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Everything posted by BangkokHank

  1. The judicial system is totally corrupt as well.
  2. Seriously? Is that really your only issue with the current state of American "democracy" - that people protested against a blatantly stolen election? What about the fact that a totally senile puppet was installed in place of the man who was actually elected? Does that not bother you?
  3. OK. That I knew. What I am suggesting is that, should he stage a miraculous comeback, it will be because of his World Economic Forum connection. We will know soon enough whether my suspicions are correct.
  4. People still (naively) think that they have a choice about who their political leaders will be. They don't. Thanathorn will be the next Thai Prime Minister, for the simple reason that he is the WEF's choice to lead the country next on the path to tyranny:
  5. I second this recommendation. I use AIG for all of my major trips abroad. Only once did I have to make a claim (I got sick while in Africa and had to visit a fairly expensive clinic - it was either that, or a witch doctor). When I got back to Bangkok, AIG reimbursed me for my expenses quickly, professionally, and fairly, even to the point of using the actual USD/THB exchange rate on the day of my treatment. So I will continue to use them on my future trips.
  6. I don't think the Rabbit card can be used on both, although I could be wrong. I have separate cards for the MRT and the BTS.
  7. Carrying a couple of cards is not the inconvenience. The problem is having to pay the starting price each time you change systems rather than just paying the incremental price. It would be like taking a taxi for half of a two kilometer trip, with a 35 baht starting rate, and then switching to another taxi for the next kilometer of your trip. You would have to pay the flag fall rate of 35 baht each time, and that's not fair.
  8. This is what I use. It's a bit expensive, but it works VERY well. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i1622700139-s4457876382.html I learned about it when I told my condo's exterminator about my cockroach problem. He just put a few drops of this stuff around my kitchen and bathroom, and voila - problem solved.
  9. How I miss the times before COVID, when nobody ever died of anything.
  10. It has been refused approval by the American FDA - because it works - without the pharmaceutical companies getting any money out of it. The FDA is financed by and works for the pharmaceutical industry, and not for the health of the American people.
  11. Right. But this option is only open to those with the right (by which I mean left) political beliefs.
  12. I went to the village in Isaan with my then girlfriend 20 years ago. (I was 43 years old at the time and she was 23.) Before we went, I told her that I had no intention of marrying her - and I asked her if that would be a problem for her or her family. She assured me that it wouldn't be a problem. We spent a nice weekend in the village. But for the next few years (until she married another farang), she was ridiculed in the village for having brought a farang back who didn't marry her. So regardless of what this woman says, going back to the village with her represents a commitment in the eyes of her family and her fellow villagers. If you are not ready to make a commitment, I don't think you should go. In fact, she might use this against you later to pressure you into marrying her - saying that not doing so would spoil her reputation in the eyes of her family and friends. That's not a good basis for a marriage.
  13. It's silly to blame the increase in diabetes on racism when the cause is obviously climate change.
  14. Ha. Exactly. I had been using a 150-baht place near my home for the past year - with what I considered to be just tolerable results. Then I tried a 600-baht place near the Emporium a few weeks ago, and it was a DISASTER! So I went back to my 150-baht place today with a new sense of appreciation for my cheap but tolerable haircut. My philosophy about haircuts in Thailand now is: It's going to be a bad haircut in any case, so it might as well be cheap. Several of my Thai barbers over the years have actually blamed MY HAIR for the bad haircuts. I was starting to accept their explanation - until I went to India for a vacation - and had the best haircut of my life - for 30 baht. So it's not so much a matter of the price. It's a matter of Thais generally not being able to cut farang hair very well. Unfortunately, I can't go to India every time I need a haircut.
  15. You're right about the natural selection, just not in the way that you meant it. I just pray that you really are as "vaccinated" as you claim to be.
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