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Posts posted by malt25

  1. On 4/15/2019 at 10:04 PM, MeePeeMai said:


    If the landlord is willing to go to Immigration with the renter (and bring his housebook and ID card) then there shouldn't be a problem.


    My landlord doesn't live near me and works everyday so he is unavailable for Immigration runs... therefore, he just gave me a copy of everything Immigration asked for so that I could take care of it without his presence being required.


    Not a problem really, a copy of an ID card and a copy of his housebook can be asked for by the renter (so that the renter knows that this person is indeed the owner and real landlord) same as the landlord can ask for a copy of the renter's (foreigner's) passport and and driving license (so he knows who is living in his house).  


    This is the wise thing to do to avoid being scammed by someone posing as a house owner (who is not) and also protects the landlord from a renter skipping out and not paying or trashing the house and doing a runner.  ID for ID reduces the liability on both sides.


    Common sense really eh!?

    You are spot on ! I rent & don't have a contract, just a hand shake. Landlord provides a copy of his ID card & blue book, signed. Immigration are quite happy with this as proof of my residence.

  2. 7 minutes ago, scorecard said:

    Why's that?

    Scorecard, mate, buddy !  After 17,000 posts you are asking. thought by now you would have been able to work it out.

    1. Kasikorn might have slightly better info on the subject than here.

    2. Sarcasm. Sorry, it's part of my DNA, I can't help. Why mention that you went to France with your wife ? What relevance to the question ? 

  3. 23 hours ago, geronimo said:

    Care to elaborate?

    Sure. They are married, presume live together. You know, sleep together, do chores together, probably cook & eat together, socialise together. As I would assume most normal married couples do. Quite likely have a joint bank account if only for bills & the like. They go shopping together, even use the same cart, trolley. At the check-out they pay separately for their purchases. You care to elaborate what's not strange about that ?

  4. 12 hours ago, Lancashirelad said:

    It is ridiculous that the 800k cannot be used. (except 50% for a few months). The whole original point of it was to show that you had enough money to live in Thailand for the next year.


    @MeePeeMai Many farangs living in Thailand are elderly retirees and it is a fact that many die in Thailand. I'm sure the authorities will have thought about this when setting this rule. For the many who have not made a will in Thailand, where does that 800k go?

    Extremely expensive watches... oops, consolidated revenue.

  5. Hi all.  Some assistance please.

    I've recently ditched my True internet & TV package. Change over to AIS. I'm having all sort of difficulties with the remote, selection of programs. Being an IT & Audio Visual dummy, I have no doubt the problem is ME. I've looked for an instruction manual online but no luck. Unfortunately local AIS, Telewiz office doesn't have any English speakers able to advise, instruct me. Anyone out there have any difficulties in above regard ?

    Thanks in advance.....     Mal.

  6. 3 hours ago, lemonjelly said:

    I think the urgency to use section 44 to remove him implies that the order came from the highest authority, otherwise whatever the problem is would’ve been hushed and he’d have been annually reshuffled....  I said annually.... lol

    Me thinks you are getting very warm with your theory. Very few people are in a position to TELL Big TU what to do. Think about it !

    • Like 2
  7. On 4/8/2019 at 12:51 PM, Kim J said:

    "Is it safe to assume alcohol will be on sale in Pattaya throughout Songkran as normal"?


    The word normal and Pattaya do not really belong in the same sentence. But in recent years there was restrictions placed upon such as street vendors and drink promotion companies selling alcohol at the festivities along Beach Rd, but it did not affect the bars.

    What will happen this year? Unfortunat6ely despite what we might hear only time will tell.

    "The word normal and Pattaya do not really belong in the same sentence."  Yes, perfect example of Oxymoron ! 

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