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Posts posted by malt25

  1. 1 hour ago, Small Joke said:

    Look at it this way. Professional flyers (Aircrew) don't wrap their luggage anywhere on the planet. Even in holes like Lagos, Rio, and Manila. 

    Why then,  should You? 

    Air crew bags are usually, often X-rayed & in most instances their bags are carry on so limited chance of being tampered with.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 40 minutes ago, jippytum said:

    I don't understand it. The wrapping stations are pre security .How can security check the contents of your suitcase before check in if its wrapped ?

    How often do you travel international ? I always either have my checked luggage plastic wrapped or secured with several wraps of duct tape. Plus small pad locks. In over 60 flights I have never once had my bag opened by security. This is 2018. Scanning will show all they need to know. If something suspicious they will pull you aside so you are present if your bag needs internal inspection.

    • Like 1
  3. If you think not deep enough... get your local shop to weld a band around the edge as wide, high, as you think necessary. I'd guess 3 or 4 inches would be sufficient. Not have to be welded continuously, tacked every inch or so all you need. Your local shop, shack, should be able to do this no problem.

  4. Good morning all.  I'm contemplating purchasing a medication online. Have been taking, prescribed by Australian GP, for over 12 years. I usually get when I go back to Australia twice each year. I can buy here in LOS but extremely expensive. Has anyone experienced problems with customs when buying medications online ? Thanks in advance.

  5. I'd go to an agricultural-hardware store & purchase a plough disc. They come in a variety of sizes. For a very basic base just set the disc on a few bricks. For something more like your photo, any local engineering shop, shack, will be able to make you the base for next to nothing.

    Hope this helps. 

  6. Once a month I run my Samsung washer on a regular cycle, minimal water & about a litre of vinegar. Works a treat. Vinegar extremely inexpensive. Some years back a washing machine tech told me the biggest cause of "muck" in a machine is fabric softener. Apparently it never dissolves in the water completely.

  7. 5 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    What an impact this big joke is making on Thai society. Talk about cleaning up the woes that face the nation. Overstay! Wow. What a threat to the well being of the country. 


    How about going after the taxi mafia? The drug trade? Human trafficking? Slave trading? Corruption at the very top of the pyramid. Traffic safety, or lack thereof. Jet ski scammers. Anything that means anything. 

    Ah, silly farang make BIG Joke. What you suggest would take actual police work.

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  8. Not necessarily. I've often had to use a broken blade to get into inaccessible places. If one wants to get a bit fancy, just wind  tape of some sort around the end & makes it a bit more comfortable to told. I guess if one isn't into purchasing the proper cutter & opts for the cheap thin wall pipe, he isn't going to go to the expense of tape for a handle.

  9. 2 hours ago, kannot said:

    I reckon in years to come it will be seen as  child abuse...Im just way ahead of my time, children need to learn facts  not mumbo jumbo I personally find it disgusting up there with female mutilation etc etc

    Me thinks you might be drawing somewhat of a longbow comparing to female mutilation.

    But hey, just my opinion.

    • Like 1
  10. Please don't take this as a flame or a wind up.... but did you ever think of walking into  pharmacy & verbally asking ? I live in Sakon Nakhon, not exactly in the middle of Nakhon Nowhere but not far from. I've found a few English speaking Thai chemists here. About 25 km away is a very small town, Dong Mafai. Two pharmacies in town. Both have English speakers. I'll admit the English isn't fluent conversational, but more than sufficient to get advice re medications & such.

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