect that act one was a discusion over a bottle of Johny Walker in the TV room of the Officers Mess as the election results were coming in!


    Didn't Suthep say something along those lines at the "after coup party"?

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Just Weird said:

    She was not the PM at the time of Suthep's antics, she was well-removed by that point by the Constitutional Court and a new PM was in place.  She was not denied a legal election, an ex-PM does not have that privilege!


    "...Airports closed off yet she managed to 'slip away'..."

    No airports were closed at the time of her escape, what are you blabbering about?

    Umh, I do rather think that she was the Prime Minister for quite a lot of the time in which Suthep was indulging in his "antics". The climax of Suthep's "antics" was quite probably intended (successfully, with a little help from his friends) to ensure that she was prevented from being re-elected and therefore appointed once more to the job...

    • Like 1
  3. 21 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

    Yes, I do agree, but my pointing out a deliberately false statement on the part of The Nation is not being a "stickler for details", it is pointing out a very salient fact particularly when the subject of what was overthrown, or who was ousted, by the coup is not a matter of opinion it is factual history.


    Your opinion about the election and you anticipation of the results in your comment is irrelevant to my point so I will neither agree or disagree with that.

    Well, I am delighted that you agree that the coup forestalled an entirely constitutional election.


    I'm more than happy for opinions to differ on who would have won. 

    • Like 1
  4. 5 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    Er... Ahem... Oh...


    Your job is to run a clean election. One side is cheating already by campaigning when others can't, long before it begins. What precisely are you going to do about that?


    Looking forward to your clear condemnation of the practice and remedial measures...



    That "one side" appointed him to a splendid, well paid "retirement job". 


    He owes them. 


    No doubt he will march in step. 

    • Like 2
  5. 21 hours ago, sungod said:

    I'm struggling to understand how this comes under the Tourist Police jurisdiction, answers on the back on postcard please.

    I rather think that the jurisdiction and "tourist" connection are not important. 

    This chap is conducting a number of carefully staged and highly publicised operations against a wide variety of illegal operations. The publicity is good for the RTP and the government, people like to see criminals coming unstuck. Those same criminals are probably regretting opting out of the appropriate "informal regulation scheme" when it was offered. 


    Note I am not suggesting that "Big Jok" is bent, but I would be surprised if there is not an element of oversight to the selection of the targets he is given. 


    It will be interesting to see just how many trials and convictions actually result from these dramatic 2am swoops... 

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  6. 2 hours ago, robblok said:

    Thaksin like Prayut just has ego problems and that is what bringing the PTP down. First the amnesty that brought people on the streets now this.. and still people are defending his actions never placing any blame at their hero's feet. Its strange.

    Sorry, which amnesty are we talking about? The one which was proposed to an elected parliament, and subsequently withdrawn by the elected government, or the blanket amnesty granted to themselves by the generals who staged a military coup to forestall an election, and have subsequently ruled as a junta by dictat. You know the ones Roblock, we're currently discussing them banning the main opposition party and you're making out it is Thaksins fault!

    • Thanks 1
  7. 9 hours ago, webfact said:


     Warat Phrueksakulnan, the director of Bureau of Scout Movement, Red Cross Youth and Student Affairs, said in an interview with Kom Chad Luek, that kissing the cheeks of a member of the opposite sex or embracing them is “inappropriate”


    9 hours ago, ThreeEyedRaven said:

    Another clown from a bygone era failing to understand what year we are living in.

    What do you mean? He is the director of scouts, guides and Red Cross cadets. He is right there at the cutting edge of contemporary youth culture, with their uniforms, neckscarves and marching. Why, I'll bet on important days he even turns out in khaki shorts and a woggle! 

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  8. 4 hours ago, Thakkar said:


    What this means is that the haul will be auction/sold for “500,000” and that is the amount that will be returned to government coffers.

    I presume by "returned to government coffers" you are taking a generous view of whatever informal arrangement has been made (quite possibly was made prior to the phones  "discovery") to umh, dispose of them? 

  9. 4 hours ago, Mikey421 said:

    Ferrari usually vets all of their buyers and have the option to refuse to sell if the proposed driver is uneducated in high speed driving technologies.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I somehow doubt if that sort of vetting extends to those here wealthy (and therefore influential) enough to by a Ferrari. After all, I can't think of any other rules or inconveniencing procedures which do... 

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