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Posts posted by malt25

  1. "Does anyone know (for sure!) if either, neither or both the next two Monday holidays (5&12 Dec) are 'Dry Days'?"

    Maybe at licensed facilities, but I'll bet most, if not all, mum & pop shops will happily oblige.  

    And, I'd go so far as to say that if you took your own beer or wine to a dry restaurant they'd most probably have no objections to you drinking it.

    But hey, just my opinion.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Kabula said:

    I'm at a loss as to why Pattaya One on-line news has to publish photos of the victim laying in the road bleeding with head injuries clearly visible and not hazed out.  They show no respect, whatsoever for the victim, nor family members in my opinion.


    The Police should not release photos of dead people to the news and be selective who can legally obtain them.

    No disrespect intended here, but ... is this really news worthy ?

    Another Thai road accident - death. Is this news ?

  3. 1 minute ago, malt25 said:

    I'm in Sakon Nakhon. Unfortunately neither of the local Yamaha dealers have any idea of availability time frame. Any of the informed members have any idea of when the Aerox will be heading out into dealer land ?


    Oops ! forgot another issue. I was under the impression that the Yamaha exciter only came in 4 colours. White, Red, Blue & Yellow. I've noticed one, Black with green decals. Is this a standard exciter colour ? Bike appears new.

    Thanks again.

  4. On 11/29/2016 at 7:24 PM, kannot said:

    look at the source....................its  all the idiots  feeding the dogs, they leave  food  everywhere, stupidity, Flying rats are  now everywhere in Thailand and its  getting worse, Pigeons Rats  dogs, wait  until theres  some epidemic of some sorts

    I must admit I've seen a few flying Pink elephants after a BIG night, but ...  "Flying rats are  now everywhere in Thailand and its  getting worse"  What's your poison ? sounds like I'm missing out on something.

  5. Why not take your new toy, smart phone, to where you bought it. Or, a larger phone reseller where a staff member might speak reasonable English. Ask for a tutorial & while they are at it, get them to load your music.

    When I first came to LOS I was same as you, absolutely NO idea about such stuff. Went to a large AIS dealer & had them connect internet to my phone & at the same time give me a demo. Now have a bluetooth radio in my car & listen to radio from all over the world driving.

    Don't give up, you'll really appreciate all the effort once you are all hooked up.

    Good luck.

  6. A couple of years back, when I relocated here to LOS, I tearfully parted with my Ford Falcon XR6 turbo. For those non Aussies it's a 4.0 lt factory turbo, OHC, straight 6.

    Although I was on the very wrong side of 60, I still couldn't help myself. Bigger injectors, flowed turbo, additional fuel pump. Uprated intercooler & associated plumbing. Remapped computer. 90 mm exhaust. Was making 325 Kw at the wheels. That's 436 BHP. Well in excess of 500 at the flywheel.

    My gonads were only big enough to 235 KPH. It was still winding up at that speed but I didn't possess the intestinal fortitude to continue.

    Ah, the memories.

  7. 1 hour ago, lungnorm said:

    Thai's are all the same even the ones who escape to a better and more affluent life in a western country. They borrow and never ever pay it back. My ex wife was an easy mark for lending money but the penny dropped on her third lending. I ended up having to approach the husbands of the borrowers to get my her money back only successful once out of three. So in my mind lending them money in Thailand there would be even less chance of them repaying it.  Seems their mentality is if you have money you can and should give them some. 

    Rubbish ! On a regular basis I loan neighbours here in the village from 1000, to 10,000 baht. NO interest asked. Depending on the amount, I always get a small extra payment. Maybe only 100 baht on a small loan or 1,000 if 10,000 baht loan over a month or so.

    I realize most here will think I'm crazy, but I have a great set of friends & neighbours & happy to assist where I can. My missus says that if the loan isn't repaid, the borrower would be looked down upon by all the village.

    Contrary to popular belief, not all Thais are tarred with the same brush. I find the honesty of country people quite the opposite of "most" Thais in the cities & tourist centres. 

    But hey ... just my opinion.

  8. 14 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

    A lot can go wrong....yiu can get hacked....your password copied via a keylogger program.....once the moneys stolen the bank will not return it. 


    I would use it inly if no other option exists...and only on a dedicated laptop which you dont use to download films etc. 

    " A lot can go wrong....yiu can get hacked....your password copied via a keylogger program.....once the moneys stolen the bank will not return it.  "

    Not quite true. My Aussie account was hacked a few years back. I was using a public, internet cafe in Pattaya at the time. Hacker drained my VISA credit card of the maximum. I wasn't aware till I returned  to Oz. Bank advised me of the issue & refunded the full amount, plus 3 months interest free transactions on said card.

    Just saying.

  9. 3 hours ago, Deepinthailand said:

    For goodness sake stop being so bloody holly your not a grammar expert, I could not give a monkeys arse if there are to many plastic bags in the world when children are dying every day of starvation, or from other easily curable diseases but no plastic bloody bags are far more important to you aren't they, so get off your lilly white charger and try and do some real good for a change

    My dear Deep.

    1. I have no intention of starting a petition. I simply posted the reply from 7-11.

    2. I saw 2 issues in the original post. Plastic bags & no reply to e-mails in Thailand. I always get a reply to all my Thai e-mails, so I thought I'd see if 7-11 would reply, they did.

    3. I'm certainly no tree hugger. I do accept plastic bags if the occasion warrants.

    4. I use said plastic bags for bin liners.

    5. I doubt if you have a monkey's arse to give ? Don't offer what you don't have.

    6. Yes, millions are dying of starvation & disease. Maybe it's mother natures way of trying to slow the over population of the planet, who knows ?

    7. If I were to campaign on any issue here in LOS, plastic bags would be way down on the list. Yes, there are far more important issues.

    8. Sorry, I no longer have my Charger, & it wasn't white. A yellow mustard colour actually. But that was back in the 70's. V8, 4 on the floor, great car in it's time.

    9. Lastly, with all the likes & positive comments, do you feel  you just might be odd man out ?

    Cheers.....     Mal.


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