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Posts posted by JAG

  1. 6 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    On the recommendations of a couple of members,I decided

    to try Kelly's,yesterday,been a couple of years since I last ate

    there,and with new owners,I was a bit apprehensive. 


    On entering the establishment,four tables occupied,a good sign,

    the owners are very friendly and welcoming,I chose Cod and chips

    ,2 bread,butter,curry sauce,and a pot of English tea.


    The order arrived,the fish lightly battered,not greasy,proper big chips,

    nice whole wheat bread,and a good pot of  Heladiv , Sri Lanka   tea,

    not your Liptons gnat's piss tea.


    The fish was firm and white,some kind of Cod,very tasty,big portion

    of chips, I will give the meal a 9/10,I will be a regular patron again as

    it was well worth the 350 THb,for cheap charlies they also offer Pagassius/

    Dory. another important note the whole place was spotless,thats worth another

    point so 10/10, for fish and chips in Chiang Mai.


    regards Worgeordie           P.S. I will not order bread next time,as TOO full,could not anything rest of the day.

    Ah ha, It sounds like "the piece of cod which passes all understanding"


    I'll get my own coat thank you, is that my taxi outside.....

  2. There is one of those organic produce dealers out our way - "Bio Asia"? 


    I don't know about organic, but some of the decrepit trucks which bring in a lot of the produce are pretty polluting! 


    We ( well my wife actually) grow quite a lot of our own fruit and veg, as well as supplying the "tribes of Issan". The only fertiliser used is buffalo pooh, which "best beloved" spreads around enthusiastically. A regular task for yours truly is collecting and transporting sacks of the stuff. 


    I wondered what they were building opposite "Global House". 

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  3. My cheap and cheerfull Big C bike is, after 4 years, starting to need some TLC. 

    Some fore and aft play in the handlebars/steering column, the pedal crank clicks away and has some side to side movement, the brake handles are broke and bent (they appear to have been made out of cheese!) and there is a puncture in the back wheel. I know that I should be able to mend it myself, but I really am so spectacularly mechanically incompetent that I just know that the gears will never work again if I take the back wheel off! 


    I've noticed some lean and wiry steely eyed farang cyclists hurtling around this part of the world, and whilst not of the lycra clad persuasion myself (much to the relief of those who know me) I wonder if anyone can suggest a good repair shop, so the machine can be restored and I can resume my gentle two wheeled bimbles around the countryside. 


    Thank you... 

  4. Chap on the right of the front rank appears to be rifling through his notebook in the hope of finding an instruction on how to stand properly at ease! 


    I can honestly say that I have never been to "Walking Street", but I doubt if many tourists go their to watch what looks like a particularly scrappy first rehearsal for the Queens Birthday Parade. 


    Incidentally, what is with the desert combats? Has the rainy season ended already in Pattaya? Are they expecting some action on the sand later? 

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  5. 21 minutes ago, duanebigsby said:

    I felt the desire to consult it as I didn't know whether or not Kuwait did what you said as matter of policy. Perhaps they're like Thai IO, different every port.


    p.s. wasn't questioning your story.

    Sure, no problem - quite possibly it was a security official who got a bit overenthusiastic?

    I have to say that Kuwait struck me as being a distinctly joyless place! The plainclothes fellow who returned it to me was straight out of "central casting"!

  6. 44 minutes ago, duanebigsby said:

    Strange that the Catholic Travel Guide webpage lists both Bible and rosary beads as part of what to pack.

    They may well do - I don't know, I have never felt the need to consult it. But then I don't suppose that the uniformed officials who confiscated my Rosary, (which was in a pouch remember, not being openly displayed) had either. As for the plain clothes official who so grudgingly returned it, maybe he had a clearer understanding of the rules, whatever they are. 

  7. If there are 486,000 odd people registered as stateless, and living permanently in Thailand, why not put in a big order for blank cards and some laminating machines and get stuck in. 

    Think of the money you will save on not needing police checkpoints to give them grief every time they go on a bus journey, officialdom to tell them that they can't go to this hospital or go to that school and son. 


    It would pay for itself in months. If they have the "gumption" to make a longterm life for themselves here despite the disadvantage of being stateless, they would be an asset to Thailand


    Seriously though, the process and cost of granting them nationality would be less than the ongoing costs of registering and administering them in this "nationality limbo". 


    Unless you are running a business which uses cheap labour... 

    • Like 2
  8. If they have the resources, time and money to collect statistic accurate to two decimal places on children who cannot afford breakfast, then in heavens name why can't they devote some of those resources to ensuring that the children have breakfast, school uniforms and so on? 


    Those photographs are an absolute disgrace to this country. Doesn't that count as "loss of face"? 

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Lungstib said:

    Sounds to me as if we need a shift of personnel from the military to the irrigation departments. Surely the govt needs professionals in all departments. If trained men are needed for the activity of organizing water storage (or its opposite) then put them in the right place and remove them from the overbloated military and hire them in that new capacity. 

    No money, status or power in being a senior irrigation official... 

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    • Haha 1
  10. On 8/5/2018 at 1:32 PM, spidermike007 said:

    The only thing I have found that not only kills geckos, but really turns them off, and gets them to move on is insect spray. I have had huge geckos in my home before. They are hard to catch. I sprayed them directly on the face with an ample amount of insect spray, and it seemed to really dull them and slow them down. I was then able to clobber them, and exterminate them. It also helps to lead them either out of the house, or in a direction where they can be captured. The spray will kill smaller geckos if you use enough of it. It also seems to be a bit of a deterrent, as they seem to really hate the smell of the stuff. 

    They will. It is basically a very dilute non persistent nerve agent (chemical weapon). In the army we used it to test detector paper and "sniffer devices" which gave warning of a chemical attack. 


    As someone else said, they keep the mossies down, so on balance basically a good thing. 

  11. 11 minutes ago, Cadbury said:

    Yes this is Thailand where anything can be purchased under the counter. Even freedom from the ballot.

    I am reliably informed that 35,000 can buy forgetfulness on the part of the local recruiting officer who handles the registrations listings of eligible young men.

    The other option is to buy them some tight underwear, well padded bra, stiletto lace up shoes, a mini dress and about half a kilo of make-up.

    Multiply that 35k by the number nationally who wish to avoid the draft and can/are prepared to pay and it will be a very large amount of money. No doubt paid out via an "alternative accounting system", in shares proportionate to the ranks of all concerned. Think "prize money" in Nelson's navy... 


    Trumps any argument of military necessity (not that there are any)!

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