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Posts posted by JAG

  1. 5 minutes ago, rott said:

    And how was he treated by the RC Church? Harshly or leniently? Was it them who reported the matter to the police or did they want it hushed up for the good name of the church?

    I don't know how it was treated by the Roman Catholic Church. Since he was prosecuted and sentenced by the Australian authorities one assumes they were party to the progress. 


    Are you sure that you are not extending your contempt for the despicable acts of the abusers, and now proven by the courts to be condoned by this man, to the entire "bead rattling community". 

    I can accept that you despise the Roman Catholic Church as an institution, and maybe hold in contempt its beliefs. I do wonder to what extent you believe these acts reflect and should colour the worldwide two millenia old institution. 

  2. 19 hours ago, rott said:

    No reply from the bead-rattling community.

    Well, I'm a member of the "bead rattling community", and I, along with many other "bead rattlers" think that this sentence is too lenient. 


    Having said that, perhaps I may point out that the sentence was imposed by the Australian judicial system rather than the Roman Catholic Church. 


    I shall continue "bead rattling" because this fellow, and his like are merely a conduit (malformed and rotten) rather than the focus of my faith. 


    There you are, a reply from the "bead rattling community"! I hope it hasn't disappointed? 

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  3. 19 hours ago, david555 said:



    'I'm already stockpiling': readers preparing for a messy Brexit

    We hear from readers who have plans in place in case Britain runs out of food after a no-deal Brexit

    Guardian readers and Rachel Obordo

    Thu 9 Aug 2018 08.30 BST




    over stocked food cupboard. Many readers told us they were buying extra tinned food. Photograph: Alamy




    Britain could run out of food by this time next year if it cannot maintain the flow of goods after Brexit, the National Farmers’ Union has said. After it emerged that the government was drawing up plans to stockpile food in the event of a no-deal Brexit, the British Retail Consortium and drug manufacturers issued more warnings about possible supply shortages, we asked for your views.

    About 300 readers got in touch, with more than half saying they had already started stockpiling or were seriously considering doing so, and the rest sharing their concerns about shortages after a no-deal Brexit. The most popular food items people wanted to store were staples such as flour, olive oil, dried pasta, rice, powdered milk, coffee and tinned items such as tomatoes and sardines. Many readers also highlighted “luxuries” such as chocolate, and there was mention of stocking up on over-the-counter medicines such as painkillers and antihistamines.


    Running out of food and medicines will be the result of two possible actions. 


    The UK government preventing them from being imported, which would be an act of willfull stupidity of epic proportions, which although not to be discounted with this bunch, is perhaps unlikely. 



    The EU "government" (there is one in all but name) refusing to allow them to be exported to the UK, effectively imposing a blockade. That would be a hostile act. 



    Shortages are more likely to be caused by panicked Guardianistas frantically stockpiling their store cupboards with items which they would never normally be seen dead with in their shopping trollies. 


    The Islington Waitrose is in for a torrid time! 


    Hunt doesn't help with these sort of stupid comments, at least Boris was funny... 


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  4. 1 hour ago, johnnyonesock said:

    no..some of us know the truth about this period of history..some of us get our "facts" from Hollywood....maybe you can tell me why the hammer and sickle flag of the USSR under which up to 100 million people died or maybe the 60 million that died under Maos Great Leap Forward policy doesnt receive the same treatment?


    The truth about this period in history, and National Socialism is documented, has been exhaustively researched and is in many cases drawn from the detailed records kept by the National Socialist regime itself. Hollywood may have (has) been less than supportive of your point of view, but that does not change the facts about what the NAZI party did, both within Germany itself and in the countries and territories which it enslaved, ravaged and harried. Revisionists such as David Irving have produced books, articles and films which seek to deny National Socialism's excesses. They have all been thoroughly debunked by many far more eminent historians. My knowledge and understanding, my "facts" as you put it, come from many years of reading widely, including, whilst holding my nose, some of the nauseating outpourings of David Irving and Ernst Nolte.


    I absolutely abhor the uncountable deaths resulting from the regimes of Stalin  and Mao. Why they have not received equal treatment at the hands of Hollywood and other media is a philosophical point which I cannot answer. Perhaps because they were not the deliberate actions of a cultured, civilised, modern, industrial society, gripped by a madness and enthusiasm for utterly destroying those people who they regarded as racial inferiors. Maybe because they were just regarded as examples of brutal dictatorships, such as have emerged from time immemorial. Notwithstanding that, to use that as any sort of justification for the foul acts committed by the Third Reich, or to excuse or justify the stated aims of the (ineffective) American clones and wannabee Fuhrers such as Jason Kessler - which is after all the topic of this thread - is what has been described by cleverer more perspicacious minds than mine as "immoral equivalence". You have bought into that "immoral equivalence"! 

    • Like 2
  5. 5 hours ago, johnnyonesock said:

    I dont think people actually understand what National Socialism  means...which is putting your own people and country first..a political viewpoint that has been made impermissible and demonised by the elites desire to flood  Western countries (and only Western Countries) with the 3rd world for political reasons ably supported by their owned media especially Hollywood...the term "Nazi" is an insult in use long before the rise of Adolf Hitler's party. It was a derogatory term for a backwards peasant – being a shortened version of Ignatius, a common name in Bavaria, the area from which the Nazis emerged. Opponents seized on this and shortened the party's title Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, to the dismissive "Nazi"

    People fully understand what National Socialism means. What it means was fully revealed to the world in 1945, when Europe emerged from the terrible war which it launched, and the world discovered and witnessed the full horrors unleashed by that creed. If people adopt or approve the iconography and political ethos of National Socialism, then they also approve and adopt what it brought with it. 


    You are clearly an apologist for that creed, and all it entails and led to. Your pathetic attempt at semantics, linking it's abbreviation (so universally and enthusiastically adopted by its adherents) to a Bavarian dialect pun is a feeble attempt to deflect. 

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  6. On 8/12/2018 at 2:26 PM, johnnyonesock said:

    There is ONE side and that is against Nazis and white supremacists.


    correct me if i am wrong but are you saying....their rights end where your feelings begin?

    I am sure that SB can speak for himself, but I think that although of course, as individuals, they have rights before the law, their views, utterances and expressed beliefs deserve no support, recognition or equivalance, especially from political office holders. 


    Maybe that is what he meant. 

    • Like 2
  7. 15 minutes ago, berybert said:

    Because having 2 billion baht in the bank you will never spend is much better than having a billion baht in the bank you will never spend.

    The 20,000 baht a day that is being saved and not spent would otherwise be spent by the people who would have earnt it. So who does it actually benefit ?

       Umh, the employer who gets to save on his labour costs? 

  8. Whilst this chap does seem to be positioning himself as the   "Big Jok" of the Thai legal profession, there is an underlying point. Employees need protection from being exploited, and employers quite probably need reminding of their statutory obligations. 


    As for the issue of employees not turning up, or leaving without notice, well if you are on B320 a day, with no contract or job security, and you are offered the same (or more money), perhaps nearer home, with a friendlier environment, you will take it. 

    Loyalty does work both ways. 

    • Like 2
  9. 7 minutes ago, scottiejohn said:

    Does that mean you only use cider vinegar and none of that Northern so called "Malt" stuff?

    I do. You can even get it here in Chiang Rai.

    I rather steer clear of things from "oop north chuck". It always seemed to get dark early beyond Bristol anyway!


    Proper cider is a bit more difficult up here, although there is a pub/restaurant in town ( Hungry Wolf) that serves a decent New Zealand draft cider. Come to mention it he does a decent Fish and chips. Otherwise, it is Strongbow (too sweet and fizzy) or "Moose" (Canadian) which is passable.


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