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Posts posted by JAG

  1. 1 hour ago, melvinmelvin said:




    What on earth has passport to do with this?

    Dont mix citizenship/nationality and passport.


    She is still a Thai citizen, regardless of the passport she travels on.


    If she was not a Thai citizen Thai authorities would hardly ask for extradition.


    Well, of course, they can. The country in whose jurisdiction a crime has been committed, or who have convicted a perpetrator who has subsequently absconded, are completely entitled to apply for extradition, regardless of the nationality (or passports) held by said perpetrator.


    The stumbling block here is rather more the nature of the "crime", the nature of the regime which tried and convicted this alleged perpetrator and the nature of the way in which she was allowed/assisted to abscond.

  2. 16 minutes ago, tryasimight said:

    And in which country is everyone rich?  Most people are two pay checks away from living on the streets. 

    With respect, that is not my point.


    A specific question was asked, I felt that I could offer a relevant answer. From making that answer I observed and then joined a discussion, of which discussion the post on which you comment was part.


    I suppose another way of making my point is to suggest that in Thailand the gulf between the wealthy and comfortable and the poor and insecure is more exaggerated than in many.

  3. 1 hour ago, PJPom said:

    My Thai friend has small construction crew and pays very good workers 400 baht a day, he charges himself out at 2000 baht a day when on site, planning and quoting earns him nothing so approx 40 - 50K per month allowing for weather delays. 

    The other friend is a Lady who manages a Spa and Massage shop attached to a Hotel, she gets 600 baht a day and works from 10 am until they finish every day so 18K a month, most of which is sent back to parents in Issan.

    Just as an aside, my Australian friend who is a very good IT person was doing contract work in Bangkok at the rate of $US 1000 per day with accommodation, generous per diem and return airfare , all taxes paid, security and full medical insurance, the Thais he was training to take over were paid between 35 - 45K pcm.

    So your construction ganger's men, allowing for a 6 day week are on about 10800 a month. 

    • Like 1
  4. 9 minutes ago, Cheops said:

    You really don't know anything about Thais and what they earn, do you?

    Come on then, don't be a man of mystery! I know a number of Thai, from various walks of life, well enough to have a fair guess at what they earn. I don't think any of them are on over B35000 a month. 

    I very much doubt if a 7/11 assistant pulls in as much as 10k.

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, david555 said:

    than the point is missed about the topic is meant for expatts ….. they are then categorized as tourist or worse : over stayers ….not ?

    Not, I'm afraid. A multiple entry type "O", available because I am married to a Thai, and a day out across the border (40 baht bus ride away) every 3 months. 

    Simple, legal, you can get a work permit, and it works out at B5000 every 15 months. 

  6. 22 hours ago, Kerryd said:

    I agree and English is a prime example of a language that has evolved. Quite rapidly in fact.
     If anyone were to try and recite Shakespeare (1564-1616 AD) in the "Early Modern English" it was originally written in, people would have a hard time understanding it as the language has evolved considerably since his time.
    So is he mine; and in such bloody distance,
    That every minute of his being thrusts
    Against my near’st of life: and though I could
    With barefaced power sweep him from my sight
    And bid my will avouch it, yet I must not

    And that is considerably easier to understand than the "Middle English" that preceded "Early Modern English".
    From the Cantebury Tales written by Chaucer (1343-1400 AD):
    "Ye goon to Canterbury—God yow speede, 

    The blisful martir quite yow youre meede! 

    And wel I woot, as ye goon by the weye, 

    Ye shapen yow to talen and to pleye; 

    For trewely confort ne myrthe is noon 

    To ride by the weye doumb as a stoon; "

    Quite a bit of difference in the little over 200 years that separates Chaucer from Shakespeare.

    Fascinating - memories of A level English studies in the mid 1970s.


    Mind you, it does occur to me that Chaucerian English is not yet dead, some of the more enthusiastic posts eminating from the coastal resorts South East of Bangkok are often written in it! 

  7. 6 hours ago, AdamTheFarang said:

    Some do not like the Russians, some do not like the Chinese, the latter have taken over the tourist scene from the shopping centres to the snorkelling boats, just observe how many airlines with Chinese names I have never heard of arriving at Phuket even in the middle of the night, many places turning into too commercialised concrete messes, roads with crazy transit vans, roads with large black belching smoke full of Chinese, being caught in a 7/11 when a coach of Chinese arrive and having to wait in the queue to pay without earplugs in my ears, forever changing visa rules and I mean these change so often, more expensive fuelled by higher Baht,  expensive dive trips, too many Thais that think they know it all until you ask them where a country is clearly geography is high on their education system, many tourist spots used to be high end European destinations now they are low end Asian destinations and the two do not mix, what couple spending 15,000Baht a night want to walk outside their hotel and see Chinese spitting on the floor and shouting. Can't talk about the bars but driving past they seem very quiet the girls now with their faces on their new smart phone, Facebook etc than getting a punter how is that going to help their 1 year old in a farm in Isarn their relationship with their mother must be under stress, of course their are lower cost, more visa friendly Asian countries with great beaches, Temples there people more welcoming and less xenophobic just the fact that Thai use one word farang to class all foreigners says volumes. Again I am done with Thailand. Thank you and watch out in the country with the highest death rates in the world. Compare Thai New Year death rates to Western New Year death rates.......sobering......I forgot one last thing if you have an accident is a car it is always the foreigners fault eg you are parked and a Thai goes into your rear.......his reply might be "I would not have had an accident if you were not parked there" Version 2.0 of one more last thing the Thais lack of taking responsibility. 

    And breathe: in, out, in, out...

    Better now?

    • Haha 2
  8. 1 hour ago, Nyezhov said:

    Let's get to the hoity toity. There are three types of legally employed Western Expats:


    1. Employees of government or multinational companies.


    2. Educators


    3. Employees of Thai companies.


    Number 1s go where they are told. Number 3s are just here for the beach and pussy, otherwise why wouldn't they be working in their home country for far more money? They drift in and out.


    I'm number 3 is left. The bottom line is that this whole thread is based off whining teachers who can't get a job anywhere else.



    I'm rather puzzled by your post, because you see it doesn't make very much sense. 

    You seem to have your numbers mixed up, and the phrase is based on rather than based off.  

    I hesitated before bringing this up, but you see I am a "whining teacher"! 

  9. 7 hours ago, Eligius said:

    You make good points, as always, JAG.

    But I'm afraid that the lesson I draw from what you write is: there is nothing that can be done. People don't want to risk anything and certainly not their lives.


    So,OK: prepare for (basically) no freedom, no democracy and a militarised government for as long as you and I and all the others on Thaivisa Forum live. Why? Because we can't expect people to show ------ COURAGE!

    Courage is a very subjective thing, but it is usually fired by other emotions, including anger and great resentment. To summon up that courage a threshold needs to be crossed. In the case of the Thai that threshold is high, not I think because they are as a people naturally cowardly - few if any peoples deserve that label - but because experience tells them what the result could be. 

    Do you remember the tales of communist sympathisers being crammed into oil drums and burnt alive in the 1970s? The second lieutenants then are the generals today. That probably deters individual demonstrations of opposition, as the events of 2010 deter collective acts. 


    I maintain that a high threshold is needed before the Thai will cross it. We're not near that yet. It may yet come to it... 



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  10. 1 hour ago, sandyf said:

    There is no WTO option for many issues, aviation for example, that means a deal with the EU and ECJ jurisdiction, back to the drawing board.

    So, what will be the difference between, for example, an Emirates flight from Dubai to Heathrow, over flying EU airspace and a British Airways flight from Heathrow to Dubai, over flying EU airspace? 


    Unless of course Brussels will forbid the British Airways flight, to damage the UK! 

  11. 26 minutes ago, yellowboat said:

    Ask the bleached skin booth bunny at the futuristic food truck booth which is her favorite programming language, how she feels about nano tech,  and where can you get carbon fiber made in Thailand.  That will tell you something about 4.0


    The problem is Thailand's leaders are not astute and come off as non trustworthy.  Look a the grand hooha inviting Alibaba's Ma into Thailand.  Ma wields significant control in China of all places.  What do you think he will do if let loose Thailand?  The military government loves big companies, but they do not understand that they are not the innovators and can cause more harm than good. 


    Economies need to grow on their own, without constraints.  They  need to be natural unlike the bleached skin of said booth bunny. 

    Oh it's a food truck, I had assumed, after a cursory glance, that it was promoting a dodgy plastic surgeon who specialised in ridiculous breast enhancements...

    • Haha 2
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