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Everything posted by BangkokHank

  1. My solution is to go to Nha Trang, Vietnam, when I want to have a beach vacation. There are cheap direct flights to there from Bangkok (DMK), I can get a great hotel right near the beach for less than 600 baht a night, and there are several awesome restaurants in the city. And the transportation around the city is quite cheap: With Grab bikes, I rarely paid more than 20 baht to get wherever I needed to go. And while the airport is far from the city, there is a cheap bus into the city center - and from the city center back to the airport every half hour. And as if all that weren't enough, the people there are very warm, helpful and welcoming. With all that, who needs Phuket?
  2. Exactly. I went to Phuket when I first arrived in Thailand 30 years ago, and I have not returned since - due to the transport mafia there. I don't have to go where I'm sure I'll be cheated/abused.
  3. It's interesting that you would mention that because I just found some great taco shells at Macro (imported from Mexico) - and with them I make DELICIOUS tacos! This makes me look forward to my dinner each day - for the first time in a long time.
  4. Low vs. high fat is not the issue. The issue is good vs. bad fats. You can eat as much good fats (coconut oil, butter, ghee, lard, tallow) as you want, and you should avoid the bad fats ("vegetable" oils) - as well as sugar. (Good) fats will make you feel full, so you won't need to eat as much - if losing weight is your goal.
  5. If they really wanted to give everybody 10,000 baht, they could do it without the digital wallet. This is just an attempt to lure people into slavery via a central bank digital currency that can track all expenditures, as well as prevent anyone who opposes the regime from being able to spend their money. It's a totalitarian's dream. I hope it doesn't go through.
  6. So nearly 70 of America's (traitorous) Democratic senators and representatives have asked America's Gentile-hating Jewish Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and Jewish Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas to bring Palestinians who are being bombed relentlessly by Israel over to America? Let me guess what THEY'RE going to say: "Why not send ALL Palestinians to America? That would solve the dual Israeli objective of of Israel of getting rid of all Palestinians while further destroying America." I have a better proposal: Why not send all of the Palestinians who are dispersed throughout the world to Gaza, to make up for the ones slaughtered by Israel?
  7. We're all trying to figure out the best way to do something that is absolutely pointless. Why should it be necessary to report, every 90 days, that you are still living at the same place that you have been living at for the past x years?! A sensible rule would be: Unless you have moved since your last report, we don't want to hear from you. And if you move, we want to hear from you within, say, 48 hours - or a week. To have to report every 90 days that you're still living in the same place is nothing more than a way to get money from people by making it difficult to do the reporting. This has ZERO to do with "national security" or any such thing. If you are a criminal, for example, then you're obviously not going to be doing your 90-day report. Anyway, I guess I'll have to trudge all the way across the city (using three metro lines and a full day of my time) to visit the Chaeng Wattana Immigration Office - simply because I left the country since my last (online) report. Still, I will try to do it online just in case, starting 15 days before the due date, and if that is rejected, 14 days before, 13 days before, etc., until the due date - at which time I'll just go there in person. What a humiliating way to live.
  8. Shouldn't it be zero BAHT tours?
  9. If what you say is true, then this really is the classic worst case scenario. They are all using you. You should first get the daughter tested to see if she's really yours. If she's not, then leave the country ASAP. And if she is, also leave the country ASAP. And if you do leave, don't send any money to support your daughter (if she's yours), as the money will not be used for her. Tell your wife that you will either take full responsibility for your daughter (if she really is yours) by bringing her back to Europe with you. If you can't do that, then you will not offer any support. Her choice. There's no point in destroying your life for the daughter. Staying here for the daughter is also pointless, as it would not be good for the daughter to grow up in such a toxic environment. Don't worry about her not having a father figure in her life. Your wife's boyfriend/brother can play that role - without you having to finance the lot of them.
  10. Don't worry. You will NOT be taxed on money remitted by your friend.
  11. Send me 20,000 baht and I'll explain to you how the scam works.
  12. That's what the machine is for, but I would never deposit money into a machine. Too much could go wrong, as we saw in this case. The downside exceeds the upside, at least for me. I'll just wait until the bank is open, put my money into the hand of the bank employee, and have my bankbook (or bookbank, as Thais call it) updated on the spot. No risk.
  13. An honest person would know that somebody intended to deposit that money - and he would have given it to the bank.
  14. Isn't that the whole point of driving a BMW - to be able to kill people with impunity?
  15. So it's a town full of moaning old right wingers (who hate to see their country swirling down the drain), and Farage will win them over with his poisonous views? And let me guess: YOU just happen to have the all the right views. Why even bother having an election when YOU already know what's best for the country.
  16. Are you saying that it is necessary to be a top scientist to have an opinion? In that case, are YOU a top scientist? Or even a bottom one? I have a brain - and eyes. And nobody's offering me money to say what they want me to say. So you can continue believing corrupt top scientists (like Fauci), and I'll continue believing my eyes.
  17. The world's top scientists find what they are paid to find, and don't find what they are paid not to find.
  18. In America too. It's always people of the "teen" ethnicity.
  19. Right. And unfortunately, I can't see them doing anything that will make it easier/better for us retirees!
  20. Is there a complete list somewhere of ALL 93 countries whose citizens will not need a visa to come to Thailand, as well as a complete list of countries whose citizens will qualify for the visa on arrival?
  21. That's our Western thinking. For Thais, the fight is only just starting when your opponent is on the ground unconscious.
  22. Based on the detailed description of the perp, I think I saw him.
  23. I once donated hundreds of wonderful books to the old AUA library in Bangkok before they moved to their new location. Many of the books I wanted to keep, but I just didn't have the space for them. So I thought that giving them all to a single library would allow me to access my books in the future should I wish to revisit them. When AUA moved into its new premises, I assumed they would take their library with them. When I visited the new location, I found that they hadn't. So I asked them what they had done with all the books. They said they sold them! This infuriated me, as I could have sold them myself, except that I wanted to maintain access to them while sharing them with others. I still haven't forgiven them for this.
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