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Posts posted by malt25

  1. 1 hour ago, Justfine said:

    It's small and unimpressive. The caves and waterfalls out that way are better.


    Thailand has dozens of great tropical islands and a simple bridge isn't anything compared the real attractions.

    You just don't get it.... & I guess you never will.

    • Like 1
  2. 18 minutes ago, Justfine said:

    Nothing to do with humanity. Most Thais could careless about the bridge.

    Who is interested in what Thais think about the bridge. The OP is posting on a majority farang forum asking other farangs what they think would be interesting. You have expressed your narrow minded view, thanks for that. However I would suggest that many, if not most farangs who are in anyway familiar with the plight of those who built the bridge, original or otherwise, Hellfire pass and associated structures, would find all WW11 related areas of interest. As I mentioned earlier, it's not just about the bridge.

    • Like 2
  3. 9 minutes ago, Oxx said:


    They didn't build "that bridge".  What you now see is a reconstruction.


    To see what they really did, with original track, you need to go to the Hellfire Pass Museum which is a truly sobering experience.

    I stand to be corrected, but ! The first attempt at building a wooden bridge is a few hundred meters down stream. The current bridge is the original. It has had a couple of spans replaced due to the bombing damage.

  4. Some advice please.

    I usually book my travel direct with the airlines. I'm considering giving my itinerary to an agent to see if they can provide better options & price.

    Can anyone personally recommend a reputable travel agent in Bangkok or anywhere else in Thailand for that matter.

    Thanks in advance.....     Mal.


  5. 21 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

    In some of the bars I've drank in around the World- a pint of anything served with a 'head' of 2-3 inches would start a revolution.

    Me thinks there's quite a difference between 3 fingers of head & 3 inches of head. Agreed 3 fingers is way too much. I doubt 3 inches of head would be given anywhere around the world. Unless of course we were referring to a dwarf beer bar in Soi Six.

  6. 1 hour ago, jackdd said:

    You just have to read his post, he explained it already

    "but I needed a 90 days reporting stamp and it will take 3 weeks to get it, since I just had a retirement permit done that option was out the window,"

    Maybe someone can explain this to me.I will admit, I'm a bit slow sometimes. What 90 day reporting stamp ? When applying for a residency cert, I've applied for a few over the years, never mention of 90 day reporting. Yes, IO inspects passport, but 90 day reporting isn't stamped in passport. What has 90 day report got to do with applying for & receiving resident cert ?

  7. 32 minutes ago, stephenterry said:

    It's news like this that makes Thailand the laughing stock of the world as far as law enforcement (which is negligible and corrupt) is concerned. And it's a total waste of police resources when the end result is not going to make any difference to anything. 


    Authorities need to get their heads around that the free televised World Cup for Thais is a massive world-wide sports competition, and their best shot for media coverage and revenue arising from advertising publicity would be to embrace it.


    Or are they all ostriches?

    "Or are they all ostriches?"  me thinks you've just answered ya own question !

  8. I can't quite fathom why you're riding your high horse. No one solicited your opinion in the first place. Care to enlighten us all on your claim to fame ? Maybe you can count to 15 without removing your shoes ?

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