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Everything posted by BangkokHank

  1. Do you think that everyone should have the same opinion as you do about everything?
  2. So this problem could have been averted by simply putting the immigration center in the center of the city. Another confirmation that Thais don't think the same way that we do.
  3. This is the place that I always used during my recent seven-year stay in Vietnam. Cheap and good, although I only ever went there for having my teeth cleaned: https://elitedental.com.vn/en/
  4. Nha Trang is a very nice, fairly large beach town - with tons of nice but cheap hotels and plenty of restaurants catering to tourists. Da Nang has equally nice beaches but is a much larger city, which means more places to visit in the area - in addition to the beaches. You can't go wrong with either place.
  5. As I said, taxation should be completely separated from income - and be completely tied to consumption, regardless of the source of the income. If high earners want to just earn a lot of money without spending it, then it's true that they wouldn't pay any taxes. But does anybody earn money to just sit on it? I don't think so. It would be easy enough to set up a system whereby things used by everybody, especially the low earners, such as food, would be taxed at lower rates, and luxury goods could be taxed at higher rates.
  6. They wouldn't be paying the same amount. The "elites who earn millions a year" also spend more than those on a small monthly salary, so they would automatically pay more taxes. The only way they would not pay more taxes is if they didn't spend their money. Do you know any rich people who just pile up their money without spending any of it? Use your head a bit.
  7. Exactly. Income should not be taxed. It would be enough to just tax consumption. Then there would be no need for people to try to hide their incomes; there would be no need for all those employees in the tax department; etc.
  8. That's the main reason why I have only been to Phuket once in my 21 years in Thailand, and why I will not set foot in that place again. They think it's clever to cheat tourists. But they can't cheat me if I don't go there.
  9. I wanted to laugh at your comment because it's funny. But the right to laugh at funny comments has been taken away from us just because one overly-sensitive forum member considers it to be trolling.
  10. So that's where I went wrong. I am retiring next month at the age of 63, and now I find out that it took me so long because I never smoked weed. I wish I had known this 20 years ago.
  11. Or a woman with a "brother" from a previous marriage.
  12. Not only have I heard of them, I have been to both of those countries.
  13. My 85-year-old father experiences the same thing. (He is not on his death bed though.)
  14. I don't think this Chinese woman arranged this after arriving in Bangkok. So there must be a website where it can be done - through some kind of facilitator. And they must have advertised in China. Otherwise how else would she have known about it?
  15. And then to report them for "misinformation" when they beat you in an argument, as you have done to me many times.
  16. And by "far right", do you mean anyone who is not a communist like you?
  17. I think it's HIGHLY unlikely that she would be satisfied with just 500 baht per visit for the long term. That's not much more than free, and if she's half as attractive as you say she is, she could easily find 20-year-old guys who would be willing to have sex with her for free. She knows that the clock is running out for her. This is just an introductory price to get her foot in the door. Later, the price is going to go up - a lot. Keep us posted about how this turns out.
  18. So these people came/were brought to Thailand when they were around 10 years old. Somehow I don't think they came here by their own choice.
  19. The article does not say that there are no prostitutes in Pattaya. It just says that no prostitutes were "found" by the police during their inspection tour. And if you try hard enough not to find something, you won't find it. So technically, and in their own minds, they are not lying. Problem solved - the Thai way.
  20. Do you mean a source that agrees with your opinion? How about if you try to come up with a better idea than just trying to discredit the source when you can't refute a point. Can I just say that your argument is invalid because you support it with links to extreme left-wing sites? Or does that only work for one wing?
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