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Posts posted by malt25

  1. 3 hours ago, masuk said:

    I can't imagine why anyone would move to the tropics if they have aversions to something as harmless as a little gekko.  The country has a good population of spiders, snakes, pythons, and you worry about a gekko?

    The most dangerous thing around a house is a mosquito, transmitting malaria and dengue fever, and you're worried about a harmless gecko, which happens to eat mosquitos.

    Me thinks OP might be living in the wrong environment, country. I bet he's not big into camping. Also bet he's not an Aussie.

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  2. 18 minutes ago, NonthaburiBear said:

    as long you're sweet talker you can get through? . If you're nervous they will hold you tough

    You my friend, are a curse to the civilized traveler. Carry on means just that, carry on for what you might require during the flight. Medication, music, a book & such like. Not your 2 or 3 back packs & your man bag. I guess you think if you can sweet talk a 14 or 15 year old girl into having sex with you it's ok. I reiterate on my above comment... you belong in the hold with all the other baggage.

  3. 46 minutes ago, Spidey said:

    I have recently moved into my house and had a, state of the art, European style kitchen fitted before we moved in.


    My wife is still adamant that she want's a second outside kitchen. On this, I have put my foot down.


    I took great pains when designing and installing the kitchen that it would be bug proof. I don't want lizard crap, ants, cockroaches and even rats anywhere near my food. Outside kitchens are really unhygienic.


    With the internal kitchen door shut and extractor fan on, cooking smells pervading the rest of the house don't present a problem.

    "I don't want lizard crap, ants, cockroaches and even rats anywhere near my food. Outside kitchens are really unhygienic."  I guess you're not into camping.   55555

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  4. 2 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    I check my tire pressures once a week, and have them at 30 psi.

    Scooters with metal spoked wheels seem to lose pressure faster than the ones with the carbon fibre composites.

    I agree one should check car & bike tyre pressure regularly.  I could be wrong but I think non spoke wheels are more likely to be alloy & not carbon fibre. I stand to be corrected.

  5. 3 hours ago, yosib157 said:

    We used it on opening maybe 8 years ago and it lasted maybe a year because of the sky high (for here) prices.

    Re-opened maybe 2 weeks ago with a new English manager and I hear Leo has been reduced  ? to 90/small bottle. I'm guessing services similar to before and definitely NOT a family pub with beer garden for the kids.

    Original directions were OK. Maybe clearer if you turn right at the new water-spouting Payana (various names), pass Immigration and two of the many temples and it's a few yards before the T Junction lights.

    Enjoy -- I'm now far too old.

    Too old for what ?  5555

  6. 44 minutes ago, scorecard said:


    And your assuming that what I wrote meant exactly the same minute.


    Perhaps my words are misleading on this point but it's not what I meant. 





    45 minutes ago, scorecard said:


    And your assuming that what I wrote meant exactly the same minute.


    Perhaps my words are misleading on this point but it's not what I meant. 




    Irrespective of the timing, do you really expect any sane person to believe a new vehicle sales person in BKK, suggested to a prospective buyer that they phone Indonesia for technical details ?  

    " I very much doubt there's a  new car dealership in Bangkok that doesn't have an English speaking representative. Next, to suggest a dealer sales person doesn't or can't provide fuel consumption figures is nonsense. Go to any showroom or Mall display of new vehicles & one of the most obvious specs displayed on either the windscreen or window, is fuel consumption." I reiterate, I live in Sakon Nakhon, just up the road from Nakho Nowhere, out in the sticks. All new cars on display have fuel consumption figures displayed along with other tech specs, on the windscreen or window. You suggesting the bumpkins up here do this & they don't do it in the BIG smoke ? Get a grip !

    When the sales person suggested you call Indonesia for fuel consumption figures, you just accepted this & left the showroom ? You didn't think to ask for the sales manager or dealer principal to enquire as to his/her thoughts on said suggestion ???

  7. 2 minutes ago, poohy said:

    Do you really live here?

    Pure and simple No Thai trusts another Thai!

    Your name & post are a good match.  Yes, been living here for some years. Maybe you & such others.... personality, outlook & approach to Thais are the reason for your distrust & poor choice in friends. Sure, there are some scum, but that is the case world wide.  I find it's how you treat others, in the main, is how they treat you in return.

    Never ceases to amaze me why all the Thai & Thailand haters remain living here. But I guess you have your reasons.


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  8. 15 minutes ago, watcharacters said:


    Please don't be naive,   malt.   Maybe you haven't asked many questions of auto sales staff in Thailand.


    The post is  100% plausible.      Try it sometime yourself.


    Absolute CRAP. Just think about it. The guy's son calls a dealer in Indonesia at basically the same time the BKK dealer suggests he call Indonesia. About 100 million to one odds. Secondly, I very much doubt there's a  new car dealership in Bangkok that doesn't have an English speaking representative. Next, to suggest a dealer sales person doesn't or can't provide fuel consumption figures is nonsense. Go to any showroom or Mall display of new vehicles & one of the most obvious specs displayed on either the windscreen or window, is fuel consumption.

    I've dealt with new & used dealers in Bangkok, Chiang Mai & Sakon Nakhon.... only recently purchased a new Yamaha. So yes, have tried it many times. The sales rep at the Yamaha dealer had only very basic English ability... Sakon Nakhon. When it came time for monetary negotiations, the sales rep went next door to the Honda dealer & immediately came back with a young salesman who spoke sufficient English to seal the deal.

    No, not naive at all. To consider this post is 100% plausible is as crazy as the post itself.

  9. 1 hour ago, scorecard said:

    That dealership is 10 minutes drive from my house, a few years back my son and I looked at several smaller versions of the SUV, many brands.


    We stopped at the chev Mahidol showroom, only staff in site was 3 'pretty girls', who insisted on taking our questions.


    Son asked a question about the engine. Answer, 'yes it's a very beautiful car'


    Same response for one or two more questions.


    Then a young guy appeared, son asked him 'what gasoline mileage can I expect'. Son had to explain his question several different ways. Answer; don't know, nobody has ever asked that before, just not important.


    Another guy appeared, son asked same question, got a vague answer about that's the specifications for inside the company only and anyway not important.


    A friend suggested to call Chev in Indonesia, I did that and got an immediate answer.


    All at the same time my son called Chev in Bkk and asked the same question. Response 'We don't know, but if you call Chev in Indonesia maybe they can tell you, and if you do get any answer can you please call back to the Bkk office and share the answer.



    "Another guy appeared, son asked same question, got a vague answer about that's the specifications for inside the company only and anyway not important."  "All at the same time my son called Chev in Bkk and asked the same question. Response 'We don't know, but if you call Chev in Indonesia maybe they can tell you, and if you do get any answer can you please call back to the Bkk office and share the answer."  Do you really think anyone believes this ? even as sarcasm it's pretty poor.

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