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Everything posted by BangkokHank

  1. I seldom use an air-conditioner (which is the biggest user of electricity in a home), as I find that a powerful fan keeps me cool enough for a fraction of the cost. Doing that keeps my electricity bill in the range of 600-800 baht per month. I just point the fan at myself. I don't need to cool the whole room to cool myself. Try it.
  2. I couldn't have said it better myself. The people running this website clearly have a political agenda, and anything that goes against that agenda is suppressed. That is not a formula for success.
  3. Toxicity and negativity don't bother me. But censorship does.
  4. Thanks for the advice. How did I make it this far in life without you?
  5. I don't know the idioms from every English speaking country. This particular idiom, in this context, is a British one. I speak (and teach) American English.
  6. I lived in Ho Chi Minh City from 2015-2021. It was common for Vietnamese students to approach foreigners in the park near the backpacker district to practice English. In fact that's how I met most of my Vietnamese friends. The Vietnamese are different from Thais. They actually ARE interested in practicing English, and they often lack the money to pay for lessons. Unlike Thais, they are not too proud to ask for a free opportunity to practice. So especially in a place like Quy Nhon, where they don't see many foreigners, I would accept what this woman said at face value. I don't think she intends to cheat you. But if you are afraid of being cheated, just pick the restaurant yourself - if you decide that you would like to eat something together. Or just tell her that you're not hungry.
  7. At first I thought the headline of this article said "Construction tycoon jailed for poaching leaves", and I thought, "Stealing leaves from a tree is not such a serious crime. There must be more to the story."
  8. OK. Thanks. So no increase since I taught there 10 years ago.
  9. Can anybody tell me what they are currently paying teachers at AUA?
  10. I guess the Thai authorities don't want people curing themselves of diseases any more than Western authorities want us to.
  11. The reasonable solution would have let the the two service providers BID for the business of the tourists. The lowest price wins. The only reason to fight would be if they were both expecting to gouge the tourists.
  12. Are you trying to convince ME that Biden won the election, or are you trying to convince YOURSELF? Given a choice between believing a biased, corrupt media - and my own eyes and common sense, I choose to believe what I see. As for this website's requirement to quote "an approved credible source", that's just a feeble attempt to cover blatant censorship, as whatever proof I present that goes against this site's approved version of events would de facto be deemed neither approved nor credible. As such, it is pointless for me to try to argue with a person who has the right to censor anything I say.
  13. I just watched this video about the medicinal benefits of hemp oil for such things as skin cancer (which I have). https://www.bitchute.com/video/6FnkaUmeDl2j/ Does anybody here have any experience with the use of hemp oil? Is hemp oil the same as hemp seed oil? Or does hemp oil come from a different part of the plant? And most importantly, where can I buy hemp oil in Bangkok? Thanks.
  14. Since the lockdowns worked so well the first time around, who wouldn't want to have them imposed on us again?! Lockdowns can destroy the economy, not stop the spread of COVID, AND let the Democrats cheat their way into power again through the need for mail-in ballots. What's not to like about that?
  15. So the only posts that are relevant are the ones that confirm what you have already decided that you believe? This whole "global warming/climate change" thing was thought up in a meeting of wannabe globalists who had to find some pretext to convince the world that we need a one-world government. In my youth they tried other ways, such as preventing global cooling, then nuclear war, etc. They apparently finally hit on the right formula with "global warming/climate change", because it sure seems to be duping a lot of people into begging to have their rights taken away to "save the planet".
  16. https://nypost.com/2023/08/09/climate-scientist-admits-the-overwhelming-consensus-is-manufactured/
  17. Here's my prediction: Hunter Biden will be found innocent of all charges, and he'll be nominated for sainthood.
  18. That's what ALL foreigners come here for. Don't you read the Tourism Authority of Thailand statistics?
  19. I thought this was going to be about children whose mothers are men.
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