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Posts posted by malt25

  1. 53 minutes ago, wgdanson said:

    Please explain your comment.

    It was sarcasm. The comment referred to you stating the tool is useless.The tool isn't useless at all. More like the operator is useless. Like one of the TV members has as his signature,  "I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you"  

    https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/sarcasm  Definition of sarcasm - the use of irony to mock or convey contempt.

    I guess every plumber & most DIY handymen across the globe have been using this tool for decades. I've cut literally hundreds of PVC pipes very successfully with it. All blue water PVC pipe is a breeze. Some thin wall electrical conduit, grey & white, needs a little care to prevent crush.But still makes clean cut with no crush if used correctly. For the thin wall PVC, I only apply sufficient pressure to score the pipe as I slowly rotate. Once scored around the diameter, I apply a little more pressure & rotate. Job done. " If you've been a cheapskate and bought 8.5 pipe it may crush a bit on 1" pipe."

    Sorry if I've offended you. ?

  2. 17 minutes ago, jackdd said:

    reading is not your strength, is it?



    "in Udon Thani using my Thai driving license which i have since not even 2 months."  +  "Until I get my Thai Licence (which I intend to exchange against my Translated/Stamped Hungarian EU licence)"

    The whole post is a bit confusing. Starting with this... " I will be using a 1968 IDP... the grey one.." I'm sure he doesn't have a 1968 IDP if aged 34 as he states.

    I might be mistaken, but I'm under the impression he has a Hungarian / EU license, as he states. So this is why I consider he has sufficient experience. Lets face it, you don't need a lot of experience to join the madness on Thai roads.

    I have to disagree, my reading is pretty strong.

  3. 37 minutes ago, tonboy said:

    To be honest, I would not try to drive in Thailand, as you have way to less experience driving in general. 

    Further, also SIXT state "Further restrictions apply dependent on driver age and type of vehicle required. " You could off course try to rent a car, pay the deposit, and then find out when you want to pickup the car that the manager in charge doesn't allow you to rent a car from them.


     my Translated/Stamped Hungarian EU licence... Who says he hasn't got sufficient experience ?

  4. Morning Dave. I'm also an owner of a new yamaha bike. If I needed touch up paint here's what I'd do. Not saying it will work, but would be my plan.

    1. Check with other Yamaha bike dealers. Not all as hopeless as your dealer.

    2. Check Mr Google. I've just looked up Yamaha paint code & several pages of paint codes. Most reputable auto body shops will be able to mix for you. Probably have to get a minimum a liter or so.

    3. Google will provide details of all, most Yamaha bike clubs in Thailand. I'm sure any of these clubs will point you in the right direction.

    4. Last resort would be to contact Yamaha motorcycles in Bangkok for assistance.

    Good luck.

    • Like 1
  5. On 7/9/2018 at 7:29 PM, starky said:

    Yeah and with that 300 plus the skies the limit. Always love the old need help for a friend thread lol. 90% of the time which seem to involve weapons of some description. 

    Maybe the Mods should start a new Forum... "Just asking for a friend Forum"

    Just a thought.

    • Haha 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Dick Crank said:

    I prefer to stand on back but it's really hard and unsafe to reach in for the buzzer. I also no longer do it unless I have my contact lenses on.


    also once when I was drinking my hand hit my glasses when I jumped off before the truck came to a complete stop and I almost lost them on the road. The frames and lenses are worth 35000 baht.


    i think ink I bent the right temple on the titanium frames when this happened and now they always look slightly off. I took them to the optician in bkk where I purchased them, of course this guy never loses face, and he adjusted the nose temples but seemed unable to bend the arms oh we'll I just ask him each time, this guy never loses face.

    Words fail me !

    • Like 1
  7. 26 minutes ago, Thian said:

    An icemaking fridge just drinks out of the tap, when the bucket is full it stops making ice. That doesn't change if you place a waterfilter in the waterline.



    Now you have me puzzled. My original comment was about turning off water supply if leaving the house for 24 hours or so. Then you replied that you didn't like that idea coz your fridge needs water supply for the ice maker. I queried about water supply to fridge for ice maker, continuing along the line of  ice maker continuing to operate, assuming you will be absent as was my original reason for turning off the water supply. Then you comment that you are aware the ice maker will stop producing once bucket is full. So what don't you like about my original idea of turning off water supply when vacating the house for extended period ?

    What am I missing ???

    • Like 1
  8. 28 minutes ago, Thian said:

    Yes that's a smart thing to do but i don't like it. Our fridge needs constant water for the icemaker anyway.


    I also wonder how long those blue waterpipes can stand sunshine before they collapse...has anybody experience with those? We have a waterpump so they are always under pressure.

    Issue 2 first. I've had the blue PVC pipes exposed to all the elements at the pump, filter & storage tank now for over 5 years. No sign of any deterioration.


    Re the fridge ice maker. Your comment has me wondering. I'm not familiar with ice makers.... but. Surely there must be some control device, cut out switch. If you are away & not using the ice, I can't imagine the fridge will keep producing ice once the ice receptacle is full. If it were me I'd be checking with Mr Google as to the operation of your particular model fridge to ascertain the operation function of the ice maker. If NO control & the ice maker continued on its merry way making ice.... imagine what would happen when you eventually opened the fridge door.


    With modern devices these days there's always safety controls. My Samsung washing machine for example. I usually  turn off the power & water after use. Yeah, I know, control freak. I sometimes turn on the power & set the program but overlook turning water supply on. No problem. The machine won't operate. As soon as I turn water on, machine starts immediately.


    I'll be interested in knowing how you get on with the ice maker.


    Cheers.....     Mal.

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