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Posts posted by talahtnut

  1. 16 hours ago, mommysboy said:

    Us 'reds' have a lot to thank Tory Brexiteers for- after all...they're about to do something no Labour Party has ever been able to do....deliver Uk's first truly socialist government!!:sleepy:

    The Tory party's austerity/poverty policies are the gift to Labour.

    Too many people struggling in UK, they must have their say.

    The Tory's 'fairer society' talk is not the way they walk.

    • Like 2
  2. 15 hours ago, Airbagwill said:

    You realise that (inaccurately) pointing out the faults of one Nation  - albeit member of ASEAN - has no relation to the post I made? ....Apparently not..... 


    The problems of one nation in no way justify or mitigate the sins of another.


    However, do you really want a future UK to be on a par with Thailand.....but without the weather?

    If you think that Thai immigration laws are 'faulty', go back to Bradford.


    • Like 1
  3. 15 hours ago, Grouse said:

    It's rather more subtle than that


    Certainly the EU will not offer the UK a good deal partly for the reasons you cite.


    However, making clear that remedies will be sought if the UK is in breach seems wise to me. ( according to degree)

    If the EU can't honour a democratic decision with grace,  there is a greater reason to leave.

  4. 15 hours ago, oldhippy said:


    I could do without French wine, cheese and German cars, as an example.


    When people say things like this, you realise that further discussion is pointless.

    Pointless indeed it is, cant beat cracking English cheese, Ozzy wine..

    not sure about German cars though..disgraceful selling Rolls and Bentley.

  5. 15 hours ago, MrPatrickThai said:

    Thai Visa membership has fallen dramatically(George sure knows when to sell) and sadly, there seems to be only the older retired types who have married Isarn women left. This reflects the stories that are put in the "news" as gets more responses than real news related to Thailand. All these old fuddy duddies like to criticize as it makes their own situation feel better, living in a dirt poor province with a farmer's daughter half their age, but she works hard and is grateful for them being her saviour! 

    Some of us old fuddy duddies might have realised that there is more to life than a big city, where everything is fake and hype. 

    • Like 1
  6. 19 hours ago, spermwhale said:

    Yes it's too bad that so many guys go slumming to find a girl to bring back home. You pick an uneducated girl from the sticks, then you get what you deserve. 

    I'm always amazed at guys who will date these losers here but would never think of dating a similar loser trailer trash girl back home. 


    Its always women that do the choosing, and like attracts like.

  7. 15 hours ago, chippendale said:

    Of course! You get free housing, free welfare handouts, no strings attached. You can hustle up some extra tax-free cash in various criminal scams. And if you're muslim, you can whine about how impossible life is in the West and intimidate other religions, women and homosexuals. Everyone else will defer to you out of fear.

    Yep, sold up in London, got quite scary, a bizarre mix of folk,- but when my car conked out in Finsbury Park, blacks and all sorts gave me a push start. Conversely, car was pilfered in Belgravia. I've had a brick thrown at me while driving,  attacked by a gang of hoodies wielding baseball bats and hammers. Not the best place to take Thai lady.

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