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Posts posted by malt25

  1. Isaan is a huge part of LOS. Maybe if you give an idea of what you'd like to see or a particular area you'd like to visit, members can respond more accurately. I live in far NE Isaan, farming community, & have never been bothered by any burn off. Maybe not the same in other provinces.

    I find that the river towns generally have more to offer. But hey, that's just me.

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  2. On 6/26/2018 at 12:50 PM, partjfos said:

    Thai women dont like very short hair or bald heads. They dont like beards. So golden rule; more on top than on the bottom.

    Sorry, have to disagree. "Thai women don't like very short hair" My experience is that most Thai women prefer a guy to have short hair. A couple of times I've let mine get to collar length & been told to get it cut... short back & sides.

    This wasn't restricted to just the one lady.

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  3. Standard price in Tops Sakon Nakhon is 99 Baht. Small & hard as a rock. I have splashed out a couple of times for special occasion but have to buy  4 to ensure get equivalent quantity of 1 or 2.   I don't bother checking the price anymore. Always crap.

    On another note, a few years back when I lived in Chiang Mai, avos were plentiful at the road side stalls in the hinterland a short drive away. Guess I was spoilt. Oh, the price was much, much less than 99 baht. Often bought 4 large & got change from 100 bath.

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  4. 24 minutes ago, NancyL said:

    This may be a little extreme, but it's a technique I use because I was tired of scrubbing the underarms of my clothes, not to remove stains, but to remove odor, even with using deodorant.  You can have your underarm area treated with botox to stop sweating.  100cc, a full vial, 1/2 for each side, so shop around.  The first time I did it, I went to a high-end hospital to make sure it was done right and then I realized, it's not like someone was messing with my face and any store-front clinic could do it.  Multiple pricks with little injections of the stuff all around the underarm area, that they first numb with either cream or simply ice in a plastic bag.  The ice actually works better.  


    Lasted about six months the first time and each time it lasts longer, I think because the sweat glands are getting killed off, kind of like the way a woman's face looks after she has multiple botox treatments year after year.  Now I can go almost a year between treatments.


    Still have to use a  mild deodorant, but the sweating and odor has stopped.  

    "This may be a little extreme"  I was under the impression that sweating was a normal body function ? 

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  5. 10 hours ago, greenchair said:

    I'm just not as gullible as you. 

    That woman has shirked her responsibility and is riding hi on a pity party to avoid the bill. 

    It's as simple as that. I often tape notes to the kids. No harm in it whatsoever. 

    " I often tape notes to the kids. No harm in it whatsoever. "  Is this a joke or sarcasm ?  Oh, I get it. You tape 1000 baht notes to the kids . I guess that's ok.

    On a serious note, pun intended. I don't have kids, I'm not a teacher or a student. But, I would have thought that if communication with the parent was necessary, a note in a sealed envelope is the way to go. Or even a phone call ?

    But hey, what would I know !

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