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Posts posted by JAG

  1. 1 minute ago, RickG16 said:

    Which market was that?

    Oh I don't know - I was only visiting for a few days. It was very near a distinctive triangular building - flatiron?


    I do know that that roll together with "Steam Whistle" beer from the brewery in the old roundhouse would be enough to make me emigrate if I were 30 years younger!

  2. The Canadian bacon which TOPs sell, (grilled), together with bread from my trusty breadmaker makes a fair bacon banjo...


    I quite like that  French's mustard on it, which I believe is an American idea.


    Mind you, I can still taste the wonderful hot corned beef roll I bought in a market in Toronto years ago, magnificent...

  3. 21 minutes ago, Eligius said:

    To be honest, I don't think many Thais would kick up much of a fuss if Thanathorn and his party were kicked out of the running. The Thais (in their millions) would be pretty indifferent to it all.

    The only thing that would really rouse their fury would be if Prayut cancelled every single soap opera and blocked all Facebook, Line and Twitter feeds (got to share those vital photos and comments about food!).

    Then there would be revolution.

    But loss of freedom of political speech and human rights? Nah ... who gives a stuff ...


    Don't confuse acquiescence, in the face of a proven track record of turning guns on protesters, both recently and over the last four decades, with acceptance.


    Fear ( justifiable fear) has to be overcome, and given that track record it is a very "big ask". 

    • Like 2
  4. 7 hours ago, robblok said:

    I think its far more likely they will get disbanded because of Thaksins inability to step away from the spotlight and do his dealings with the PTP in secret. Remember there is a new law in place for outside influences. So no need to impeach them or kick them out for something else when all they have to do is watch and observe Thaksin his meetings with the PTP. 

    The timing of such a disbandment will be critical. It has to be close enough to the election to prevent any effective reincarnation, yet obviously not after the election has been called, because that would be seen as interfering with the electoral process, and that would never do.


    A tricky balancing act, but with the glittering prize of effectively disenfranchising a vast swathe of the country, both geographically and demographically. A swathe which is incorrigibly opposed to the cabal which seeks to confirm their grip on power, and one which will keep voting for the " bad people".


    Still, I expect that some of the brightest minds at the Staff College are working on it.



    ""OFFICIAL GUIDELINES to prevent the torture and abuse of people in custody are being drawn up as part of a joint operation between the Thai Justice Ministry and the Association for the Prevention of Torture (APT), an international NGO.


    "The Thai Embassy in London has submitted a request to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the British government for the extradition of fugitive former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra to serve her five-year jail term handed down by the Supreme Court’s Criminal Division for Persons Holding Political Positions "


    Two headlines, which when considered together rather point to the extradition request being refused...


    • Like 1
  6. 27 minutes ago, HHTel said:

    Yingluk was not brought down by the coup.  She was already out of office when the coup was staged.

    However, we must remember that the coup (and the previous one funnily enough) were staged to forestall an entirely constitutional election, in which a Shinawatra, either Thaksin himself or Yingluck, was standing, and an election which it was rather likely a Shinawatra led party would win.


    Of course, that may just be a coincidence, but I always try to mention it because it seems to be so often forgotten by those who excuse the coup(s)...

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, blazes said:

    Siam, eh?  George V had just become King and WW1 was just three years away.

    Yes, the world has moved on quite significantly hasn't it.? 


    However, I'm not so sure that the cabal which seeks to rule Thailand, either in front or behind the scenes have. In fact I rather suspect that they privately hanker after " Siam" and all the name represents... 

    • Like 2
  8. 2 minutes ago, bluesofa said:

    You need a booster course of more British humour injections, along with a course of obscurity pills, I think.

    'Too west coast'? Does that mean you hang to the right? - quick get started with those meds I prescribed.


    Perhaps he means "West Coast" as in Morecombe, Aberystwyth, Carmarthen and Newquay...


    Some very strange characters in those necks of the woods. 

    • Haha 2
  9. 5 minutes ago, Sir Dude said:

    Won't happen, as the UK does not extradite democratically elected leaders who are toppled in a coup to the instigators of said coup...especially a military junta. The junta are just asking to make it look good so they can claim they have tried and that it's not their fault, case closed...move along. The UK can't even get round to extraditing ISIS fighters, murderers etc. out of the country.

    I think you are right, almost certainly so; but one can never be certain what the courts may do, and the current atmosphere surrounding foreigners residing in the UK is certainly somewhat febrile... 

    • Like 1
  10. 6 minutes ago, The Deerhunter said:

    Sorry, but that reply is beyond me.  How would that help him?


    3 minutes ago, bluesofa said:

    Something to do with getting his big chopper out?


    It's a (fairly opaque) reference to the Thai males often reported habit of carrying and brandishing weapons when upset or offended, often explained by commentators on TV as a result of being very self conscious of perceived inadequacy in the "trouser department". 

    • Haha 1
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