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Everything posted by BangkokHank

  1. Thanks for improving upon my joke. I really should have thought of that myself. What a missed opportunity. Ha.
  2. There's also nothing wrong with saying that somebody LOOKS like a lesbian, especially if they do. I myself happen to be a lesbian trapped in a man's body, not that I'm complaining.
  3. I just thought of a brilliant legal strategy for the Spaniard, one that a Thai judge would certainly be able to relate to: "Do you know who my father is?!" I should have been a lawyer.
  4. I had a colonoscopy done in Chennai some years ago for less than USD 100. Luckily I have a (farang) friend there with whom I can stay if I ever need to go back.
  5. I was once stopped by a policeman for littering. He tapped me on the shoulder as I was going up the stairs of the Ploenchit Center, pointed to a cigarette on the ground, and said to me in broken English that I had dropped it - obviously expecting me to pay a fine. I told him in Thai that I don't smoke, after which he just smiled sheepishly and walked away - to look for another victim. Another time, I struck up a conversation with a foreign woman negotiating with these "catchers of farang litterers". She asked me what she should do. I told her to just run away! They're not going to shoot her, and given that they're just looking for easy money, they're not even likely to chase her. They'll just sit around and wait for the next farang. And while I agree that littering is wrong, these "officials" actually make it a point to remove all trash bins from the area where they are trying to entrap foreigners. If they really cared about littering, they would just put out trash bins. So, as with most things in Thailand, this is about the money.
  6. So the fix is in. Because his family is well connected, he's going to get to serve his sentence (in comfort) in Spain. I hope that option is available to me should I ever commit premeditated murder and dismember the body.
  7. Sure, one of his legs is now 3cm shorter than the other. But looking on the bright side, one of his legs is now 3cm LONGER than the other.
  8. Aha, thanks for the tip. I will try that. I bought four of them (on sale for half price). I was going to throw them away. Now I might not have to. Thanks again.
  9. I can recommend one that you SHOULDN'T buy: https://www.deoklear.com This Thai stick deodorant is the first deodorant that I have ever bought that simply cannot be applied. It's just a solid block of something that just doesn't go on. They really need to rework their formula.
  10. The situation in Europe with the Muslim refugees is dire. Just look at what happened in France recently. And this is exactly why the "far right" is rising again in Germany. Or do you really think that this is happening now for no reason whatsoever?
  11. Exactly. Why don't they call people like us "anti-communists" or "anti-globalists"? That would be more honest, but it wouldn't have the effect that they desire.
  12. I am a peaceful, law-abiding citizen here, contributing to the local economy without doing any harm to anyone. I don't get any benefits from the government, I can't vote or otherwise influence the country. I do not try to change Thailand. The people who are invading Europe and the US are being paid to invade - by our enemies, and even with our own tax money. That is unacceptable to me.
  13. If that's what it takes to save them from communism, which has killed infinitely more people throughout history than fascism has.
  14. Do you really expect EVERYONE to accept the destruction of Europe and America by your people without a fight? (I assume that your username "Red Forever" is a reference to your communist ideology?)
  15. This resurgence of the "far right" is Europe's only hope to save itself from the invading hordes of Muslim and African invaders. It can't happen fast enough, as far as I'm concerned. We need the same thing in the US as well.
  16. So he wanted to catch one snake in exchange for releasing another.
  17. Thanks. That's what I suspected. It seems like such a petty reason to use up a precious third of a page of my passport.
  18. I didn't think they stamped a passport for being a day or two late for the 90-day reporting either, but here it is. What I can read from this is the "90 days" and the 2,000 baht (that I paid). Can somebody translate the rest of it? They didn't take a dislike to me. They were very friendly and polite with me, as I was with them. As this was my first time to be late with my 90-day reporting in my 22 years here, I just assumed it was normal for them so stamp the passport for this. Has anybody else experienced this before?
  19. Two weeks before the due date and one week after, right? In that case it's not a 90-day report. It's a 75-day report if I report my address two weeks before the due date every time.
  20. I did the same thing. I had applied online before my due date, but when I didn't hear from them by the time of my due date, I went in to the Immigration Bureau as soon as I could, which was yesterday, after a six day holiday. Unfortunately they didn't waive my fine. It's all about the money, because there is no rational point to the exercise.
  21. Exactly. I did my report yesterday. So if I move tomorrow, they won't know where I am until I report my address again in another 90 days. A sensible rule would be: "If you move to a new address, you must report the new address to us within seven days. Until then, we will assume that you are still at the last address that you reported to us." But since they don't do that, I think it is safe to assume that the whole point of the exercise is to generate some easy revenue. The fine for being late with this report is more than the cost of the visa renewal for an entire year. It's totally out of proportion to the "crime".
  22. I just did mine yesterday - eight days after the due date - due to the bloody six day holiday. I got the queue number 495 when I arrived just after the lunch break, and I had to pay the 2,000 baht fine anyway - in addition to getting a big red stamp in my passport branding me as a criminal who missed his (totally pointless - except as a way of generating revenue for the Immigration Bureau) 90-day report.
  23. The US is bankrupt. However, it will always be able to pay its debt because its debt is in its own currency, which it can, and does, print up at will. So while it will always be able to pay its debts, the money that it uses to pay these debts will eventually be worthless.
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