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Posts posted by malt25

  1. 23 minutes ago, Glumpy said:

    They'll be saying next that helmets must be worn when riding motorcycles....... and giving- way to those in the roundabout........and don't ride/drive against the flow of traffic......have licence / insurance and tax in date........NB ..none of these apply to 12 year old kids riding to school with two pillion passengers ...... 

    Looks like you've just solved the problem.

    Get a local 12 year old kid, riding a motorbike without a helmet, going wrong way down a one way Soi, to go & buy your grog.

    Easy peasy.

  2. I have several different types of tape stored in my small workshop. No air cond. Never a problem.

    But I'd try storing in the fridge if only a few rolls. If you have a hobby or job that requires a lot of tape might be worthwhile investing in a small bar fridge.


    Just a thought.

  3. Yeah, it's a bit confusing. Sign outside "International Translations", but NO entrance or door. Once you go in the coffee shop the guys behind the counter will automatically know what you want & direct you to the rear stairs. The office is small & appears a bit cluttered, but they did a good & prompt job for me.

    Cheers.....     Mal.

  4. "PS my wife retained a small piece of the glass,"

    As I see it, you have good news & bad news.

    The good news, so far your wife is sticking by you. Lucky boy.

    The bad news, she'll use the glass to castrate you next time you wanna play with bikini clad lovelies

    I'd suggest you quit while you're ahead. Pay up !!!.

  5. "Their behavior then deteriorated, but the crew didn't act until I alerted them on landing that the behavior was unacceptable and that they were drinking their own alcohol, a breach of the airline's liquor licence."

    Just wondering, why did you wait for landing ? Why not complain, or bring the situation to the crew's attention, if they were not already aware of it, as soon as the situation became an issue.

  6. I really hate the term rehabilitation. If reminds me of brainwashing, which was used in the wars, or councellling for long term pfisoners etc. They need a stiff punishment, conviscation of their motorcycles, a fine, probation or a curfew and a warning that another time it will be a jail sentence.

    "I really hate the term rehabilitation."

    Simple Definition of rehabilitate

    • : to bring (someone or something) back to a normal, healthy condition after an illness, injury, drug problem, etc.

    • : to teach (a criminal in prison) to live a normal and productive life

    • : to bring (someone or something) back to a good condition.

    Rehabilitation sounds about right to me.

  7. More Rubbish from this lady, look at the income from tourism, your Hospitals should stop dual pricing, and for god stake stop whingeing , or you may see a serious downturn in tourism

    If tourists know they can be insured for 6 Baht more will come here not less, If you buy holiday insurance from your home country to go to any other country it costs a lot more than 6 Baht

    For those who can't add up, 6 Baht x 30 Million visitors = 180 Million baht

    If I were coming here on holiday I would be happy to pay 6 baht for insurance but of course the TV brigade always have to find faults

    "For those who can't add up, 6 Baht x 30 Million visitors = 180 Million baht" Actually, that's multiplication.

    Sorry, that's tongue in cheek :-)

  8. I'm asking a public forum as I'm sure there are a few nutters in Thailand and I'm sure these things have happen before.

    As I've said previously that I don't think he has it in him, but would like to know some advise on other ways to deal with him.

    Ok, a bit more advice. Make a donation, maybe 2,000, 3,000 baht to the BIB party fund. Will definitely produce better result.

    I accept most on here bag the Thai police, but I've them helpful when approached with a genuine concern, not time wasting nonsense.

    But again, just my opinion.

  9. Sorry but your posts are confusing.

    I have hijacked nothing and I think you will find my first post very informative for any expats wishing to buy a car.

    Would you care to let me know what part of your post is very informative ?

    I know nothing of the "story" either.

    And certainly not paranoid about anything, let alone buying a car or a bike. Maybe not in every instance, however I am aware of several purchases being negotiated more favorably by a Thai than an expat.

  10. I fear those suggestions (whilst right) will bring out the know-it-alls who will accuse you of hiding behind your wife instead of not dealing with the matter yourself.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    "I fear those suggestions (whilst right) will bring out the know-it-alls who will accuse you of hiding behind your wife instead of not dealing with the matter yourself."

    And this is a problem if it will save you a chunk of cash !

  11. So i have to ask. You take a Thai speaking person to barter get the price down; but farang must show up at some stage for transition of ownership, doesnt the seller then get angry/feel deceived?

    "doesn't the seller then get angry/feel deceived?"

    So what ! I'm sure most expats get somewhat angry with all the dual pricing & other such scams. There ain't no level playing fields here. We're just playing by their rules.

    But, just my opinion.

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