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Everything posted by BangkokHank

  1. I put the first tranche of the money that I sent over last December into physical gold. It's already up over 30% since I bought it six months ago. That makes up for several years worth of paltry interest at a Thai bank.
  2. The extreme censorship killed the site.
  3. Here's what I did/plan to do: At the end of last year, I transferred into Thailand enough money to last me for a few years. Over the next few years, I will transfer into Thailand the maximum amount that I can transfer without incurring any tax obligation. In the meantime, I will just let the rest of my money accumulate offshore for a few years. Then, during the year that I want to transfer into Thailand enough money to live off of for the following few years, I'll make it a point to spend just over six months out of the country, say in a cheap country like Vietnam - where I have many friends and generally enjoy being. So instead of having to spend six months out of the country every year to eliminate my tax obligations in Thailand, I can do it once every three or so years. Sound like a good plan?
  4. This gives me an idea for a book: "How I Spent More Than Twenty Years in Thailand Without Going to Jail Because I Didn't Do Anything Stupid". Some highlights from the book: I went to the toilet EVERY day, and I didn't get in a single fight. Now where's my money?
  5. They could have flown for that price.
  6. I just got that SMS for the first time a couple of days ago. I'm pretty sure that clicking on the link would not lead to anything good, so I deleted the message without clicking on the link.
  7. Some people are just foolish enough to believe their own eyes. Imagine that.
  8. Well, now the perp will have a place to stay for a long time - without having to worry about finding a job.
  9. I don't know what's worse: his overstay, or the fact that he would wear blackface in this day and age.
  10. I'm sure the foreign couple would have preferred to have their daughter use a toilet - had one been available nearby. In any case, do Thais really expect all foreigners to know what will offend them? A foreigner kicking a doctor in the back will get him deported, but a Thai killing a foreign woman with a speeding vehicle while running a red light doesn't elicit any outrage from Thais.
  11. Brilliant. Well done. What AI program did you use? And what prompts did you use, if I may ask?
  12. Yes, but you'd better not say anything about it. The last two people who blew the whistle on Boeing got whacked.
  13. It rained all day yesterday in my part of Bangkok - out on Srinakarin Road. But today, not a drop.
  14. Deport this Thai criminal to Switzerland.
  15. My understanding is that the online 90-day reporting has to be done 15 days before the due date. So doing it a week before the due date won't work.
  16. Everybody looks so happy there. I'm moving to North Korea.
  17. I spent five weeks in Dalat, Vietnam, during this past March and April. While I was there, I saw a modern-looking eye hospital, so I stopped by to get my eyes checked for cataracts. The eye test cost me the equivalent of 220 baht, and the result was that I don't need cataract surgery just yet. However, the doctor said I should continue testing myself every year because I will eventually need the surgery. So I took the opportunity to enquire about the cost of the cataract surgery there, and it ranged from about $1,000 per eye up to $2,000 per eye for the newest, fanciest lenses. The doctor told me that he does cataract surgeries every day, so I would feel comfortable having the surgery done there when my time comes. This is the website of the hospital: https://matsaigondalat.com And here is the price list, which I photographed when I was there. Everything is in Vietnamese, but you can see the names of each kind of lens in English - and research them based on that. Right now there are about 25,000 Vietnamese dong to the US dollar.
  18. Yes, you can use Grab from the airport. I did it about a month ago and it cost me the equivalent of about five US dollars to get from the airport to the center of the city. Otherwise there are (cheap) buses from the airport to the city, which is an option if you are staying somewhere where the buses pass. Speaking of buses, there is a fantastic app for buses in Saigon called "Bus Map". It tells you the routes, which buses stop at the bus stops near you, when the next bus will arrive, etc. But Grab is both good and cheap. Once you settle in to your hotel and you don't have a lot of luggage to carry around, you might consider using the Grab motorbikes, which are also plentiful and very cheap.
  19. If you oppose genocide, then you support Hamas.
  20. It almost seems like it's just about getting more money from foreigners rather than pursuing any kind of strategy.
  21. This is the obvious question, but we won't get an official answer - because the answer is also obvious.
  22. The fact that it's a couple of Jews who get to decide whether Biden runs again or not tells you all you need to know about who controls American politics.
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